Because economic isolationism has a 200+ year track record of being a complete and utter failure.
Except there is no economic isolationism with the members of this trade pact. We already have trade with the members negotiating this. We even have free trade with two members of this agreement (Canada and Mexico). We have pretty damn healthy trade with every other member.
We don't have free trade with all of them but that isn't isolationism. The tariffs we do have can barely be called protectionist with a few notable exceptions like the BS chicken tax.
I have a lot of problems with this treaty. Free trade is only a minor issue to me. The real issue is how this treaty is going to give a countries sovereignty a real kick in the nuts. Then there are all the rumors surrounding this because of the secret negotiations. Rand Paul can kiss my ass on this one..
There is only one reason Obama and the Republicans want this. That is because corporate America and Wall Street want this. Anything that drives down costs and increases margins is a good thing for them. However, as NAFTA showed, that doesn't always translate to being a good thing for everyone else.
But hey, at least you can by even cheaper shit at Walmart, right?
Republicans have a strong base of businesses supporting them, and businesses would stand to make a lot of money with this bill, at least from what you've described about it so far. So I can see why Republicans would be for it.
Keep in mind, though, that JFK (a liberal) was more conservative than our Conservatives nowadays. So this is par for the course. I'm not surprised at all. Politicians, in general, are a major problem no matter what they do, it seems.