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Iraq seems to be going well....

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  • Forever_frost
    After the capture of Mosul by Islamist militants of ISIS rumors spread across social media for days that the Mosul airport contained a fleet of American loaned Blackhawk Helicopters given to security forces by the United States.

    Today, the Islamist States of Iraq and Syria (“ISIS”) are confirming with the above image that they have indeed, seized control and have begun to operate at least one of these aircraft.

    Iraqi officials are also confirming that at least one Blackhawk is now in the hands of ISIS militants and has already been used to attack military positions of the Maliki government.

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  • CJ
    Originally posted by racrguy View Post
    I listened to NPR (which has been labeled as liberal by more than a few here) most of yesterday evening and I experienced mostly the opposite. Iraq was the hot topic, Bratt was second and bergdahl got barely a mention.

    Personally, I think Obama is going to be crucified no matter what choice he makes. If he does nothing hoping to force a regime change to get rid of al-Maliki he risks losing the oil fields. If he steps in to bail the Iraqi government out he chooses a side in what very well may end up a sectarian civil war, as al-Maliki hasn't been anything close to inviting of the Sunni, Arab, and Kurdish populations into government in Iraq.
    It's a long standing tradition in that country to isolate the ancillary regions and people, Saddam did the same thing. He solved it by complete and total dictatorship. Hell, he gassed the Kurds. It's business as usual for Iraq, and the world was okay with it before, and they will be okay with it again, I doubt he will take any heat for that at all. The oil fields and the money is what worries the world.

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  • racrguy
    Originally posted by CJ View Post
    He appears competent now if you watched the liberal networks. The media fakes it for him every day. Yesterday I listened to 4 ABC radio newscasts, not a single time did they mention what was happening in Iraq. Instead, they talked about Bo Bergdahl returning home, and how grateful his poor family was, and how brave and courageous Obama was for freeing him.
    I listened to NPR (which has been labeled as liberal by more than a few here) most of yesterday evening and I experienced mostly the opposite. Iraq was the hot topic, Bratt was second and bergdahl got barely a mention.

    Personally, I think Obama is going to be crucified no matter what choice he makes. If he does nothing hoping to force a regime change to get rid of al-Maliki he risks losing the oil fields. If he steps in to bail the Iraqi government out he chooses a side in what very well may end up a sectarian civil war, as al-Maliki hasn't been anything close to inviting of the Sunni, Arab, and Kurdish populations into government in Iraq.

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  • HarrisonTX
    Looks like a carrier is headed towards the gulf.

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  • CJ
    Originally posted by samuel642000 View Post
    My simple answer is, the people in charge over here, out of harms way, that for the majority have never been in harms way, were more concerned with how we were percieved rather than getting the job done. i.e. putting SEALs on trial for punching a known terrorist in the mouth.

    I tend to side more with Frost on the issue, and kbscobravert hit it on the head as well.
    exactly, it's all about image.

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  • samuel642000
    Originally posted by talisman View Post
    In what way? If we didn't, what opportunities did we miss to accomplish this? And I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely interested in the perspective of people who were there.
    My simple answer is, the people in charge over here, out of harms way, that for the majority have never been in harms way, were more concerned with how we were percieved rather than getting the job done. i.e. putting SEALs on trial for punching a known terrorist in the mouth.

    I tend to side more with Frost on the issue, and kbscobravert hit it on the head as well.

    EDIT** The ROEs can suck a fat dick.
    Last edited by samuel642000; 06-14-2014, 11:39 AM.

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  • line-em-up
    I found an article relating to the Iraq issue on MSN. I had to dig to find it, though.

    Young Iraqis volunteer to fight surging militants

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  • CJ
    Originally posted by talisman View Post
    When has he ever appeared competent? lol
    He appears competent now if you watched the liberal networks. The media fakes it for him every day. Yesterday I listened to 4 ABC radio newscasts, not a single time did they mention what was happening in Iraq. Instead, they talked about Bo Bergdahl returning home, and how grateful his poor family was, and how brave and courageous Obama was for freeing him.

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  • talisman
    Guest replied
    When has he ever appeared competent? lol

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  • CJ
    Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
    I am just imagining how they could have started with a thousand men with small arms and took over a smaller city, collecting larger arms and military equipment. As they went along the way, they knocked over a bank and collected $420 million. Now, they have tanks, Humvees, large arms, money, etc. They are as well equipped as a large army. Of course, I am just talking out my ass because I don't really know.
    And no one has mentioned the billions of dollars in oil they will secure. Al Qaeda will be better funded than most countries. Obama has created a problem that will most likely cost the lives of many more Americans. And he did it for his own self image. This is what happens when you elect a community organizer to run the most powerful country. You can only feign competence for so long.

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  • line-em-up
    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    Were used here before. The North, when they came through, did this same thing. It strikes fear into the citizenry and makes them either surrender or join your side or watch their families die and their property destroyed or confiscated. This isn't new, not even in our lands.
    I am just imagining how they could have started with a thousand men with small arms and took over a smaller city, collecting larger arms and military equipment. As they went along the way, they knocked over a bank and collected $420 million. Now, they have tanks, Humvees, large arms, money, etc. They are as well equipped as a large army. Of course, I am just talking out my ass because I don't really know.

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  • Trip McNeely
    Originally posted by line-em-up View Post

    On another note, in many videos, I see them firing off round after round and wasting their ammo. where the hell do they get it? I can't even find one box for mine.
    Russia and China, or any third world country blacklisted by us.

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  • Forever_frost
    Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
    We have to take note and learn lessons from the tactics that the ISIS has used to accomplish what they have so quickly. Those same tactics might be used in our country one day.

    On another note, in many videos, I see them firing off round after round and wasting their ammo. where the hell do they get it? I can't even find one box for mine.
    Were used here before. The North, when they came through, did this same thing. It strikes fear into the citizenry and makes them either surrender or join your side or watch their families die and their property destroyed or confiscated. This isn't new, not even in our lands.

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  • line-em-up
    We have to take note and learn lessons from the tactics that the ISIS has used to accomplish what they have so quickly. Those same tactics might be used in our country one day.

    On another note, in many videos, I see them firing off round after round and wasting their ammo. where the hell do they get it? I can't even find one box for mine.

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  • Forever_frost
    Sorry KB, you're right and I thought it was understood. I was referring in the difference between winning wars (ex: WW2) to COIN and hearts and minds (Vietnam forward). I am of the scorched earth mindset.

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