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U.S. Veteran Charged For Missing Equipment Nearly A Decade Later

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  • U.S. Veteran Charged For Missing Equipment Nearly A Decade Later


    For veterans like Gerrad Branum, September 11, 2001 made him realize there isn't much he wouldn't do for this country.

    "I even lost friends of mine in those Twin Towers so it kind of hit home for me," said Gerrad Branum, U.S. Army Veteran. "When it comes down to losing good hearted Americans that worked their lives away, in this country we look at terrorists as two things. You are the enemy and you don't come in our backyard."

    Branum served in the U.S. Army from 2001-2005. He spent most of his time serving in Iraq.

    "More or less on the factors of going over there, I wish it upon no soldiers to have to deal with stuff we had to deal with in Iraq," Branum said.

    On his way home, a bag containing a lot of field equipment that was issued to him got lost.

    "We went to the company commander and informed him. We went from company commander and went to the C.O. The C.O. said ok file charges of basically what we call a field loss. All this paperwork was done and turned in," he said.

    Now after nearly a decade after being discharged from the military, Branum received a letter stating that the IRS took more than $1,600 out of his tax return for the missing gear.

    When he replied to the letter, he didn't get a response.

    "As a government, you took my money in all aspects for a field loss for my service to my country," he said. "It is not right. It is wrong and it is immoral."

    Information on property loss can be found on page 53 in the U.S. Army Regulations under Investigation of Property Loss Time Segments.

    A chart shows that if the government were to charge Branum, it should have happened within three months of the gear being reported missing.

    "A whole decade went by," he said. "Me personally, if that was the case you should have notified me before you put me out of the military."

    Branum said he is currently working to take this issue to court. We will bring you more information on this story as it continues to develop.

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    No surprise at all, and good luck to him ever seeing that money again.


    • #3
      I sent an email to my supply guy from when I was sent back asking him about this. His reply was "I deadlined everything and field lossed it. No biggie, you're golden so is everyone in the unit."

      Good looking out.
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #4
        Get ready to see more of that sort of thing. With computers linking together, the IRS will become everyone's collection agency. Can you see unpaid parking tickets ? Traffic fines ? Unjustified tax liens? The list can go on and on. A city or county could fine you for something whether you are guilty or not and have the IRS collect it from your tax return. Even if the charge was wrong, do you really think you would ever get the money back ? Would you get a lawyer and pay him to get $100.00 back ? Even that GI would have to pay more than that $ 1600.00 taken from him. The only way to keep this from happening is to fix your with holding status where you always owe something in April. If the refund is not available, they can't take it. Can you say "RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH ?"


        • #5
          Yeah it's certainly the principle of the matter and lets face it, things get lost/stolen all the time in the military. It's not like you're sitting in some office 24x7. I always felt like there were reasonable losses and then stuff that I'd expect to pay for if I lost/destroyed them.

          It seems like this troop was squared away and even if he STOLE the gear, just yanking 1600 dollars 10 or so years later is not acceptable. You do not just take people's money.
          Originally posted by MR EDD
          U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


          • #6
            The government, if it seizes your money even short term over something you get back on appeal, gets to use that money and it's interest until it returns it.
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #7
              IRS kept my return two years after I got out of the Marines. I was told that I was overpaid and they were keeping my $800+. When I asked for a copy of the audit I was told to pound sand. Mind you, you pay is audited BEFORE you can EAS and mine didn't come up with any variances when our company S1 did it.
              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


              • #8
                Sweet! How do I sign up for the military? I want some of this


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 2011GT View Post
                  Sweet! How do I sign up for the military? I want some of this
                  Good luck, Hagel announced lots more troop reductions and pay cuts today. It seem that we can find all the money we need for social welfare but can't afford to pay our soldiers.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BP View Post
                    Good luck, Hagel announced lots more troop reductions and pay cuts today. It seem that we can find all the money we need for social welfare but can't afford to pay our soldiers.
                    He is chopping them to pre WW2 numbers. The ONLY good thing about that is: less troops for obumma to use against us. But don't worry, drones require fewer folks.
                    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                    • #11
                      They will use an outside company/contractor for as much as they can away with these days. The kickbacks are better and the responsibility goes halfway out the window.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                        He is chopping them to pre WW2 numbers. The ONLY good thing about that is: less troops for obumma to use against us. But don't worry, drones require fewer folks.
                        Or it's less troops to defend us from DOI, DHS, FBI, NSA, DEA and ATF officers. The military will follow their commanders, the other guys will follow the president.


                        • #13
                          When the IRS or DFAS (or any gubment agency for that matter) owes you money, they pay you when they get around to it. When they determine that you owe them money, whether you do or not, they're gonna get it NOW.
                          "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                            When the IRS or DFAS (or any gubment agency for that matter) owes you money, they pay you when they get around to it. When they determine that you owe them money, whether you do or not, they're gonna get it NOW.
                            The funny thing is that it can be just as difficult to get them to take money back when paid in error.

                            When my brother ETS'd from the Army they overpaid him (I think like 2 or 3 extra checks). He tried to give that back to them for a couple of years, and they would not take it. Finally, like 6 years later, about a month after he finally took it out of his savings and spent it, he got a letter demanding it. lol

                            They tried to hit him for interest, until he provided proof that he had tried to get them to take it back several years earlier.


                            • #15
                              One of my wife's battle buddies went through AIT without any pay at all other than BAS because for some reason they paid him BAH during basic, even though he's single. Of course being a young soldier he blew all of it on stupid stuff like wheels/stereo on his car instead of saving it. The DFAC gets old when you are in San Antonio!

