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The NSA is watching people watch porn

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  • The NSA is watching people watch porn

    Originally posted by By Michael Lotfi
    Good news: There’s no need to take nude selfies for your significant other anymore. Bad news: The NSA has got you covered! If you thought you were safe watching your computer screen in private– think again.

    Yes, it’s really getting that creepy. Edward Snowden recently released another report on the NSA’s insatiable appetite for spying. According to documents exclusively obtained by the Huffington Post, the National Security Agency is gathering data on perspective radicalizers‘ pornography habits. The controversial agency is using the data to try and destroy such individuals’ credibility.

    According to the report, “The document, provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, identifies six targets, all Muslims, as “exemplars” of how “personal vulnerabilities” can be learned through electronic surveillance, and then exploited to undermine a target’s credibility, reputation and authority.”

    Yes, that means exactly what it sounds like. The federal government will leak, or publicly release information on your pornography habits if you cross them.

    According to Jameel Jaffer, deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), ”Wherever you are, the NSA’s databases store information about your political views, your medical history, your intimate relationships and your activities online,” he added. “The NSA says this personal information won’t be abused, but these documents show that the NSA probably defines ‘abuse’ very narrowly.”

    Perhaps most of us are okay with the NSA monitoring every move of a potential terrorist. However, the issue strikes a nerve much closer to home when we recall that the NSA has been spying on American ally, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, average American citizens, and has even broken an anti-spying pact with Great Britain to spy on British citizens.

    Truth be told, the NSA knows no bounds and does not operate under the rule of law. We already know that the NSA is collecting essentially every email we send to one another. Even worse, the federal government has labeled right-wing political activists and war veterans as possible terrorists.

    Brazenly, when confronted about the “right-wing terrorism” report, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano made no apologies and stood by the report.

    Read more:
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    So we can thank Snowden for releasing this?

  • #2
    This shouldn't be a surprise.

    The capability has been around for a while....

    History being an indicator, if the capability is there (no matter how good the original intention), it will eventually be abused.


    • #3
      Well, there goes my credibility!!!!!


      • #4
        I heard Obummer is into gay porn.


        • #5
          All they need is your IP. They can remotely activate your chat camera as well...


          • #6
            They can do the same with your cell phone!


            • #7
              Come on DFWM....the NSFW pic forum has been pretty slow lately.


              • #8
                Hope they can keep up!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
                  All they need is your IP. They can remotely activate your chat camera as well...
                  Cover it up or unplug it! Thats why i wont own a kinect!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Snatch Napkin View Post
                    Well, there goes my credibility!!!!!
                    was it the midget in the NSFW thread?

