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Iraq seems to be going well....

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  • silverranger
    No surprise here, yep any American is a sitting duck over there. We haven't seen shit yet, it will get nasty.

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  • Sleeper
    Originally posted by silverranger View Post
    Going back to shit real fast!!
    And this suprises anyone? There is no way in hell to get all usa troops or contractors out with these fools knowing its a easy target.

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  • silverranger
    Going back to shit real fast!!

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  • KBScobravert
    I don't have an open source to reference but now they are moving on Taji. One of my coworkers has a friend that works for SoS International there.

    I sure hope Bell Helicopter has their folks out!
    Last edited by KBScobravert; 06-13-2014, 11:44 PM.

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  • KBScobravert

    NEW YORK – A U.S. contractor in Iraq told WND the Iraqi Air Force has begun evacuations from Balad Air Force Base, where 200 American contractors were trapped by the al-Qaida-inspired jihadists who have seized control of two cities and are now threatening Baghdad.

    A contractor with Sallyport Global, who asked not to be named, told WND through a Skype instant message that he was transported from Balad to Baghdad and was communicating from a C-130 preparing to take off to Dubai.

    He said 300 in total have been evacuated from Balad, about 60 miles north of Baghdad, and another 100 are still awaiting airlift. He said the Iraqi Air Force is trying to evacuate everyone by midnight local time.

    WND previously reported Friday that private contractors who have recently returned to the U.S. from Iraq said their former colleagues effectively had been abandoned by the U.S. military and were fighting for their lives against an army of jihadists surrounding the base who belong to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS.

    The U.S. contractors were at Balad to help the Pentagon prepare the facilities for the delivery of the F-16 aircraft the Obama administration has agreed to provide the Iraqi government.

    The surrounded Americans said they were under ISIS fire from small arms, AK47s and rocket propelled grenades, or RPGs.

    The contractors had been able to hold the base, but those on the scene reported it was only a matter of time before the ISIS terrorists succeeded in breaking through the perimeter. The sources confirmed the contractors were still under siege, despite an Associated Press report Thursday, citing U.S. officials, that three plane loads of Americans were being evacuated from Balad.

    WND learned from sources that the jihadists closed down escape routes, and the U.S. Air Force was in a stand-down position. U.S. forces were not assisting even with air cover so a private extradition flight could land for a rescue, the sources said.

    Privately scheduled exit flights had fallen through, sources said, as several private pilots originally scheduled to make the flights quit.

    The sources contended the U.S. military could provide the necessary air cover to protect C-130s or other air transport craft sufficient to make the evacuation, but so far officials had refused to get involved.

    Balad Air Force Base has been under attack since Wednesday, when ISIS rebels seized the nearby town of Tikrit, the birthplace of Saddam Hussein.

    The attacking ISIS forces approached the base in trucks Wednesday and called through loudspeakers for all private security forces and Iraqi special military to leave immediately or die.

    The U.S. private contractors in touch with WND reported that after hearing the broadcast, the private security forces and the Iraqi military defending the base dropped their weapons and ran.

    The American contractors collected the weapons left behind and were able to hold off further immediate advances.

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  • mstng86
    I'm completely baffled by this sutuation

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  • cyclonescott
    Originally posted by jw33 View Post
    Get our people out and just leave.
    If we did that we would lose our freedom.

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  • jw33
    Get our people out and just leave.

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  • Forever_frost
    Because it would conflict with Obama's "The war is over, the world is less violent." Same reason help wasn't sent in Benghazi

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  • Sleeper
    Why in the fuck have they not ordered aid.

    Light them fuckers up.

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  • sc281
    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post

    I am writing from ballad Iraq as a employee of sallyport, ksillc..there are approx 500 US citizens on balad air base north of Baghdad trapped..we are part of a little known F16 iraq support mission here...The company has reportedly for the last 3 days to fly us out, we are now all herded into a central location on base..and being told nothing..The clint lockheed martin, DoS and most women have already been evacuated days ago but we are all still here. I hope this message is received by someone that can break this as headline news to bring attention to the situation for us..we are all worried and in dire straight as last security Intel reports Isis elements around us..

    It'll be like the Carter's Iranian hostage crisis....times ten.....except with no hostages.... just dead americans.

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  • Forever_frost
    View the latest news and breaking news today for U.S., world, weather, entertainment, politics and health at

    I am writing from ballad Iraq as a employee of sallyport, ksillc..there are approx 500 US citizens on balad air base north of Baghdad trapped..we are part of a little known F16 iraq support mission here...The company has reportedly for the last 3 days to fly us out, we are now all herded into a central location on base..and being told nothing..The clint lockheed martin, DoS and most women have already been evacuated days ago but we are all still here. I hope this message is received by someone that can break this as headline news to bring attention to the situation for us..we are all worried and in dire straight as last security Intel reports Isis elements around us..

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  • Trip McNeely
    I think this dip shit's goal is to overload himself with scandals so that the ones in the very beginning get forgotten about. Has anyone been keeping a tally? Someone should just run an ad on TV every day and just put up the list.

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  • Broncojohnny
    Originally posted by BP View Post
    So we are taking the wait and see leadership approach, while the Russians and Iranians are screaming to the UN that this is all our fault. Well at least Israel isn't being attacked yet.
    Hamas proclaimed an intifada on Israel today so check back in about three days.

    Essentially since the world has figured out that the limp dick in chief won't do a thing, the green light has been lit for whatever they want to do. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the Chinese start shooting next.

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  • GhostTX
    Originally posted by CJ View Post
    meanwhile in Washington...

    *Picture of Obama golfing*
    More true than you know. After his "I'll think about it" speech, he jetted off to Palm Springs for two fund raisers.

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