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#Ferguson Protestors Deliver “Rules of Engagement” to Police
Posted by Andrew Branca Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 5:45pm
Message: Police priority should be facilitation of protest, not preserving law and order
CNN is reporting that the #Ferguson protestors have delivered to police a list of 18 “Rules of Engagement.” These essentially amount to a set of constraints on police response to the violence expected to result when the grand jury declines to indict Police Officer Darren Wilson for his self-defense shooting of Mike Brown, the 290-pound black adult male who, in what seems like an all too common moment of poor judgment, attacked and tried to kill the police officer.
I’ve embedded the list, as linked on the CNN site, below, but the first item is worthy of particular note:
1) The first priority shall be preservation of human life.
The irony fairy was unavailable for comment.
Anyway, here’s the whole list:
