Since he isn't running again, he really doesn't care. The military has been gutted and has been changed to not only downsize it but also replace combat soldiers with women and fuck up unit cohesion with throwing in bullshit openly gay shit. I don't care who you fuck as long as you don't bring it to work.
He's convinced people that they are unique snowflakes and the military must change for them. He's single handedly gutted the military and it's effectiveness and now Iraq is ramping back up
He doesn't give a fuck about anybody but himself. Once he's done he'll move to Europe, the country he has wanted us to become all along. He at least kept his promise of "Changing" America. He certainly has done that.
Even worse. They don't have a video to blame it on ready to go. They have spent all their chits, their last one being Bergdahl.
If they are on a DoD contract, there most certainly has to be verbiage about the US Military and DoD are responsible for their Force Protection. Paying private (local or other TCN) guards that cut and run does not constitute holding up their end of the deal.
I bet Eric Prince and DynCorp are chomping at the bit for a green light though to go in and extract.
never underestimate the ability for democrats to create cover ups.
More like Benghazi Part 2. Jesus, this is terrible.
Even worse. They don't have a video to blame it on ready to go. They have spent all their chits, their last one being Bergdahl.
If they are on a DoD contract, there most certainly has to be verbiage about the US Military and DoD are responsible for their Force Protection. Paying private (local or other TCN) guards that cut and run does not constitute holding up their end of the deal.
I bet Eric Prince and DynCorp are chomping at the bit for a green light though to go in and extract.
18 days till R&R and about 6 months before I am ready to walk away for good from this theater. Unless the administration learns a lesson from Iraq and revisits their troop number expectations for 2015, I am done.
The moment you see troops leaving it's time to GTFO.
Yeah, it's pretty damn sad how little a shit this administration/president gives about it's own citizens, and how much it cares about illegals.
18 days till R&R and about 6 months before I am ready to walk away for good from this theater. Unless the administration learns a lesson from Iraq and revisits their troop number expectations for 2015, I am done.
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