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in the tradition of our Republican leadership...

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  • in the tradition of our Republican leadership...

    I'm going to give up. I'm done. Might as well become a democrat and grab a slice of the pie since there's no damned difference between them and the french republicans.

    Dohctr might have had the right fucking idea....
    Last edited by sc281; 10-16-2013, 04:01 PM.

  • #2
    I hope you aren't expecting me to talk you out of it. I just want to pay off my cheap little house and remove myself as far as possibly from this society.


    • #3
      Originally posted by talisman View Post
      I hope you aren't expecting me to talk you out of it. I just want to pay off my cheap little house and remove myself as far as possibly from this society.
      Not at all.


      • #4
        The "new majority" in this country are bound and determined to:

        A. Make sure every perceived "need" and "injustice" is addressed and corrected by the federal government. The rights and bank accounts of individual citizens be damned

        B. Spend massive amounts of "someone else's" money to meet the needs of statement A above....

        The problem is that when you spend and borrow like we are on a Federal level, you eventually run out of "other people's money" and the free ride will stop.

        It will be like going from 120 mph into an immovable object. It will not be pretty.

        At that point, none of this bullshit will matter and I hope you have plenty of guns and ammo.

        Whatever, as long as the lady next door gets her free birth control and cell phone in the short term.... its all good.


        • #5
          I USED to think the guys hoarding guns,ammo,gold,silver,etc...were just a little out there... not anymore.
          We are so effed. The "takers" have taken over our great country. Our only hope is they are so lazy and will be easy to kill when the riots break out. Hopefully we can thin the taker heard enough.


          • #6
            Senate bill to reopen the government just got 223 votes
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #7
     I right in my reading that they are going to retroactively pay the employees?

              On one hand, that is great. I know a furloughed person or two, so I WANT to be happy for them.

              Mostly though, fuck that. No services - no pay. WTF is that paying someone for 0 work? I don't show up for work or am "furloughed" there is no damned pay.
              Originally posted by MR EDD
              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ceyko View Post
       I right in my reading that they are going to retroactively pay the employees?

                On one hand, that is great. I know a furloughed person or two, so I WANT to be happy for them.

                Mostly though, fuck that. No services - no pay. WTF is that paying someone for 0 work? I don't show up for work or am "furloughed" there is no damned pay.
                Ya, that's not a furlough. Now we all did without a bunch of shit for a bit and still have to pay for it.

                Why the fuck aren't bullets flying into DC?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                  Senate bill to reopen the government just got 223 votes
                  Yeah, and now we find out that Bitch McConnell got $3 billion for a dam project for his state. Wow. What a sell-out!


                  • #10
                    Also tucked into this continuing resolution was a lump sum of $174k paid to the widow of the late Senator Lautenberg D of NJ. It's not like she was hurting for money.

                    His net worth was $56.8 million. Rated 8th richest member of Congress. I had know idea these politicians had death gratuitys.


                    • #11
                      I have been saying it for a while, the sooner this country goes bankrupt the better off we'll be. It won't be pleasant for a while but it will be a paradigm shift away from the idea that "government money is free money" that has stuck to everything since WWII. No one knows when it will happen but it will be very sudden and it will be an overnight event. All it takes is for people who buy the debt to decide they don't like the risk any more.
                      Originally posted by racrguy
                      What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                      Originally posted by racrguy
                      Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gaber View Post
                        Also tucked into this continuing resolution was a lump sum of $174k paid to the widow of the late Senator Lautenberg D of NJ. It's not like she was hurting for money.

                        His net worth was $56.8 million. Rated 8th richest member of Congress. I had know idea these politicians had death gratuitys.
                        He's up for re-election against a Tea Party candidate, who apparently burned his ass in the press last night. I hope the good people of Kentucky send his ass home.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                 I right in my reading that they are going to retroactively pay the employees?

                          On one hand, that is great. I know a furloughed person or two, so I WANT to be happy for them.

