Originally posted by Maddhattter
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noun: a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.
This whole thing is based on what part of the definition you want to focus on.
Let's first look at the word "deny".
verb: to state that (something declared or believed to be true) is not true
By that definition, I certainly do not deny the existence of a god. That points to me being NOT an atheist.
Okay, but maybe you want to focus on the other half instead. Let's look closer at the word "disbelieve"...
verb: to have no belief in; refuse or reject belief in
And again, this breaks down even further into what part you choose to focus on. I certainly do not "refuse" or "reject" belief in a god. Based on that, I would say that I neither deny nor disbelieve that there is a god. And therefore, when you take that statement and compare it to the definition I posted above, you could not rightfully say that I'm an atheist.
However, I will concede that IF you focus on "disbelieves" in the original definition, instead of "denies", and then you take that a step further when defining "disbelieves" by only using "to have no belief in" and ignoring "refuse or reject", then it is possible for you to work your way to the conclusion that I'm an atheist.
When you compare the "ifs" and "buts", then the path of least resistance (a.k.a. common sense) points you towards the conclusion that I am not an atheist.
You're just being a stubborn mule, and you know it. It's not winning anyone over. And I'm admittedly stubborn, too, which is why I find myself drawn back in one more time. You kept bringing up my name and referring to my definition as backing your side, which is an absurd stretch on your part.
And one more thing - I'm not scared of labels. You can call me an atheist, a theist, or a purple-bellied booger monster. It carries no weight.
jluv, out!