The street in front of my house (Sachse) is old asphalt and looking real bad, mostly because of the trash trucks. However I hope it stays that way because if they were to fix it, the city would probably come through and re-assess our properties making our taxes go even higher. F that, and the worse it gets the less speeding, shortcuting assholes will use it.
The main problems are this road has a boundary between two cities on it, in addition to intersecting a county line. Despite being a city street, there is a lot of jurisdictional issues here, and they all play it off on each other. That of course is before running into the no money for it crowd.
The main problems are this road has a boundary between two cities on it, in addition to intersecting a county line. Despite being a city street, there is a lot of jurisdictional issues here, and they all play it off on each other. That of course is before running into the no money for it crowd.
Wow. Sounds like you figured out the real problem, rather how much money (or lack there of) is thrown at it. Good for you!
The main problems are this road has a boundary between two cities on it, in addition to intersecting a county line. Despite being a city street, there is a lot of jurisdictional issues here, and they all play it off on each other. That of course is before running into the no money for it crowd.
Ok, I can't really offer much help then. I was hoping you were in Grayson county. Contact your commissioner and see if you can buddy up. Go to the courthouse or wherever his office is.
So by your logic, you're ok with paying someone to do it, and then doing it yourself also?
No, I'm okay with doing it myself if I'm unhappy with the speed at which it's being done, not demanding everyone pay up more cash for it to still not get done.
I don't have an issue with the tea party in general, but my small city is full of some of the more extreme ones that make city hall their pet project and attempt to shout down or out people that get in their way. Again, these same people don't have an issue with using my taxes to pay for the upkeep of their roads, but my long neglected one warrants bussing in others to shout and scream about taxes and such. I'm a moderate.... And I really don't like libs, but this ordeal has really tested my limits with the other side
Cool. So go down to the tax office, write them a check for the cost of the repair and go home. I'm sure the government you trust and are paying MORE, will be sure to fix your issue.
Most people are missing the point. Our taxes aren't low. The government is taking in record tax revenue straight from the working man. But it is being given away to do nothings and terrorists. Our government is fiscally irresponsible and who suffers most? The people paying the most. We get shit roads, shit services, corruption, shit schools, and more taxes.
I don't mind paying my share, but I want good service in return. That means good schools, good roads, clean water, an electrical grid that is safe and reliable. I don't want to fund the lazy, illegally here, and support terrorists anymore.
No, I'm okay with doing it myself if I'm unhappy with the speed at which it's being done, not demanding everyone pay up more cash for it to still not get done.
But why would you fix a road yourself, after you've already paid your part of the taxes that should have already fixed the road? My question isn't about paying MORE money, i'm wondering why you'd tell someone to fix it their self when they've already paid their part in taxes for it to be fixed.
But why would you fix a road yourself, after you've already paid your part of the taxes that should have already fixed the road? My question isn't about paying MORE money, i'm wondering why you'd tell someone to fix it their self when they've already paid their part in taxes for it to be fixed.
I should have been more clear on this earlier. I had a neighbor that did exactly what Frost said he did on his street. Fill the pothole that`s bothering you with a filler and be done with it. Only he got a nicely worded letter from the city with the jurisdiction there that basically informed him not to put things in the road that he would otherwise be responsible for should they cause damages. Also was a polite reminder to not do it again and to call the city if he had pothole concerns.
Mind you he DID call them numerous times, and after a couple of weeks took matters into his own hands.
Most people are missing the point. Our taxes aren't low. The government is taking in record tax revenue straight from the working man. But it is being given away to do nothings and terrorists. Our government is fiscally irresponsible and who suffers most? The people paying the most. We get shit roads, shit services, corruption, shit schools, and more taxes.
I don't mind paying my share, but I want good service in return. That means good schools, good roads, clean water, an electrical grid that is safe and reliable. I don't want to fund the lazy, illegally here, and support terrorists anymore.
Cool. So go down to the tax office, write them a check for the cost of the repair and go home. I'm sure the government you trust and are paying MORE, will be sure to fix your issue.
Where did you read that I wrote that I trusted the government?
I may not be a rabid tea bagger, but I sure as hell am not some tree hugging government loving sheep.