The jesus character seems like a pretty chill fella. His love your neighbor like yourself is a nice message.
Mohammed seems like a cunt.
But the followers of both of these religions have been pretty cunty historically. Christianity was probably worse a long time ago, but now the islamists are really trying to catch up.
I could walk into a bar wearing a shirt mocking jesus and the worse that would probably happen is someone might talk a little shit. If I wear a shirt mocking mohammed in a muslim country, i could get my head chopped off with one of those curvy swords.
Mohammed seems like a cunt.
But the followers of both of these religions have been pretty cunty historically. Christianity was probably worse a long time ago, but now the islamists are really trying to catch up.
I could walk into a bar wearing a shirt mocking jesus and the worse that would probably happen is someone might talk a little shit. If I wear a shirt mocking mohammed in a muslim country, i could get my head chopped off with one of those curvy swords.