Originally posted by AnthonyS
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Besides that, I still want candidates (at least who I vote for) to not change their opinion on any issues just based on the latest poll. Even if I disagree with them on a few issues I want them to have well thought out opinions and stick to them unless they give real thought and consideration to new information (Scott Walker's claim to change on immigration, for instance). Trump changes his opionion constantly and seems to be based on the latest poll or who he is speaking to, which is just a standard politician who lies constantly. We have had that in the president for this entire century and most of the last one, and we don't need if again. I am not sure who the right candidate is at this point, or if there even is an honest one among them, but I know it is not Trump.
At this point I am willing to vote for Rand Paul solely based on his tax proposal. If he only did that one thing it would have a huge impact on the economy.