Where is 15 y/o coming from? Article says 13?
Either way, the article as usual is fairly vague. However, we can't assume he is innocent little Johnny walking around playing cowboys and indians. A lot of kids are off their rockers due to piss poor parenting.
Kids are gangs, nuts and so on.
Also, I remember having an m16 water gun. Shown at about 18 seconds...
...no orange tip.

I know it does not look 100% real, but it could be confused for a real gun. Much less how real they look these days and I would not doubt they'd remove/paint the orange tip. Hell, how much would anyone rely on the orange tip anyway?
Either way, the article as usual is fairly vague. However, we can't assume he is innocent little Johnny walking around playing cowboys and indians. A lot of kids are off their rockers due to piss poor parenting.
Kids are gangs, nuts and so on.
Also, I remember having an m16 water gun. Shown at about 18 seconds...
...no orange tip.

I know it does not look 100% real, but it could be confused for a real gun. Much less how real they look these days and I would not doubt they'd remove/paint the orange tip. Hell, how much would anyone rely on the orange tip anyway?