Originally posted by Denny
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Precious metals aren't an alternative investment or any type of investment at all; they are a hedge against financial collapse. Anyone thinking financial collapse isn't a possibility isn't paying attention. Honestly I don't know how long the current game can continue; 5 years, 100 years, 200 years? Eventually they won't be able to pay the retirement, healthcare, and other commitments and shit will collapse. You think not? Go look at the roads and bridges in this country. We pay a shit ton for their upkeep, but they are going ignored and falling apart. The electric grid is in similar shit shape. Can't afford to fix the roads because they have to pay welfare, retirement, stupid wars, etc. The end game is horrible and if it isn't in my lifetime I plan for my kids and grandkids (if it makes that long) to be prepared.
Do you honestly think social security will exist in 30 years in its present form? How? Medicare? How? What will our roads look like in 30 years?
There are more goverment employees in this country than there are people building things (manufacturing jobs), how is that sustainable?
Want to know an interesting and very real fact. If everyone went to the bank on payday this Friday to get their check in cash, the entire system would collapse in one day since there isn't enough cash to cover payroll even. If all the cash in the world were confiscated in every fiat currency, there is not enough of it to pay off the US debt, much less everyone elses. Math is a real bitch.