Originally posted by racrguy
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One of my main problems with OC is that it is going to have the same affect that Open Carry Texas did. Due to complaints, more places are going to ban guns. Also, places like Buffalo Wild Wings that "ban guns on the premises" with incorrect signage are going to be quick to fix signage for the same reason. Places are going to fear OC and start banning guns due to pressure from complaints and customers (AKA Target and others) immediately after the bill is signed, and it will only get worse. This affects the entire community of Law abiding CHL holders who now cannot carry into their favorite places.
It goes like this. Some fuckstick carries open into Buffalo Wild Wings or similar because he isn't given proper notice by the "Guns banned on premises sign." Manager comes over due to complaint or because he notices and asks dude to leave. Dude is an asshole, cops get called, dude gets arrested because he was given verbal notice and suddenly it is on the news and BWW fixes their signage. Confrontations like this give us a terrible reputation just like OC Texas does - we get more awful press and give the anti-gunners more ground for the next anti gun bill. Also, now I can't go eat wings at BWW anymore. and that blows.
If dude just keeps his taurus and serpa concealed we don't have any bad press, nobody is affected, citizens at the restaurant don't see a first hand bad example of an "asshole with a gun" and I can still carry blissfully into buffalo wild wings and all my other favorite places.