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Strike against Syria over the long weekend?
Originally posted by Vertnut View PostAgain, had he not opened his shit-eating mouth about his "red line", he would not have US in this predicament. He still hasn't figured out that every word uttered by POTUS is scrutinized by every player around the world. It's "amateur hour" in DC right now, and the world knows it.
We have a high shool level water boy and we're expecting him to play QB on a professional level. Saying that he's out over his ski's is about as polite & mild as you can describe it. We will be mopping up on the world stage for a long time, as well as cleaning up his messes within our own borders. This is a shit show; Japan has an easier time cleaning up right now.
Discussions with world leaders are not held with a teleprompter, and this guy uses "uh" like a crutch, and when you hear it every 4th word, the substance & the delivery are both sophomoric. Nobody respects this guy, they just sidle up to him to advance their agenda.
Infowars.com may not have any credibility, but they are the only ones who make a consistent effort to think past the storyline floated, the explanation given, and point out the inconsistencies, the discrepancies, and remind us that our government has a loooooong history of playing fast & loose & feeding us bullshit through the entire thing.Ronald Reagan:"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."
Homer: "Bart...there's 2 things I know about women. Never give them nicknames like "jumbo" or "boxcar" and always keep receipts...it makes you look like a business man."
so much misinformation out there. where would these rebels get sarin gas? its known that assad has access to this and there is intel that has high up people in syrian military referencing the use of it. 100,000 dead no sign of anything changing. to sit and do nothing will show these idiots that they can do whatever they want without consequence. congress should cut vacation short get in there review the intel and make its decision. some kind of action will happen too many people want assad gone.
Originally posted by barronj View PostWe planted the seeds of our demise without realizing. Playing dirty in the middle east, meddling in their business covertly, appears to be so common place, it blows up in our face before we realize how inextricably linked our actions are. Dicking around with giving aid to governments who turn around & give piles of cash to payoff extremists, providing arms here, shuffling regimes there, trading one evil for another. Benghazi was either about arms trading or a botched deal having to do with the blind sheik's release.
We have a high shool level water boy and we're expecting him to play QB on a professional level. Saying that he's out over his ski's is about as polite & mild as you can describe it. We will be mopping up on the world stage for a long time, as well as cleaning up his messes within our own borders. This is a shit show; Japan has an easier time cleaning up right now.
Discussions with world leaders are not held with a teleprompter, and this guy uses "uh" like a crutch, and when you hear it every 4th word, the substance & the delivery are both sophomoric. Nobody respects this guy, they just sidle up to him to advance their agenda.
Infowars.com may not have any credibility, but they are the only ones who make a consistent effort to think past the storyline floated, the explanation given, and point out the inconsistencies, the discrepancies, and remind us that our government has a loooooong history of playing fast & loose & feeding us bullshit through the entire thing.
Originally posted by barronj View PostWe planted the seeds of our demise without realizing. Playing dirty in the middle east, meddling in their business covertly, appears to be so common place, it blows up in our face before we realize how inextricably linked our actions are. Dicking around with giving aid to governments who turn around & give piles of cash to payoff extremists, providing arms here, shuffling regimes there, trading one evil for another. Benghazi was either about arms trading or a botched deal having to do with the blind sheik's release.
We have a high shool level water boy and we're expecting him to play QB on a professional level. Saying that he's out over his ski's is about as polite & mild as you can describe it. We will be mopping up on the world stage for a long time, as well as cleaning up his messes within our own borders. This is a shit show; Japan has an easier time cleaning up right now.
Discussions with world leaders are not held with a teleprompter, and this guy uses "uh" like a crutch, and when you hear it every 4th word, the substance & the delivery are both sophomoric. Nobody respects this guy, they just sidle up to him to advance their agenda.
Infowars.com may not have any credibility, but they are the only ones who make a consistent effort to think past the storyline floated, the explanation given, and point out the inconsistencies, the discrepancies, and remind us that our government has a loooooong history of playing fast & loose & feeding us bullshit through the entire thing.
Originally posted by QIK46 View Postthese morons like paul and his son who say we should just not be in the mideast are idiots who dont understand foreign relations. we will always have a presence there
But Barry's WAY in over his head on this one. Two other major players are telling him to just walk away, but you watch. His arrogance and pride will be our downfall.
Originally posted by QIK46 View Postso much misinformation out there. where would these rebels get sarin gas? its known that assad has access to this and there is intel that has high up people in syrian military referencing the use of it. 100,000 dead no sign of anything changing. to sit and do nothing will show these idiots that they can do whatever they want without consequence. congress should cut vacation short get in there review the intel and make its decision. some kind of action will happen too many people want assad gone.I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool
CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors
Posted on September 1, 2013 by Womens Rights Advocate
Anderson Cooper and CNN have been caught staging fake news about Syria to justify military intervention.
The primary “witness” that the mainstream media is using as a source in Syria has been caught staging fake news segments. Recent video evidence proves that “Syria Danny”, the supposed activist who has been begging for military intervention on CNN, is really just a paid actor and a liar.
While Assad is definitely a tyrant like any head of state, a US invasion of the country is a worst case scenario for the people living there.
By pointing out that the mainstream media is orchestrating their entire coverage of this incident, we are not denying that there is a tremendous amount of death and violence in Syria right now. However, we are showing that the mainstream media version of events is scripted and staged propaganda.
The following video shows him contradicting himself while off air, and even asking crew members to “get the gunfire sounds ready” for his video conference with Anderson Cooper on CNN.
“Syria Danny” has also appeared on many other news programs, and every single time his story on specific events has changed.
This is not the first time that mainstream media has been exposed as propaganda, it happens all the time, especially during times of war.
Some of the most hyped up news images of our time surrounding war were not actually real but were simply public relations stunts, designed as psychological warfare operations.
No one in America can forget the image of Saddam Hussein’s statue being toppled and covered with an American flag, yet few people realize that this was a hoax, a staged psychological operation coordinated between the military and the media. In July of 2004 journalist Jon Elmer exposed an internal army study of the war showing that this whole statue scenario was indeed a set up.
In the article Elmer writes “the infamous toppling of the statue of Saddam Hussein in Firdos Square in central Baghdad on April 9, 2003 was stage-managed by American troops and not a spontaneous reaction by Iraqis. According to the study, a Marine colonel first decided to topple the statue, and an Army psychological operations unit turned the event into a propaganda moment… The Marines brought in cheering Iraqi children in order to make the scene appear authentic, the study said. Allegations that the event was staged were made in April of last year, mostly by opponents of the war, but were ignored or ridiculed by the US government and most visible media outlets.”
The statue hoax was just one example in a long list of lies and psychological operations surrounding the multiple wars in Iraq. At the onset of Operation Desert Storm in 1990 a public relations firm by the name of Hill and Knowlton spent millions of dollars on the government’s behalf, constructing news pieces that would sell the war to the American public. One of the most moving pranks to come from this push to war was the testimony of a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl, known only by her first name of Nayirah. In a videotaped testimony that was later distributed to the media she said “I volunteered at the al-Addan hospital, While I was there, I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns, and go into the room where . . . babies were in incubators. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to die.”
Sounds horrible huh? Well, luckily it never happened, this too was a fabricated event designed to dehumanize the Iraqi people. The whole thing was exposed when the journalists discovered that the witness Nayirah was actually the daughter of a US ambassador who was being coaxed by military psychological operations specialists. If the government and media cooperate to deceive the American public during times of war then there should be no doubt in your mind that the same techniques are used during times of peace, and especially elections.
The following clip is another classic staged news segment that was aired by CNN:
I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool