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How Would You React To A Neighbor Flying The ISIS Flag

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  • #61
    Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
    So, we tolerate their flag. Tomorrow, they want equal religious freedom, so we tolerate that too. The next day, they want to be recognized as part of our culture, so we pass laws to protect them and their culture. Of course, they need to have schools and places of worship to spread their message of love and peace. So on and so on.

    Inch by inch, we are forced by law to let them integrate with us. After all, we are a melting pot. Do we draw a line somewhere? What happens when we see them everywhere and then one day the car bombings start happening. But..don't be suspicious of people dressed like them. That would be profiling. Now we are one, big, happy society. Lets sing together. "Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya". There. doesn't that make you feel better now? Just be careful where you step. You might step on a body part there on the ground.
    Waaaay more foresight and logic than the liberal brain could ever dream of. They just cant do it. It go against their "everybody just wants and needs love and tolerance, and then magic will happen and everyone will stop killing each other, cause you know, they were all sane to begin with" ideology.


    • #62
      Racrguy, for someone as intelligent as you seem, you are an obtuse fuck. Our way of life is being threatened due to our tolerance, complacency and "freedoms." If you allow a wound to fester, it will spread and end up killing the host. Islam is an infection...a parasite. It needs to be prevented from infecting this country.


      • #63
        Let's apply the same liberal horseshit point of view to the Confederate flag the next time the issue comes up.
        Originally posted by racrguy
        What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
        Originally posted by racrguy
        Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


        • #64
          Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
          Racrguy, for someone as intelligent as you seem, you are an obtuse fuck. Our way of life is being threatened due to our tolerance, complacency and "freedoms." If you allow a wound to fester, it will spread and end up killing the host. Islam is an infection...a parasite. It needs to be prevented from infecting this country.
          I don't see it coming to that, at least not any time in the foreseeable future. They have weapons from us, sure. 30 year old weapons. To quote Bill Hicks "We have musket spray" There's not a chance in hell that they can mount a decent attack against us with any lasting power. The entire back of tricks they have is acts of terrorism. Yes, it will be devastating to those caught up in it, but to think they can take over the country is foolish, IMO. We have safeguards in place to prevent this, eg the First Amendment. The problem isn't necessarily islam, it's fundamentalist islam, and almost any religion practiced at a fundamental level is as bad as islam is. I don't know how you break the fundamentalism, but I do know what you don't do, you don't go killing all of the brown people simply because they don't like the way you live and want to tear it down. What you're saying about them is exactly what they're saying about us. Personally, I'm of the opinion: "I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone, but if you fuck with me I'm going to hammer your ass." The flag means nothing, as long as they leave it nothing, once they start acting on it here in the country, it's time to hammer fuck some folks.

          I'm not saying that action isn't warranted, it's just not warranted right now.


          • #65
            Originally posted by racrguy View Post
            I don't know if you know this or not, but you aren't free to threaten people, nor are you free to kill them. How again is that an abuse of freedom? Your nephew lives in Iraq? Seems like some copy pasta bullshit to me, the only link I can find with that name even in it leads to Fox News. Here's the link

            The guy who wrote it seems to be rather new, because no "news" stories on Fox are credited to him prior to August 18, 2014.
            Bravo. You got the copy/paste part correct. As I was reading it, I was reminded of this thread and it made me think about that situation happening to one of our young men. My point is that it is a slippery slope for us to allow them to become part of our society where, eventually, our country resembles what they have over there, or worse. We can't keep accommodating anyone that wants to associate with a cult/religion that intends to exterminate us when the opportunity comes. I'm all for the freedom to fly your flag or practice your religion, but when your flag or religion represents something that wants to kill me, that's where I draw the line. The time has come to learn to say, "NO! PERIOD!".


            • #66
              Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
              Bravo. You got the copy/paste part correct. As I was reading it, I was reminded of this thread and it made me think about that situation happening to one of our young men. My point is that it is a slippery slope of us allowing them to become part of our society until it's too late and our resembles what they have over there, or worse. We can't keep accommodating anyone that wants to associate with a cult/religion that intends to exterminate us when the opportunity comes. I'm all for the freedom to fly your flag or practice your religion, but when your flag or religion represents something that wants to kill me, that's where I draw the line. The time has come to learn to say, "NO! PERIOD!".
              Except they don't exterminate us at every possible turn.


