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Both parties want to increase gas tax

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  • #46
    Typical tired old shit parroted from the herd. Great posts johnny, next give us some tired old repeats of those "your mom" jokes to maybe amuse the younger folks here. I still can't recall any posts by you that ever stood out, and now we see why.


    • #47
      Originally posted by The King View Post
      Typical tired old shit parroted from the herd. Great posts johnny, next give us some tired old repeats of those "your mom" jokes to maybe amuse the younger folks here. I still can't recall any posts by you that ever stood out, and now we see why.

      Sure thing, Kitten.


      • #48
        Originally posted by talisman View Post
        Sure thing, Kitten.
        I do remember that exchange, almost as moronic as your ad nauseum board exchanges with the cop.


        • #49
          This thread..

          It's worse than watching kindergartners on the playground....


          • #50
            Back on topic!

            How the hell can anyone agree we need new taxes? I pay taxes on my house, ,my car, gas, everything I buy at the store, my income, fucking everything. Then there is those little built in bullshit fees on everything like my cell phone, Oncor, TXU, you name it to help every one and their mother that supposedly cant work. Not to mention if a used car is bought and sold fifteen times then the government gets taxes all fifteen times. Wait aren't there even taxes when you die, didn't some one already pay taxes on this? Did some one say toll roads? You mean the ones that were supposed to be paid off and the toll booths pulled. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh okkkkkk we see that that has turned into a business. Every person in congress needs their staff and pay cut. The post office could deliver twice a week and no one would miss it, (except the people looking for their disability check), they are completely useless. A lot of local government agencies are absolutely bloated, and yes this includes some police departments. It's not the poor guy you see working on the street, but all the admin positions they have created that are un necessary. The town I use to work in had a supervisor for every 1.5 patrol guys or so. When the budget was tight and the patrol guys got to bitching because we had not gotten a raise in six years they tried to suppress us. All we asked is that if a supervisor got demoted or fired to release that position from the budget until it was at a more manageable level. Oh hell no, we would always here "but we will never get that position back". Bullshit, you get it back just like you got it the first time, vote on it when it's back to be a necessity. We were down around 14 patrol guys (out of like 36 guys total) from the glory days of the city growing and the budget to accompany it. I guess we still needed the command staff to supervise that many guys. Not! The city I work at now is pretty spot on in the management department and I like it that way. Most government agencies are wasteful and could be cleaned up a lot.
            Whos your Daddy?


            • #51
              Will this tax increase go only for roads or bridges ? So no more toll roads. I would bet it goes into the General Fund to be spent on Detroit or Aid to the U.N.

              I would go for it, if the tax would ONLY go for roads and bridges as only they ( the users) would be paying for the tax increase.

              More "public" transportation can find their own money.

              Off the subject, why wasn't cross town rail put into the LBJ project ??? I can't get across town' just downtown. Oh yea I can, pay a toll, or go downtown to go crosstown.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                Maybe you and 03bluballsgt can go on an internet troll date and you can be the man.
                Oh look, there's Alan showing his love again!

                I really wished you'd get over me.


                • #53
                  If the feds received every dime you earned they would ration your food and work you to death, yet they would still need more.

                  Fix the spending first. If you support any new taxes, you're living in a sorrowful life of ignorance.
                  Originally posted by Buzzo
                  Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



                  • #54
                    I support cutting all taxes by 75%


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by crapstang View Post
                      If the feds received every dime you earned they would ration your food and work you to death, yet they would still need more.

                      Fix the spending first. If you support any new taxes, you're living in a sorrowful life of ignorance.
                      Communism ftw