                          Mostly though, fuck that. No services - no pay. WTF is that paying someone for 0 work? I don't show up for work or am "furloughed" there is no damned pay.
                          They just enjoyed a 2 week holiday with pay and didn't have to put in any of the work or do any of the services.
                          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                          • #14
                            Kicking the can down the road, yet again, only to have the same bullshit happen again at the turn of the year. Sickening.
                            How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                            • #15
                              At least the good Tea party / republicans didn't give up. Here is the voting record.

                              Vote breakdown: How lawmakers voted on the budget deal

                              Published October 17, 2013•

                              The following list shows how lawmakers voted on the budget deal Wednesday: A "yes" vote is a vote to pass the measure. X denotes those not voting.


                              Voting yes were 52 Democrats, 27 Republicans and 2 independents.

                              Voting no were 0 Democrats and 18 Republicans.


                              Sessions (R), No; Shelby (R), No.


                              Begich (D), Yes; Murkowski (R), Yes.


                              Flake (R), Yes; McCain (R), Yes.


                              Boozman (R), Yes; Pryor (D), Yes.


                              Boxer (D), Yes; Feinstein (D), Yes.


                              Bennet (D), Yes; Udall (D), Yes.


                              Blumenthal (D), Yes; Murphy (D), Yes.


                              Carper (D), Yes; Coons (D), Yes.


                              Nelson (D), Yes; Rubio (R), No.


                              Chambliss (R), Yes; Isakson (R), Yes.


                              Hirono (D), Yes; Schatz (D), Yes.


                              Crapo (R), No; Risch (R), No.


                              Durbin (D), Yes; Kirk (R), Yes.


                              Coats (R), Yes; Donnelly (D), Yes.


                              Grassley (R), No; Harkin (D), Yes.


                              Moran (R), Yes; Roberts (R), No.


                              McConnell (R), Yes; Paul (R), No.


                              Landrieu (D), Yes; Vitter (R), No.


                              Collins (R), Yes; King (I), Yes.


                              Cardin (D), Yes; Mikulski (D), Yes.


                              Markey (D), Yes; Warren (D), Yes.


                              Levin (D), Yes; Stabenow (D), Yes.


                              Franken (D), Yes; Klobuchar (D), Yes.


                              Cochran (R), Yes; Wicker (R), Yes.


                              Blunt (R), Yes; McCaskill (D), Yes.


                              Baucus (D), Yes; Tester (D), Yes.


                              Fischer (R), Yes; Johanns (R), Yes.


                              Heller (R), No; Reid (D), Yes.

                              NEW HAMPSHIRE

                              Ayotte (R), Yes; Shaheen (D), Yes.

                              NEW JERSEY

                              Chiesa (R), Yes; Menendez (D), Yes.

                              NEW MEXICO

                              Heinrich (D), Yes; Udall (D), Yes.

                              NEW YORK

                              Gillibrand (D), Yes; Schumer (D), Yes.

                              NORTH CAROLINA

                              Burr (R), Yes; Hagan (D), Yes.

                              NORTH DAKOTA

                              Heitkamp (D), Yes; Hoeven (R), Yes.


                              Brown (D), Yes; Portman (R), Yes.


                              Coburn (R), No; Inhofe (R), Not Voting.


                              Merkley (D), Yes; Wyden (D), Yes.


                              Casey (D), Yes; Toomey (R), No.

                              RHODE ISLAND

                              Reed (D), Yes; Whitehouse (D), Yes.

                              SOUTH CAROLINA

                              Graham (R), Yes; Scott (R), No.

                              SOUTH DAKOTA

                              Johnson (D), Yes; Thune (R), Yes.


                              Alexander (R), Yes; Corker (R), Yes.


                              Cornyn (R), No; Cruz (R), No.


                              Hatch (R), Yes; Lee (R), No.


                              Leahy (D), Yes; Sanders (I), Yes.


                              Kaine (D), Yes; Warner (D), Yes.


                              Cantwell (D), Yes; Murray (D), Yes.

                              WEST VIRGINIA

                              Manchin (D), Yes; Rockefeller (D), Yes.


                              Baldwin (D), Yes; Johnson (R), No.


                              Barrasso (R), Yes; Enzi (R), No.

