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So, what does the Obamacare consider "affordable care"?

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  • So, what does the Obamacare consider "affordable care"?

    HotAir is the leading conservative blog for breaking news and commentary covering the Biden administration, politics, media, culture, and current elections.

    a rule that was adopted by the Health and Human Services Department last winter and goes into effect in 2014.

    Under the ACA, popularly known as Obamacare, a worker whose employer offers company-subsidized health insurance that costs the worker less than or equal to 9.5 percent of household income is considered to be receiving “affordable coverage.” …

    But HHS has ruled that the affordability test will consider only the cost to workers of buying insurance from their company’s plan for themselves—not that of insuring their entire family.

    As an example, you make $50K and your spouse makes $25K. So your household income is $75K. (Good math skills, eh)

    There is also a provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that will require employers to provide affordable health insurance for full-time employees and their dependents. Full-time is defined as an average of 30 or more hours per week. So even if you work part time because you can't find a fulltime job, thanks to Obamacare, you still have to purchase insurance.

    So, not including any dependents you may have, you and your spouse could each pay could be paying ~$7500 a year for just your own insurance, not your families, and it would still be considered to be "affordable". That is $15,000 a year out of your pockets for insurance. If you have kids, take another chunk. And they claim this is affordable!

    Then, they have the nerve to tell you it is mandatory to purchase insurance. I don't think so!!! No wonder the IRS and others are arming themselves. They have to defend themselves from people like me that refuse to be robbed by their system.
    Last edited by line-em-up; 08-25-2013, 10:28 AM.

  • #2
    Add that on top of the taxes you pay if you really want to puke in your mouth.
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


    • #3
      Insurance, income tax, property tax, sales tax, gas tax, cigarette tax. You'd be amazed to see how much you actually pay to taxes. The American people are already topped out, and they want to take even more $.
      Detailing by Dylan
      Ask about the Pre-Spring special


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dlachance View Post
        Insurance, income tax, property tax, sales tax, gas tax, cigarette tax. You'd be amazed to see how much you actually pay to taxes. The American people are already topped out, and they want to take even more $.
        And yet taxed less than other country, depending on which liar you believe.
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        • #5
          You missed the beauty of Obamacare. Here's another tidbit on the UPS droppage:
          According to Kaiser, UPS told white-collar workers two months ago that 15,000 working spouses eligible for coverage by their own employers would be excluded from the UPS plan in 2014.

          UPS expects the move, which applies to non-union U.S. workers only,...

          Da union be exempt!
          "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


          • #6
            Fuck that piece of shit...and his health care plan too.
            "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


            • #7
              Originally posted by line-em-up View Post

              Then, they have the nerve to tell you it is mandatory to purchase insurance. I don't think so!!! No wonder the IRS and others are arming themselves. They have to defend themselves from people like me that refuse to be robbed by their system.
              How exactly are they going to refuse? The IRS will get their money one way or another.


              • #8
                Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
                How exactly are they going to refuse? The IRS will get their money one way or another.
                Yeah, someone doesn't realize how Obamacare is going to be enforced/regulated. They "sold" it as health care and played on people's feelings to get it passed but in reality it's going to be another tax.

                People with health insurance are going to pay more for less coverage while people without insurance are going to get taxed ("fined") and if they do the paperwork correctly might get most of their money back.

                This is a redistribution of wealth.


                • #9
                  I heard that last week on of those tidbits of Obamacare that's been outed. To paraphrase Pelosi, "let's just pass this thing so we can see what's in it."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
                    How exactly are they going to refuse? The IRS will get their money one way or another.
                    If I decide to protest and not buy insurance next year, I am going to attempt to minimize the damage by claiming the maximum dependents on my W2 form. If I owe them money, instead of getting a refund, then they won't have any money to keep since they are supposedly only going to keep your refund to pay the tax. I haven't seen anything saying that they will add it to your tax bill. I'm sure they'll figure out a way around that. All I know is I won't take this lying down. Of course, there are other extreme measures to take to retaliate, but I won't go into that. We, The People, need to stand up and say, "Hell NO!" to these tyrants.


                    • #11
                      As for the issue of them not insuring spouses, my company did that last year. Fortunately, mine is working part time at her job, so she was able to get on mine.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
                        If I decide to protest and not buy insurance next year, I am going to attempt to minimize the damage by claiming the maximum dependents on my W2 form. If I owe them money, instead of getting a refund, then they won't have any money to keep since they are supposedly only going to keep your refund to pay the tax. I haven't seen anything saying that they will add it to your tax bill. I'm sure they'll figure out a way around that. All I know is I won't take this lying down. Of course, there are other extreme measures to take to retaliate, but I won't go into that. We, The People, need to stand up and say, "Hell NO!" to these tyrants.
                        Muslims are exempt. So I have heard.
                        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                          Muslims are exempt. So I have heard.
                          Yes, based on their "religous" beliefs. How Convenient. Also, illegals get a free ride. They supposedly won't be covered either, but will the ER be able to deny them care?

                          I might have to renounce my citizenship to become exempt. Kind of extreme measure, huh. Or, how bout I say "hell no" and be ready to do whatever it takes to get my point across.

                          ObamaCare Mandate: Exemption and Tax Penalty

                          Find out More About the ObamaCare Mandate and How You Can Qualify for an Exemption from the Tax "Penalty"

                          ObamaCare Mandate; those who choose not to purchase insurance will have to pay a tax "penalty" unless they qualify for an exemption. Exemptions from ObamaCare's tax "penalty" mandate are available to a number of Americans. Look below to see if your qualify for an exemption.

                          About ObamaCare Tax Exemptions

                          The mandate's exemptions cover a variety of people, including: members of certain religious groups and Native American tribes; undocumented immigrants (who are not eligible for health insurance subsidies under the law); incarcerated individuals; people whose incomes are so low they don't have to file taxes (currently $9,500 for individuals and $19,000 for married couples); and people for whom health insurance is considered unaffordable (where insurance premiums after employer contributions and federal subsidies exceed 8% of family income).

                          How the ObamaCare Mandate Works

                          Americans who can afford to purchase insurance but chose not to will have to pay an income tax "penalty". This is officially a tax but is also referred to as a "penalty" and a "mandate". The way the ObamaCare mandate works is that any non-exempt who choose to purchase non-qualifying health insurance must pay an income tax surtax at a rate of 1% or $95 in 2014 to 2.5% in 2016 on profitable income above the tax threshold. The total penalty amount cannot exceed the national average of the annual premiums of a "bronze level" health insurance plan on ObamaCare exchanges.

                          When Does the New ObamaCare Tax "Penalty" Come into Effect?

                          The New ObamaCare Mandate will be filed on your 2014 tax returns. The ObamaCare Health Insurance Exchange opens on Oct, 1st 2013. Insurance must be purchased during or before 2014 to avoid paying the tax.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
                            Yes, based on their "religous" beliefs. How Convenient. Also, illegals get a free ride. They supposedly won't be covered either, but will the ER be able to deny them care?

                            I read somewhere that hospitals will now be penalized for assisting the poor and uninsured under 0bamacare. I'll see if I can find that article...

                            I remember the way it read was that we can choose to not get obama-approved coverage but we'll be taxed the appropriate percentage and still not get any insurance benefits. AND, as stated above, hospitals will be penalized for helping the poor/uninsured which may be obama's way of forcing them to not help those who do not participate.


                            • #15
                              I've been searching and haven't found an answer yet as to if hospitals can deny care for uninsured people. However I did find this.
                              Hospital obligations

                              Hospitals have three obligations under :
                              1.Individuals requesting emergency care, or those for whom a representative has made a request if the patient is unable, must receive a medical screening examination to determine whether an emergency medical condition (EMC) exists. The participating hospital cannot delay examination and treatment to inquire about methods of payment or insurance coverage, or a patient's citizenship or legal status. The hospital may only start the process of payment inquiry and billing once they have ensured that doing so will not interfere with or otherwise compromise patient care.
                              2.The emergency room (or other better equipped units within the hospital) must treat an individual with an EMC until the condition is resolved or stabilized and the patient is able to provide self-care following discharge, or if unable, can receive needed continual care. Inpatient care provided must be at an equal level for all patients, regardless of ability to pay. Hospitals may not discharge a patient prior to stabilization if the patient's insurance is canceled or otherwise discontinues payment during course of stay.
                              3.If the hospital does not have the capability to treat the condition, the hospital must make an "appropriate" transfer of the patient to another hospital with such capability. This includes a long-term care or rehabilitation facilities for patients unable to provide self-care. Hospitals with specialized capabilities must accept such transfers and may not discharge a patient until the condition is resolved and the patient is able to provide self-care or is transferred to another facility.

