War is good for the Economy, believe it or not. Not saying we should be randomly sending our troops in to invade countries, but there are several that need to be kept in check. Right now, we look weak as fuck and they know it and will/are exploiting it.
Eh. Government expenditures boost the economy where they are expended. There's nothing magical about wartime spending, apart from its volume.
You are dead wrong about this and they are desperate to correct it. Getting dorks to chant a slogan and to vote for you is easy. Getting them to put their money where their mouth is has turned out to be be much much harder.
You are truly ignorant if you believe that. The liberals that you claim that this is targeted at have already gave funds to have their messiah re-elected, they are the same ones that are lining up to enter into this fiasco to support said messiah.
This ad was not for them, it was for the metrosexuals that DIDN'T vote for 0bama.
Originally posted by SSMAN
...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.
Got to disagree with you on one point. We do not need to be killing civilians or completely destroying their infrastructure so that they end up dying. Not all citizens of country X agree with what their insane leaders do/don't do. NAZI Germany is a prime example; plenty of good Germans were helping Allies, helping the Jews, and even fighting against the German military. Yes, we need to kick the shit out of whoever we go to war with, but killing everyone is just geonocide and completely wrong.
And on the flip side, you had a fanatical Japan, where the whole population would die for the Emperor.
"Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey
I am pretty sure I understand that. Perhaps I need to be more clear. You agree those who are objecting to how the op handled his renouncing his US citizenship and doing what he did are jealous, correct? If so, can you explain why you believe what has been said was driven by jealousy?
Why would we have to spend the money if we stopped funding the "welfare state?" Couldn't we use that extra capital to save and pay down the debt? Just because you found a way to save $5 in one location doesn't mean you should spend it somewhere else.
Why do all males have to fit into your little mold of what a man is?
I never said that we should not pay down the debt. I spend a significant portion of my income on arms and personally have never carried any debt and expect the government to behave the same way.
As far as your question about me stuffing the nancy boy into a mold of my choosing? Might makes right dude.
You are truly ignorant if you believe that. The liberals that you claim that this is targeted at have already gave funds to have their messiah re-elected, they are the same ones that are lining up to enter into this fiasco to support said messiah.
This ad was not for them, it was for the metrosexuals that DIDN'T vote for 0bama.
The money that donors gave to the Obama campaign is chump change compared to what they need to take in to run the health care system.
I take it that you are asserting that somewhere there is a metro-sexual who didn't vote for Obama?
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
I never said that we should not pay down the debt. I spend a significant portion of my income on arms and personally have never carried any debt and expect the government to behave the same way.
As far as your question about me stuffing the nancy boy into a mold of my choosing? Might makes right dude.
No it doesn't, you moron.
You insinuated that all of the money saved from cutting out all forms of welfare should go into the military industrial complex. Which is a fucking stupid notion to bring forth. We spend far too much on our military as it is, they don't need even more money.
Essentially, you didn't answer a single one of my questions. Do that before you try to change gears.
The government makes an unjust arbitrary law that you decide not to follow. Law enforcement gets wind of that fact, comes for you and they are armed. They are the "Might" part that backs up the words that are the law. The entire world is run this way and has been since the beginning of man kind. That may not in theory make them "Right" but it sure does in practice. If you don't believe that to be the case maybe you should take a look at the prisons full of people in this country.
One of the few areas that the federal government is allowed to spend public funds is on defense. If you actually read the Constitution you will discover the limits to federal power that have somehow been forgotten since about 1900.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
You insinuated that all of the money saved from cutting out all forms of welfare should go into the military industrial complex. Which is a fucking stupid notion to bring forth. We spend far too much on our military as it is, they don't need even more money.
Essentially, you didn't answer a single one of my questions. Do that before you try to change gears.
Actually, the theory of government is that might makes right. That's why police say they must have military grade weapons to deal with citizens and why we fight 3 to 1. Those who are left alive to write the history decide which side was right.
How do you figure we spend too much on the military? It is one of the 18 enumerated powers and accounts for under 25% of our federal budget.
The government makes an unjust arbitrary law that you decide not to follow. Law enforcement gets wind of that fact, comes for you and they are armed. They are the "Might" part that backs up the words that are the law. The entire world is run this way and has been since the beginning of man kind. That may not in theory make them "Right" but it sure does in practice. If you don't believe that to be the case maybe you should take a look at the prisons full of people in this country.
One of the few areas that the federal government is allowed to spend public funds is on defense. If you actually read the Constitution you will discover the limits to federal power that have somehow been forgotten since about 1900.
This. I got to his post and had to correct him but you said it far better.
Sure do. Look at all out lays of Federal spending and look to see where the money goes. Once you get past the liberal propaganda and also realize that SSI (hint; the SSI taxes held out of paychecks are in fact and in law an income tax) is in fact a welfare program the outcome of even a minimal amount of research will be eye opening.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.