I live in a small conservative town that is about as Texas Conservative that a community can get. I`m not bashing conservativism, but I`m surrounded by many that pay A LOT of lipservice on the fact that "Liberals" have destroyed other places.... Like say Detroit, through high taxes and how Texas being a low tax state is a great thing. If my local street cant even be maintained at all... How is that a great situation?
Here is the situation. My street ( a city maintained street ) was last chip sealed in 1996 -- Yes almost 20 years ago, and the last full repave was in 1978... Almost 4 decades ago. The pot holes eventually do get filled. The keyword there being eventually, but as one can see from the photos, it`s waaaaaaaaaaaay beyond time for repavement.
Ive tried talking to both cities in which this road is a part of, and both have no interest whatsoever in the situation. Both are quick to blame the State of Texas for not providing sufficient money to even consider the project.
I`ve been to Detroit, and the streets that actually have houses on them are not in this bad of shape. That`s with those streets going through some rather significant freeze-thaw cycles year in and year out.
The house I used to own in Richardson while the street wasnt perfect... It was at least maintained to avoid the problems you see here.

Here is the situation. My street ( a city maintained street ) was last chip sealed in 1996 -- Yes almost 20 years ago, and the last full repave was in 1978... Almost 4 decades ago. The pot holes eventually do get filled. The keyword there being eventually, but as one can see from the photos, it`s waaaaaaaaaaaay beyond time for repavement.
Ive tried talking to both cities in which this road is a part of, and both have no interest whatsoever in the situation. Both are quick to blame the State of Texas for not providing sufficient money to even consider the project.
I`ve been to Detroit, and the streets that actually have houses on them are not in this bad of shape. That`s with those streets going through some rather significant freeze-thaw cycles year in and year out.
The house I used to own in Richardson while the street wasnt perfect... It was at least maintained to avoid the problems you see here.