                              Since its original passage, Congress has passed several amendments to this act. Additionally, state and local laws in some places have imposed additional requirements on hospitals. These amendments include:
                              A patient is defined as "stable," therefore ending a hospital's obligations, if: The patient is conscious, alert, and oriented.
                              The cause of all symptoms reported by the patient or representative, and all potentially life-threatening, limb-threatening, or organ-threatening symptoms discovered by hospital staff, has been ascertained to the best of the hospital's ability.
                              Any conditions that are immediately life-threatening, limb-threatening, or organ-threatening have been treated to the best of the hospital's ability to ensure the patient does not need further inpatient care.
                              The patient is able to care for himself or herself, with or without special equipment, which if needed, must be provided. The required abilities are: Breathing
                              Personal hygiene

                              Another competent person is available and able to meet the patient's needs following discharge.

                              All patients have rights equally, regardless of age, race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, residence, citizenship, or legal status. If patient's status is found to be illegal, hospitals may not discharge a patient prior to completion of care, though law enforcement and hospital security may take necessary action to prevent a patient from escaping or harming others. Treatment may only be delayed as needed to prevent patients from harming themselves or others.
                              Overloaded hospitals may not discharge a patient unable to pay to make room for a patient who is able to pay or is otherwise viewed by society as a more valued citizen. If the emergency room is overloaded, patients must be treated in an order based on their determined medical needs, not their ability to pay.
                              Hospitals may not deny or provide substandard services to a patient who already has outstanding debt to the hospital, and may not withhold the patient's belongings, records, or other required services until the patient pays.
                              Hospitals and related services cannot receive a judgment against the patient in court filings made more than 36 months after the date the patient was discharged, or the last partial payment the patient made to the hospital, contractor, or agent. After that period, the patient may not be threatened with legal action if payment is not made, and may not be denied future outpatient services from the same company/agency that a patient is able to pay.
                              If a patient has been awarded monetary damages against the hospital or any related or affiliated services by a court of law, or has settled out of court on damages, the hospital and related/affiliated services may not withhold monies due to lack of payment, or count the money toward the bill in lieu of making payment to the patient. Voluntary consent for such an arrangement is permitted only if initiated by the patient. Hospitals may not threaten or coerce a patient into such a settlement, or mislead the patient into believing such an arrangement is required or recommended.
                              Patients cannot face criminal prosecution for failure to pay, even if the patient came to the hospital aware of inability to pay. Hospitals and third-party agents may not threaten patients with prosecution as a means of scaring the patient into making payment. Patient can be prosecuted under existing federal, state, or local laws for providing false name, address, or other information to avoid payment, receiving bills, or to hide fugitive status.
                              A hospital cannot delay treatment while determining whether someone can pay or is insured but that does not mean they are completely forbidden from asking or running a credit check. If the patient doesn't pay the bill, the hospital can sue the patient and the unsatisfied judgment will likely appear on the patient's credit report. A 3rd-party collector for a hospital bill would be covered under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
                              Hospitals are prohibited from discriminating against or providing substandard care to those who appear impoverished or homeless, are not well-dressed or groomed, or exhibit signs of mental illness or intoxication. If the hospital fears a patient may be a threat to others, the hospital may delay care only as necessary to protect others.
                              Hospitals are required to sufficiently feed patients unable to pay at a level equal to those able to pay, while meeting all physician-ordered dietary restrictions.
                              Hospitals are not required to provide premium services to the patient not related to medical care (such as television) when failure to provide this service does not compromise patient care.
                              Hospitals and affiliated clinics are not required to provide continued outpatient care, drugs, or other supplies following discharge. In the event such services are recommended, but a patient is unable to pay, the hospital is required to refer the patient to a clinic or tax-funded or private program that enables the patient to pay for these services, and to which the patient has reasonable access. Hospitals must reasonably assist patients as necessary to obtain these services by providing information the patient requests.

                              I looks like it would help with the problem of people using the ER as their medical plan. Evidentlly, it doesn't work good enough because (SUPRISE!) it was part of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act that was passed in 1986.

