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Ted Cruz to announce presidential bid Monday

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  • #31
    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    I feel the same. He's done absolutely nothing in the Senate but promote himself.
    Hasnt the congress done little to nothing for the last 8 years?


    • #32
      Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
      YES! Holy shit, he's Donny!

      The Dude: It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh...
      Donny: I am the walrus.
      The Dude: You know what I'm trying to say...
      Donny: I am the walrus.
      Walter Sobchak: That fucking bitch...
      The Dude: Oh yeah!
      Donny: I am the walrus.
      Walter Sobchak: Shut the fuck up, Donny! V.I. Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!
      Donny: What the fuck is he talking about, Dude?

      I would like to formally petition the mods to change Gasser64 to Donny with this avatar:

      Fucking seconded! Lol!
      Originally posted by lincolnboy
      After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
        Where do you come up with this shit? Did you just catch up on House of Cards and think you have some great insight now?

        Somedays I wonder if you are a child who managed to get on a computer; a literal child who has an imagination but zero logic or knowledge to temper it with.
        Jumping on the bandwagon eh? Well how about a presidential quote as an answer.

        Garfield- "I should have a statue erected in my honor. Not for anything I ever did, but for all the stupidity I put a stop to".

        Off topic, but funny

        "I am not fit for this office and should never have been here." – Warren G. Harding


        • #34
          Didn't realize his announcement was here in my little town. I don't know that a college is the best place though, as liberal as they can be.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Chuck_Finley View Post
            Just curious, but what meaningful legislation did Obama sponsor?
            Probably the same or close. How well did that work out for us? You've made my argument for me.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Chuck_Finley View Post
              Just curious, but what meaningful legislation did Obama sponsor?
              Most deportations. Despite his endorsement of the DREAM Act, President Obama has deported more illegal immigrants than any president in history. He’s been deporting about 400,000 people a year, about double the number in the George W. Bush administration.

              Most leaks prosecutions. The Obama administration has been criticized for leaking classified information in a series of campaigns to portray the president as a tough, engaged commander-in-chief. But meanwhile the administration information has used the 1917 Espionage Act to target suspected leakers in twice as many cases as all previous presidential administrations combined.

              Most troops in Afghanistan. The United States had about 30,000 troops in Afghanistan during 2008, the last year of President Bush’s term. By the end of 2010, President Obama had increased that number to almost 100,000. It’s down to about 88,000 now, which still might surprise people who recall candidate Obama’s ringing antiwar speeches of 2008.

              Most medical marijuana raids. In March 2009 Attorney General Eric Holder said that the Justice Department would end the Bush administration policy of raiding medical marijuana distributors that violated federal statutes as long as the dispensaries appeared to be complying with state laws. Beginning later that year, however, as Lucia Graves reported at The Huffington Post,

              “The administration has unleashed an interagency cannabis crackdown that goes beyond anything seen under the Bush administration, with more than 100 raids, primarily on California pot dispensaries, many of them operating in full compliance with state laws. Since October 2009, the Justice Department has conducted more than 170 aggressive SWAT-style raids in 9 medical marijuana states, resulting in at least 61 federal indictments.”
              Federal agents have seized property of landlords who rent space to medical marijuana dispensaries and have threatened to prosecute state employees who carry out state laws on medical marijuana.

              Most drone strikes. President Obama doesn’t like the way the Bush administration treated prisoners at Guantanamo, so he’s taking fewer prisoners. The Obama administration has carried out at least 308 covert drone strikes in Pakistan, more than five times the 44 approved under Bush.

              1. Passed Health Care Reform: After five presidents over a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act (2010). It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems.

              2. Passed the Stimulus: Signed $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid greatest recession since the Great Depression. Weeks after stimulus went into effect, unemployment claims began to subside. Twelve months later, the private sector began producing more jobs than it was losing, and it has continued to do so for twenty-three straight months, creating a total of nearly 3.7 million new private-sector jobs.

              3. Passed Wall Street Reform: Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010) to re-regulate the financial sector after its practices caused the Great Recession. The new law tightens capital requirements on large banks and other financial institutions, requires derivatives to be sold on clearinghouses and exchanges, mandates that large banks provide “living wills” to avoid chaotic bankruptcies, limits their ability to trade with customers’ money for their own profit, and creates the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (now headed by Richard Cordray) to crack down on abusive lending products and companies.

              4. Ended the War in Iraq: Ordered all U.S. military forces out of the country. Last troops left on December 18, 2011.

              5. Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan: From a peak of 101,000 troops in June 2011, U.S. forces are now down to 91,000, with 23,000 slated to leave by the end of summer 2012. According to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the combat mission there will be over by next year.

              6. Eliminated Osama bin laden: In 2011, ordered special forces raid of secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in which the terrorist leader was killed and a trove of al-Qaeda documents was discovered.

              7. Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry: In 2009, injected $62 billion in federal money (on top of $13.4 billion in loans from the Bush administration) into ailing GM and Chrysler in return for equity stakes and agreements for massive restructuring. Since bottoming out in 2009, the auto industry has added more than 100,000 jobs. In 2011, the Big Three automakers all gained market share for the first time in two decades. The government expects to lose $16 billion of its investment, less if the price of the GM stock it still owns increases.

              8. Recapitalized Banks: In the midst of financial crisis, approved controversial Treasury Department plan to lure private capital into the country’s largest banks via “stress tests” of their balance sheets and a public-private fund to buy their “toxic” assets. Got banks back on their feet at essentially zero cost to the government.

              9. Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: Ended 1990s-era restriction and formalized new policy allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military for the first time.

              10. Toppled Moammar Gaddafi: In March 2011, joined a coalition of European and Arab governments in military action, including air power and naval blockade, against Gaddafi regime to defend Libyan civilians and support rebel troops. Gaddafi’s forty-two-year rule ended when the dictator was overthrown and killed by rebels on October 20, 2011. No American lives were lost.


              • #37
                None of this matters as we all know who the next President will be:


                • #38
                  Originally posted by likeitfast55 View Post
                  blah blah blah.. stuff here.. TLDR..

                  Just kidding.

                  Anyways, we were talking about legislation Obama authored/sponsored during his time in the Senate. Everything you've outlined here is during his Presidency..


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post
                    Fucking seconded! Lol!
                    Hell I'll change the avatar, but I can't change the name.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Sgt Beavis View Post
                      Just kidding.

                      Anyways, we were talking about legislation Obama authored/sponsored during his time in the Senate. Everything you've outlined here is during his Presidency..
                      He was a very busy Senator. Well above the average.

                      Barack Obama sponsored 137 bills from 4 Jan 2005 until 16 November 2008. Two became law.[1] This figure does not include bills to which Obama contributed as cosponsor, such as the Coburn-Obama Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 or the Lugar-Nunn Cooperative Proliferation Detection, Interdiction Assistance, and Conventional Threat Reduction Act of 2006. Nor does it include amendments to other bills, although in the Senate these are not required to be germane to the parent bill and can therefore effectively be bills in their own right.[2] During the same time period, Obama has co-sponsored 689 bills in total; 408 of which had secured his support by the day they were originally introduced in the Senate.

                      Years covered All bills sponsored All amendments sponsored All bills cosponsored All amendments cosponsored Original bills cosponsored Original amendments cosponsored
                      2007-08 71 59 434 116 247 81
                      2005-06 66 86 255 172 161 125

                      Initially I thought Cruz was a breath of fresh air we needed not only for Texas but for this country. He had my vote and full support. As of late he has made his career
                      of pointing fingers and blaming everyone else, more specifically the Dems and the sitting POTUS. He need to shut the fuck up and do his job more and yap less. JMHO.
                      Last edited by likeitfast55; 03-23-2015, 01:46 PM.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by likeitfast55 View Post
                        Most deportations. Despite his endorsement of the DREAM Act, President Obama has deported more illegal immigrants than any president in history. He’s been deporting about 400,000 people a year, about double the number in the George W. Bush administration.
                        Strange about the deportations. I don't believe this guy does anything without a reason. Maybe the dems figured out that the illegals would actually rather vote repub, and want to keep the secret? Thats the only thing I can think of. He takes a stance of welcoming them, while reality shows that him actively opposing them. Odd.

                        Don't know how much of that has been fact checked though.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
                          Strange about the deportations. I don't believe this guy does anything without a reason. Maybe the dems figured out that the illegals would actually rather vote repub, and want to keep the secret? Thats the only thing I can think of. He takes a stance of welcoming them, while reality shows that him actively opposing them. Odd.

                          Don't know how much of that has been fact checked though.
                          I will attempt to find the source but I read that they are including the number of people denied entry as deportations.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
                            I don't believe this guy does anything without a reason.
                            Is politics a new subject for you?
                            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by YALE View Post
                              Is politics a new subject for you?
                              Everything is a new subject for that stupid fuck.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by SBFORDTECH View Post
                                I will attempt to find the source but I read that they are including the number of people denied entry as deportations.
                                This. Every time they turn someone around at the border, it counts as a deportation. As they are catching the same people a dozen times, dont' believe the numbers
                                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