              • #67
                Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                Except they don't exterminate us at every possible turn.
                Not yet. Maybe you should go over there and have a meeting with ISIS and let them know that if they come over to the US, they need to be on their best behavior. Otherwise, we won't let them come back. They might agree to it.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                  I don't see it coming to that, at least not any time in the foreseeable future. They have weapons from us, sure. 30 year old weapons. To quote Bill Hicks "We have musket spray" There's not a chance in hell that they can mount a decent attack against us with any lasting power. The entire back of tricks they have is acts of terrorism. Yes, it will be devastating to those caught up in it, but to think they can take over the country is foolish, IMO. We have safeguards in place to prevent this, eg the First Amendment. The problem isn't necessarily islam, it's fundamentalist islam, and almost any religion practiced at a fundamental level is as bad as islam is. I don't know how you break the fundamentalism, but I do know what you don't do, you don't go killing all of the brown people simply because they don't like the way you live and want to tear it down. What you're saying about them is exactly what they're saying about us. Personally, I'm of the opinion: "I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone, but if you fuck with me I'm going to hammer your ass." The flag means nothing, as long as they leave it nothing, once they start acting on it here in the country, it's time to hammer fuck some folks.

                  I'm not saying that action isn't warranted, it's just not warranted right now.
                  I'm not concerned with them taking over militarily. They take over by moving in and out-populating us and getting like minds elected to change the current shitbag-in-chief.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                    I'm not concerned with them taking over militarily. They take over by moving in and out-populating us and getting like minds elected to change the current shitbag-in-chief.
                    This stinks of "DEY TURK ER JERBS!"


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
                      Not yet. Maybe you should go over there and have a meeting with ISIS and let them know that if they come over to the US, they need to be on their best behavior. Otherwise, we won't let them come back. They might agree to it.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                        This stinks of "DEY TURK ER JERBS!"
                        LoL...not concerned about that. Islam is our enemy. Likely by our govt's doing, but still the enemy. If someone who sympathizes with radical Islam moves in next door, then I have reason to be concerned. You bid deal. I have seen the radical nature of these fucks and how anyone can sympathize with them and still be sane is beyond comprehension.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                          LoL...not concerned about that. Islam is our enemy. Likely by our govt's doing, but still the enemy. If someone who sympathizes with radical Islam moves in next door, then I have reason to be concerned. You bid deal. I have seen the radical nature of these fucks and how anyone can sympathize with them and still be sane is beyond comprehension.
                          I'm not saying don't be concerned. I think we may be missing points. You can be concerned, upset, or any other emotion. I'm not going to lie, if I had a muslim move in and flying an islamic flag I'm going to be on edge too, but I'm not going to take their flag down or in any other way harm them or damage their property. Hell, I work with a neo-nazi. I think she's a piece of shit and I was truly shocked when I found out. However, I'm not going to jump her shit until she starts treating people like shit for no good reason in front of me.


                          • #73
                            That's a perfectly reasonable way to look at things. We all have our line that needs to be crossed. However, my line isn't so forgiving.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                              I don't see it coming to that, at least not any time in the foreseeable future. They have weapons from us, sure. 30 year old weapons. To quote Bill Hicks "We have musket spray" There's not a chance in hell that they can mount a decent attack against us with any lasting power. The entire back of tricks they have is acts of terrorism. Yes, it will be devastating to those caught up in it, but to think they can take over the country is foolish, IMO. We have safeguards in place to prevent this, eg the First Amendment. The problem isn't necessarily islam, it's fundamentalist islam, and almost any religion practiced at a fundamental level is as bad as islam is. I don't know how you break the fundamentalism, but I do know what you don't do, you don't go killing all of the brown people simply because they don't like the way you live and want to tear it down. What you're saying about them is exactly what they're saying about us. Personally, I'm of the opinion: "I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone, but if you fuck with me I'm going to hammer your ass." The flag means nothing, as long as they leave it nothing, once they start acting on it here in the country, it's time to hammer fuck some folks.

                              I'm not saying that action isn't warranted, it's just not warranted right now.
                              I challenge your theory with guys with box cutters and a plane. You don't have to be high tech to cause massive loss of life, McVeigh taught us that. They are here, they are willing to announce themselves and we should act to amputate the limb before it kills the entire body which in this case is the community. There are entire cities you cannot enter as a non Muslim without being threatened.
                              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                                LoL...not concerned about that. Islam is our enemy. Likely by our govt's doing, but still the enemy. If someone who sympathizes with radical Islam moves in next door, then I have reason to be concerned. You bid deal. I have seen the radical nature of these fucks and how anyone can sympathize with them and still be sane is beyond comprehension.
                                I agree with this 100%. They pretend to be the jolly Jones' next door until they have the majority, then it's beheading with a dull blade.
                                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

