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  • #76
    Well if you guys actually knew anything about religion, you'd have a clue about this entire thing.

    Muslims for the most part are slaves of Islam. Islam is an evil religion. Islam and good Muslims are at war with everyone that isn't a good Muslim. Good Muslims fly airplanes into buildings because their god demands it. Bad Muslims are slaves trying to figure out a way around their oppressive Islamic Cleric and Government masters.

    Christians and Jews are at war with Muslims whether or not they care to admit it. Every good Muslim knows this is true.

    Trust me every good Muslim wants every American enslaved or dead. Those are the only two options according to their religion. This is why Christians and Jews have killed so many of them throughout history too. It's a kill or be killed world for them.

    What do you think happens to Israel if Obama stays in office?

    What is happening in Europe right now? Heck what is happening in Egypt right now?

    What is happening in Tunisia?

    Do you people have any clue, or do you just believe all the lies propagated by the idiotic liberal press?


    • #77
      Originally posted by Cannon View Post
      I'm not defending Muslims my friend. I'm just explaining my opinion.

      Most of the Muslims I've came across can barely read and write. Terrorist cells capture their families and force them to fight in order to get their families back. When you're living under a corrupt government who can you turn to?
      When we fought Germany and Japan, we didn't have Hitler and Hirohito killing us and our allies, we had their armies and countries against us. Fighting a war by trying to change the hearts and minds of the people never works. It doesn't matter why they support their extremest leaders, they still support them, they still fund them, they still support them with manpower, they still strap bombs on their backs and kill others in the name of a religion, and they still swear to destroy or convert all other forms of religion.

      Originally posted by Cannon View Post
      I'm not a Muslim sympathizer but I've seen the real world not some bias news channel feeding you lies.
      So, you assume you know where I get my information? All of my information? Interesting.

      Originally posted by SSMAN
      ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


      • #78
        who cares what happened hundreds of years ago.
        Today these muslim fucks are the most evil and most insane motherfuckers on the planet


        • #79
          Originally posted by talisman View Post
          Can you make a normal fucking post in a discussion without using 400 fucking exclamation points and smilies? No one wants to argue with you because it is like talking to a fucking toddler. Jesus tap dancing christ.
          No shit, this guy is out of his mind. Every point I make results in a grade school "NO YOU!!" comment. Now I see why this fucker was banned on the old board.

          The bottom line is that Christianity was the underlying cause and driving force in the Taiping Rebellion. For the record, I have two giant ass books about it on my desk right now.
          Originally posted by lincolnboy
          After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


          • #80
            I bet most of you guys think we're still fighting for freedom too, huh?

            I thought that way once, now I no longer want to be an expandable asset to corrupt politicians.

            Open your eyes men!


            • #81
              Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post
              No shit, this guy is out of his mind. Every point I make results in a grade school "NO YOU!!" comment. Now I see why this fucker was banned on the old board.

              Dude, he is rubber and you're glue...


              • #82
                Originally posted by krazy kris View Post
                who cares what happened hundreds of years ago.
                Today these muslim fucks are the most evil and most insane motherfuckers on the planet
                How you and I look at the world and history isn't how other cultures see things. In this country buildings from the 50's are seen as historic in most of Europe that's laughable. Things have to be hundreds of years old for Western Europeans to equate them with "history." In the Arab world things hundreds of years ago are still recent.
                US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                • #83
                  Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post
                  Who cares if it was "mainstream" or not? You could argue that the dudes who crashed into the towers were not part of "mainstream" Islam.

                  The fact is that more people have died as a result of the existence of the Christian faith than Islam. I challenge you to refute this.
                  There is no need to refute anything when numbers you cite are bogus, and based off of estimates on events hundreds and thousands of years ago.

                  Any debate like this turns into a circle jerk.

                  No one here seriously thinks that Christians do not have blood on their hands. Every belief system does... even Atheists....

                  Until I see giant hoards of Christians jumping up and down celebrating over the deaths of innocents, sponsorships of suicide bombers coming from the local church, calls from the Vatican to stone a woman to death that was raped or a call to followers to convert others or kill them on a large scale, I think I'll weigh in on the pro-Christian\Western Civilization side.... Thanks


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by talisman View Post
                    Can you make a normal fucking post in a discussion without using 400 fucking exclamation points and smilies? No one wants to argue with you because it is like talking to a fucking toddler. Jesus tap dancing christ.
                    Please STFU!!!!!!!!!!
                    I don't see you adding a thing her but your stupid BITCHING!


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by stevo View Post
                      When we fought Germany and Japan, we didn't have Hitler and Hirohito killing us and our allies, we had their armies and countries against us. Fighting a war by trying to change the hearts and minds of the people never works. It doesn't matter why they support their extremest leaders, they still support them, they still fund them, they still support them with manpower, they still strap bombs on their backs and kill others in the name of a religion, and they still swear to destroy or convert all other forms of religion.

                      So, you assume you know where I get my information? All of my information? Interesting.

                      I need a list of your sources brother, you must have a good insider. I spent the last three years in Marine Intelligence, who knew all I had to do was log on to DFWmustangs for a more reliable information portal.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Cannon View Post
                        I bet most of you guys think we're still fighting for freedom too, huh?

                        I thought that way once, now I no longer want to be an expandable asset to corrupt politicians.

                        Open your eyes men!
                        Does anyone even know what we are fighting for? Is there even a measurable goal?

                        Are we even really fighting a tactic anymore?

                        When I was a kid I thought terrorists were Irish.

                        I fear that we are in the twilight of a golden era living in a once great nation that will collapse under the weight of it's own government.
                        US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post
                          No shit, this guy is out of his mind. Every point I make results in a grade school "NO YOU!!" comment. Now I see why this fucker was banned on the old board.

                          The bottom line is that Christianity was the underlying cause and driving force in the Taiping Rebellion. For the record, I have two giant ass books about it on my desk right now.
                          PROVE your claims!

                          The one flimsy example has already been refuted by your own damn link!


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by WildBill View Post
                            Please STFU!!!!!!!!!!
                            I don't see you adding a thing her but your stupid BITCHING!

                            Oh yeah, and your "I know you are but what am I," schtick is a credit to the hosts of Crossfire, douchebag.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Cannon View Post
                              I bet most of you guys think we're still fighting for freedom too, huh?

                              I thought that way once, now I no longer want to be an expandable asset to corrupt politicians.

                              Open your eyes men!
                              Without a clear mission in any conflict, we shouldn't have boots on the ground. At this point Afghanistan is a cluster fuck. Clear the bastards out in Pakistan or come the fuck home.....

                              At this point we can pretty much do the same thing that we're doing now with pin-point air power anyway....
                              Last edited by Gargamel; 02-03-2011, 07:15 PM.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by WildBill View Post
                                PROVE your claims!

                                The one flimsy example has already been refuted by your own damn link!
                                Millions have been killed in the name of Christ. This is well established and nothing new. Move along.
                                US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer

