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Obummer and the muslums he loves.

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  • Obummer and the muslums he loves.

    Obama Advisor Defends Sharia And The Overthrow Of The U.S. Constitution

    Vijay Kumar, candidate for Congress, says that according to an article in the United Kingdom's Telegraph, in October of 2009, Barack Obama's adivsor on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed, went on Islamic television with members of the radical Islamic group Hizb ut Tahrir and defended their blatant call for the overthrow of all "man-made law" -- which includes the United States Constitution -- and the adoption of Islamic Sharia law as "the source of legislation":

    Miss Mogahed, appointed to the President's Council on Faith-Based and Neighbourhood Partnerships, said the Western view of Sharia was "oversimplified" and the majority of women around the world associate it with "gender justice".

    The White House adviser made the remarks on a London-based TV discussion programme hosted by Ibtihal Bsis, a member of the extremist Hizb ut Tahrir party.

    The group believes in the non-violent destruction of Western democracy and the creation of an Islamic state under Sharia Law across the world.

    Miss Mogahed appeared alongside Hizb ut Tahrir's national women's officer, Nazreen Nawaz.

    During the 45-minute discussion, on the Islam Channel programme Muslimah Dilemma earlier this week, the two members of the group made repeated attacks on secular "man-made law," and the West's "lethal cocktail of liberty and capitalism".

    They called for Sharia Law to be "the source of legislation" and said that women should not be "permitted to hold a position of leadership in government".

    Miss Mogahed made no challenge to these demands and said that "promiscuity" and the "breakdown of traditional values" were what Muslims admired least about the West.

    ...Miss Mogahed admitted that even many Muslims associated Sharia with "maximum criminal punishments" and "laws that... to many people seem unequal to women," but added: "Part of the reason that there is this perception of Sharia is because Sharia is not well understood and Islam as a faith is not well understood."

    I call for Dalia Mogahed's immediate dismissal. While our country's men and women, sons and daughters, friends, brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers are shedding their blood on foreign soil, being maimed and slaughtered while fighting to defend of our liberties, our rights, our freedom, our Constitution, and the very foundation of our way of life, an official connected to our own White House is sitting down next to known, vocal, avowed enemies of our Constitution and our nation, giving them aid and comfort, defending Sharia law as an overthrow of our Constitution, and having it broadcast all over the world on Islamic television.

    It is an absolute outrage. Neville Chamberlain's fawning appeasement of a madman was nothing compared to such blatant, mutinous sedition, carried out over the imprimatur of the White House and under the auspices of our own Commander in Chief of our armed forces -- who are dying under his direction at the hands of the enemies his "advisor" defends!

    Where is the Justice Department? Where is Congress? Where are the investigations and hearings? Their inaction makes a mockery of our Constitution and the highest laws of our land.
    And So Does This Obama Appointee
    Douglas J. Hagmann, Director of the Northeast Intelligence Network says that Barack Hussein Obama, catering to both Muslim and globalist agendas, is exposing his preference to Islamic and globalist agendas and placing yet another nail in America's coffin by appointing Rashad Hussain as special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. To understand the extreme significance of this appointment, it is vital for Americans to understand the composition and objectives of the OIC, its global influence and potential impact on the U.S., and also be fully aware of the background of Rashad Hussain.

    The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is the world's largest Islamic entity with a membership of 57 Muslim states and a permanent delegation to the United Nations. Aside from the United Nations, it is the largest international entity of any type. It was formed on September 25, 1969 by the Islamic heads of state in Rabat, Morocco as an affront to Israel, with its primary objective to regain complete Muslim control and Islamic religious dominance over Jerusalem. It is now based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

    Top PLO terrorist leader and Muslim Brotherhood descendent Yasser Arafat was given the honorary position of permanent deputy chairman of the OIC in the years following its establishment. Unsurprisingly, the symbol of the OIC is a flag with a green background and an upward facing red crescent within a white circle. Above the crescent are the words "Allahu Akbar" -- Allah is the greatest -- written in Arabic script.

    Since its establishment, the OIC has been THE primary organization pushing for the global criminalization of any criticism of Islam, Muslims, Islamic Sharia law, and all cultural and religious aspects of Islam. An early adherent to the use of the term Islamophobia, the OIC urged the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) in 2005 to pass a resolution titled "Combating Defamation of Religions," a relatively benign sounding objective until closer inspection of the resolution found that it applied only to criticism of Islam. The "Combating Defamation of Religions" resolution was formally passed on March 30, 2007 by a vote of 24 to 14.

    The OIC is engaged in an aggressive campaign to intimidate Western governments, including the U.S., into adopting hate speech laws that will effectively prohibit any form of criticism of Islam, including violent acts of Islamic jihad. Its march toward criminalizing any negative speech against Islam is rapidly progressing. In 2008, the OIC issued a 58-page report citing numerous allegations of Islamophobia, even identifying the state of Florida's Attorney General's decision to show the movie Obsession to his staff, a documentary that warned about the actions and objectives of "radical Islam," as an example of hate speech and Islamophobia. This comes from the same entity that, in early May 2002, during at a meeting of religious affairs ministers of the OIC in Kuala Lampur, a Saudi representative continud to justify "suicide bombings." Saudi Arabia's Minister of Islamic Affairs, Sheikh Saleh Al al-Sheikh reportedly stated that suicide bombing are permitted and the (Islamic) victims are considered to have died a martyr's death. Their global influence is growing rapidly.

    Now, Obama is appointing a new envoy -- Rashad HUSSAIN, his associate deputy counsel to that position. Who is Rashad HUSSAIN? HUSSAIN was a Yale Law School student and from 2003-2005, an editor of the Yale Law Journal. He eventually served as a Department of Justice trial attorney and in January 2009 was appointed White House deputy associate counsel.

    At a Muslim Students Association (MSA) conference in Chicago on September 5, 2004 HUSSAIN was quoted as saying that the case against Sami al Arian, a University of South Florida professor, North American head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, former chairman of the Islamic Academy of Florida, and the recipient of a 50-count indictment by a federal grand jury in February 2003, was politically motivated. Al Arian was also involved in the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (AADC), the American Muslim Council (AMC), the American Muslim Alliance, and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

    According to investigative documents, al Arian had connections to the blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, mastermind of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and to Hamas official Mohammed Sakr and other high ranking terrorists, including Sudanese terrorist Hassan Turbai and Islamic Jihad co-founder Abdel Aziz-Odeh.

    HUSSAIN reportedly stated that the prosecution of al Arian was being used "to squash dissent." HUSSAIN was also quoted telling a Muslim students' event in Chicago that if U.S. Muslims did not speak out against the injustices taking place in America, then everyone's rights would be in jeopardy.

    In 2006, al Arian entered into a plea agreement to plead guilty to conspiracy to help a "specially designated terrorist" organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and was sentenced to serve 57 months in prison with credit to time served and face deportation. In March 2008, the U.S. Department of Justice subpoenaed Al-Arian to testify before another grand jury. He refused to do so and was cited for contempt in June of that year. He is presently under house arrest and awaits trial on contempt charges.

    After being selected as special envoy to the OIC, HUSSSAIN initially denied making any such statements, then stated that his statements were taken out of context, and as of last week, admits to making statements that were "ill-conceived or not well-formulated." According to recent reports, HUSSAIN's statements were part of a much broader defense of suspected Islamic terrorists.

    The events that happened next involving Rashad HUSSAIN are nothing less than a cover-up that can be traced back to the highest levels at the White House. According to published reports, The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs deleted two paragraphs from a 2004 article that quoted HUSSAIN, and then tried to further cover up the "cover up" by claiming that the web site was lying "and implied that anyone who wonders what happened to the article is a bigot.

  • #2
    The White House stood behind HUSSAIN, who unsurprisingly, was named a Fellow to the Paul and Daisy SOROS Foundation in 2003. Paul SOROS is the older brother of George SOROS, a financial supporter of Barack Hussein OBAMA and a virulent anti-capitalist and globalist.

    Earlier, Fox News reported to have "unearthed tapes" telling an audience that he favors the imposition of Islamic Sharia law on a global scale. What better position to hold than envoy to an organization with the very same objectives. Despite the controversy involving HUSSAIN, Barack HUSSEIN Obama is standing firm on his appointment.

    Is Sharia an Obama goal? I don't know, but he sure is appointing a lot of people that publicly call for the overthrow of the U. S. Constitution in favor of Sharia Law. Based on the fact that Obama is violating Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U. S. Constitution on a daily basis, and appointing terrorists' lawyers to the Justice Department, it's not beyond the realm of possibility.

    There is plenty more here.


    • #3
      This forum makes me depressed


      • #4
        Obama is against the Constitution, why is this a surprise to anyone?

