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US Prepares For Cruise Missile Attack on Syria

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  • I heard Dan Bishop, Project Manager @ GE is one of his neighbors.


    • Patrick, way to bring down the hammer. That's the way it's done.


      • Originally posted by bp View Post
        i heard dan bishop, project manager @ ge is one of his neighbors.
        "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


        • Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
          Truth hurt?
          oh and blow me!
          like you wanted your daughter too!!! huh bitch. your lucky someone hasnt cut your fucking nuts off


          • Shit!


            • Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz View Post

              He saw it. I posted that at 10:49 PM, he last was logged in at 11:05 PM
              Ignoring this will probably make it go away, right? Just like those pesky CPS sexual abuse investigations.

              On another topic. Y'all read where the judge at his administrative hearing said our boy 'took a passive role' in the sexual abuse? Like that matters AT ALL. Put yourself in that position: you're lying in bed with mama and baby. Mama instructs baby to reach over and touch your junk. AND YOU LIE THERE AND LET IT HAPPEN? Is it just me? In what world does a grown man allow that to happen? Any MAN worth a shit stops it before it goes any further and gets that child out of there and to a safe place. I'm not even commenting on the appropriate response for that huge tub of goo he's married to. I think it's safe to say there'd be a separation right then and there with a call to CPS as I drove the child to the police station.


              • There is nothing 'passive' about having your junk accessible in any form to an 11yr old kid. Sick fuck.
                When the government pays, the government controls.


                • HOLY CRAP!!! Poluski, you done blowed it up. I'll make sure and not piss you off. It amazes me how you guys can find info.


                  • Originally posted by 71chevellejohn View Post
                    This. Like everything else in that region. we should keep out and let them kill themselves off. But it will never happen(until the oil runs out).
                    Werd on that!!!


                    • He went WildBill in this bitch.


                      • Anyone in contact with this prick? I have some steel toed Doc Martens that would like to get in touch.


                        • As a liberal turd bag, this behavior does not surprise me in the least. These are the useless fucks who want more lenience towards criminals. You ever run into one of those who starts mouthing that shit there's a good reason why.
                          Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
                          If liberals like 4eyedwillies had their way, We would never have fought either WW's. We might have killed some innocents and made people upset around the world. Peace and Love for all!
                          No, see that was a LEGAL war. The wars the US are fighting now are ILLEGAL!111


                          • Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                            As a liberal turd bag, this behavior does not surprise me in the least. These are the useless fucks who want more lenience towards criminals. You ever run into one of those who starts mouthing that shit there's a good reason why.

                            What was that guys name in Canada, 5.0 svo or something, that was saying how you shouldn't be able to shoot someone if they were burglarizing your house, because you didn't know what type of home situation they were in and they might just be trying to provide for their family by stealing from you? Then it turned out he had been convicted of breaking and entering? LOL


                            • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                              What was that guys name in Canada, 5.0 svo or something, that was saying how you shouldn't be able to shoot someone if they were burglarizing your house, because you didn't know what type of home situation they were in and they might just be trying to provide for their family by stealing from you? Then it turned out he had been convicted of breaking and entering? LOL
                              That was one of my previous masterpieces.


                              • Originally posted by JP135 View Post
                                Ignoring this will probably make it go away, right? Just like those pesky CPS sexual abuse investigations.

                                On another topic. Y'all read where the judge at his administrative hearing said our boy 'took a passive role' in the sexual abuse? Like that matters AT ALL. Put yourself in that position: you're lying in bed with mama and baby. Mama instructs baby to reach over and touch your junk. AND YOU LIE THERE AND LET IT HAPPEN? Is it just me? In what world does a grown man allow that to happen? Any MAN worth a shit stops it before it goes any further and gets that child out of there and to a safe place. I'm not even commenting on the appropriate response for that huge tub of goo he's married to. I think it's safe to say there'd be a separation right then and there with a call to CPS as I drove the child to the police station.
                                The continued pussification of American men.
                                "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey

