Originally posted by Forever_frost
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Dear Residents,
We understand your concerns about the safety and general upkeep of ABC Road located in XYZ & ZYX Counties. However, the road in question is not a city maintained road. Records show that per an agreement with the county commisioners office dated 01/01/0101 that the residents of ABC road agreed that from date forward that they, and subsequent property owners of lands adjancent to the road would from then on be responsible for the road. Please see your local planning committe as to determine the best courses of action for addressing this issue
City Hall
Is kind of like having kids... There`s no contract to show they are yours, but you`re still responsible for them. Even you know that in a court of law that proving the city(s) responsibility for the upkeep of the road without a written contract, would be no challenge even for a novice attorney, and why private roads are registered ( and signed ) the way they are.