Well if you guys actually knew anything about religion, you'd have a clue about this entire thing.
Muslims for the most part are slaves of Islam. Islam is an evil religion. Islam and good Muslims are at war with everyone that isn't a good Muslim. Good Muslims fly airplanes into buildings because their god demands it. Bad Muslims are slaves trying to figure out a way around their oppressive Islamic Cleric and Government masters.
Christians and Jews are at war with Muslims whether or not they care to admit it. Every good Muslim knows this is true.
Trust me every good Muslim wants every American enslaved or dead. Those are the only two options according to their religion. This is why Christians and Jews have killed so many of them throughout history too. It's a kill or be killed world for them.
What do you think happens to Israel if Obama stays in office?
What is happening in Europe right now? Heck what is happening in Egypt right now?
What is happening in Tunisia?
Do you people have any clue, or do you just believe all the lies propagated by the idiotic liberal press?
Muslims for the most part are slaves of Islam. Islam is an evil religion. Islam and good Muslims are at war with everyone that isn't a good Muslim. Good Muslims fly airplanes into buildings because their god demands it. Bad Muslims are slaves trying to figure out a way around their oppressive Islamic Cleric and Government masters.
Christians and Jews are at war with Muslims whether or not they care to admit it. Every good Muslim knows this is true.
Trust me every good Muslim wants every American enslaved or dead. Those are the only two options according to their religion. This is why Christians and Jews have killed so many of them throughout history too. It's a kill or be killed world for them.
What do you think happens to Israel if Obama stays in office?
What is happening in Europe right now? Heck what is happening in Egypt right now?
What is happening in Tunisia?
Do you people have any clue, or do you just believe all the lies propagated by the idiotic liberal press?