I always like the bullshit slung around about white privilege. It is based on the idea that white people get better jobs, have better grades and live a better life than minorities. It all falls apart when you consider Asians though, they outperform whitey in just about every area you can consider. No one seems to talk about Asian privilege.
...and Naynay, you're welcome to try out the theory that a 95lbs 15 year old child could knock me out. You're not too far off on any of those parameters.
Well, her and I are still " friends ". He's currently staying at a court mandated in-house rehab place. He's since found Jesus and has " changed his ways ".
He confessed to selling both heroin and coke, but claims he's never tried either.
Interesting. So where did the court mandate come from? He must have gotten in trouble after that incident?
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
Interesting. So where did the court mandate come from? He must have gotten in trouble after that incident?
He was on parole for something ( even i thought was bullshit ) he did at school. His teachers password was something stupid like 123456 and he guessed it and changed some files to things like "You're stupid' " nobody likes you" and things like that. They tried to charge him for cyber terrorism ( since he did something similar to a kid on facebook around the same time ) and pleaded down to some lesser chage, and sentenced to 1 year probation. He failed his first 3 drug. 1st was pot 2nd was pot 3rd was pot and opiates.
white privilege is the biggest made up crock of shit ever.
White privilege just means you are automatically declared a racist because you are white by default. No one should have to apologize for being born any race. No one chooses their ethnic background.
All of this privilege is much more related to $$$$$ than ethnicity. Anyone thinking differently hasn't studied how our justice system works for those with money and those without. Privilege in this country is bought and has nothing to do with race.
Most KKK members are hillbilly stumpfucks that have no power over anything. I guess it is good to know that they aren't racists?
Are you kidding? Don't you know? That microscopic, nearly invisible minority is all that's wrong with this country! I mean if it wasn't for them this would be utopia.