Originally posted by matts5.0
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Another land grab by the Feds..
I give it 5 years and shit it going to hit the fan and people of certain states will begin to fight and die to protect their land from our Greedy Government, As said above it will only take 6 or 7 of these type of battles and the masses will come out in forceGOD BLESS TEXAS
August Landscaping
Seb's high class.
He'll mow your grass.
He'll kick your ass.
And while his kidney stones pass,
He'll piss in a glass!
Had a little bit of a update on this. Being local to it I hear a lot from the actual land owners. It appears the blm is claiming this land as being federal since the Louisiana Purchase therefore they have right. They are also claiming that there their proposed rough is to seize the land then resale it to the owners at fair market value. Here's a link to one of the most recent articles on the subject.
"It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"
I think the plan is to wreck the cattle business in America. Then , we could get beef from Mexico or some shit hole South American country. Wonder what Democrat owns land down there, or at least will broker the deal. Get ready for Soy Bean steak courtesy of Con Agra or ADM.