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North Korea detains 85-year-old US war vet

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  • North Korea detains 85-year-old US war vet

    North Korean officials detained an 85-year-old US veteran of the Korean War last month as he sat in a plane set to leave the country, the man's son said.

    A uniformed North Korean officer boarded the plane on October 26 and asked Merrill Newman, a tourist, for his passport before telling a stewardess that Newman had to leave the plane, the son, Jeffrey Newman, said on Wednesday (local time).

    "My dad got off, walked out with the stewardess, and that's the last he was seen," Jeffrey Newman told The Associated Press at his home in California.

    It wasn't clear what led to the detention. The son said he was speaking regularly with the US State Department about his father, but US officials wouldn't confirm the detention to reporters, citing privacy issues.

    North Korea's official state-run media have yet to comment on reports of the detention, which first appeared in the San Jose Mercury News and Japan's Kyodo News service.

    Secretary of State John Kerry told MSNBC on Thursday in response to a question about Newman that North Korea needed to recognise the "dangerous steps that it's been taking on many fronts", including the treatment of its citizens and the start-up of its nuclear reactor.

    "We are anxious to proceed to negotiations about denuclearisation and to move away from these kinds of provocative actions," he said.

    Kerry stopped short of confirming Newman's detention and said the country had "other people".

    Newman's son said that, according to his father's travelling companion, Newman earlier had a "difficult" discussion with North Korean officials about his experiences during the 1950-53 war between US-led United Nations forces and North Korea and ally China. That war ended in an armistice, not a peace treaty, leaving the Korean Peninsula still technically at war.

    The war is still an important part of North Korean propaganda, which regularly accuses Washington and Seoul of trying to bring down its political system - statements analysts believe are aimed in part at shoring up domestic support for young leader Kim Jong Un.

    Another US veteran of the Korean War named Merrill Newman was awarded the Silver Star in 1952 for leading his Marine platoon in a series of attacks that inflicted heavy casualties on North Korean troops and for taking effective defensive actions during a massive counter-attack, according to the Military Times.

    Jeffrey Newman told the San Jose Mercury News there is no indication North Korean authorities have confused his father with the other Merrill Newman, who is now 84 and lives in Oregon.

    Contacted by the Mercury News, the veteran, Merrill H Newman, said "it is kind of creepy" knowing someone with the same name was being held captive.

    "It's a darn shame for that guy. I hope they get him out soon," he told the newspaper, adding he hasn't travelled to North Korea since the war. "I've been there, done that, and I don't want to go back".

    The detention comes about a year after North Korea detained another American and as the US State Department warns in a formal notice that Americans should avoid travel to the country, in part because of the risk of arbitrary arrest and detention.

    North Korea has detained at least six Americans since 2009, often for alleged missionary work, but it is unusual for a tourist to be arrested. The North's secretive, authoritarian government is sensitive about foreign travellers, and tourists are closely monitored. Analysts say it has used detained Americans as diplomatic pawns in a long-running standoff with the United States over the North's nuclear bomb production, something it denies.

    Speaking Thursday to reporters in Beijing, US Special Representative for North Korea Policy Glyn Davies wouldn't confirm Newman's detention but said, generally, that Washington was working with the Swedish Embassy in Pyongyang, which acts as America's protecting power because Washington and Pyongyang don't have official diplomatic relations, "to try to move this issue along and of course calling on North Korea ... to resolve the issue and to allow our citizens to go free".

    Washington also has expressed worry about the health of American Kenneth Bae, a missionary and tour operator who was sentenced to 15 years of hard labour after being arrested in North Korea last November for alleged hostile acts.

    Merrill Newman was travelling with his friend, Bob Hamrdla, who was allowed to return. Hamrdla said in a statement that "there has to be a terrible misunderstanding" and asked for Newman to be quickly returned to his family.

    Jeffrey Newman said his father always wanted to visit North Korea and took lessons in the language before leaving on the nine-day trip. Newman said he believed the inspiration came from the three years his father spent as an infantry officer in the Korean War, but said his father never talked about his service.

    Jeffrey Newman said the Swedish ambassador had delivered his father's heart medication to the North Korean Foreign Affairs Ministry, but it was unclear whether he had received it.

    Jeffrey Newman said he believed North Korea would eventually release his father after realising that all they have is an "elderly traveller, a grandfather with a heart condition".

    "We don't know what this misunderstanding is all about," he said. "All we want as a family is to have my father, my kids' grandfather, returned to California so he can be with his family for Thanksgiving."

    Americans celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday next week.
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    Fucking stupid. It should be as simple as give us back our citizens or we steam over there and stomp your ass into a mudhole.

    While our politicians squabble this old man is probably going to die in the North Korean forced labor system.
    2004 Suzuki DL650
    1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


    • #3
      Yeah, especially because our spineless president wouldn't dare make a demand like that to N Korea. I don't know the circumstance entirely, but I can't say I'd let them take off with me still on the plane and my father not. I would almost rather go to jail with my old man, and do my best to take care of him through it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
        Yeah, especially because our spineless president wouldn't dare make a demand like that to N Korea. I don't know the circumstance entirely, but I can't say I'd let them take off with me still on the plane and my father not. I would almost rather go to jail with my old man, and do my best to take care of him through it.
        From the way I read it he wasn't with his dad. One of his dad's buddies was with him. I could be wrong though

        Anyways why the fuck are people going to that fucking place. People know they are fucked up and love to fuck with Americans. Stay your ass out of North Korea and I bet you don't get put in a labor camp.


        • #5
          Originally posted by blownaltered View Post
          From the way I read it he wasn't with his dad. One of his dad's buddies was with him. I could be wrong though

          Anyways why the fuck are people going to that fucking place. People know they are fucked up and love to fuck with Americans. Stay your ass out of North Korea and I bet you don't get put in a labor camp.
          You're right, I skimmed the article and mistook some of the points. Agree with the rest.


          • #6
            Anyone thinking of going to NK needs to read this:

            It's a dictatorship of the most extreme kind, a cult of personality beyond anything Stalin or Mao could have imagined, a country as closed off to the world and as secretive as they come -- a true hermit kingdom. So why would an American tourist ever be allowed into the country?


            • #7
              Originally posted by talisman View Post
              Anyone thinking of going to NK needs to read this:

              Good read


              • #8
                Everything about NK is crazy. I pray that the bumbling, inept imbeciles (Obama, Kerry, C,inton et al) can collectively find enough of a spine to make sure Mr. Newman out safely.

                Agreed on anyone going to NK. Why?

                Originally posted by talisman View Post
                Anyone thinking of going to NK needs to read this:

                Read that a while back. Insane. Very good article.


                • #9
                  I would be curious to see n. korea; that secluded and secret country is just the kind of thing that is interesting to me. That was part of the reason I went to Saudi Arabia to work. Not saying n korea is a good idea but it is interesting.
                  I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                  Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                  • #10
                    Stay the hell away from North Korea...problem solved.

