Originally posted by samuel642000
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US Prepares For Cruise Missile Attack on Syria
Originally posted by DOHCTR View PostMan, military people are mad:
Current/past service member's thoughts on this? IMO, you signed up, you were not conscripted. You do not have the luxury of deciding what battles you get to fight if you enlist.Originally posted by roliath View PostGo awol or stfu imo. You can't choose your battles, you knew what you were getting into. Also isn't protesting in uniform a violation of ucmj?
I like this guys' version.
The SS were just "Doing their duty"
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Originally posted by bcoop View PostThat's not an if, it is a when. Obama will get the support of Congress. He already has most of it anyways.
Putin won't bomb America. He said he will bomb Saudi Arabia. China won't bomb America. We are worth more alive than dead. This is all fucking stupid. Much like Iraq, the chemical weapons have already been moved to another country, and we will be doing this same dance in another ten years. That is what happens when your idiotic president, and his window licking press secretary give a 2+ week warning to Assad.
Rumor is we provided the CW's on this deal too, and thus the reason we are sure that they are there and were used.
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Originally posted by DOHCTR View PostMan, military people are mad:
Current/past service member's thoughts on this? IMO, you signed up, you were not conscripted. You do not have the luxury of deciding what battles you get to fight if you enlist.
I like this guys' version.
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Originally posted by Baron View PostIf we start lobbing bombs at Syria? China and Russia.
Putin won't bomb America. He said he will bomb Saudi Arabia. China won't bomb America. We are worth more alive than dead. This is all fucking stupid. Much like Iraq, the chemical weapons have already been moved to another country, and we will be doing this same dance in another ten years. That is what happens when your idiotic president, and his window licking press secretary give a 2+ week warning to Assad.
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Originally posted by bcoop View PostHow many times does this scenario have to blow up in the faces of America's politicians, before they decide that getting involved isn't going to make a damn bit of difference?
Who is going to provide arms to citizens when Americans try to overthrow their government?
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How many times does this scenario have to blow up in the faces of America's politicians, before they decide that getting involved isn't going to make a damn bit of difference?
Who is going to provide arms to citizens when Americans try to overthrow their government?
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Boehner says he supports Obama on Syria
WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker John Boehner (BAY'-nur) says he will support President Barack Obama's call for the U.S. to take action against Syria for alleged chemical weapons use and says his Republican colleagues should support the president, too.
The Ohio Republican says the use of chemical weapons must be responded to. He says only the United States has the capability and the capacity to stop Syrian President Bashar Assad and warn others around the world that such actions will not be tolerated.
Said Boehner: "This is something that the United States as a country needs to do."
He spoke at the White House Tuesday after he and other congressional leaders met with Obama.
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This is bought and paid for by the Suadi's. At this point in the game, O is just doing what he has been told to do.
As far as being a US service member and being sold to go fight this civil war on the sides of the Rebel that is tough. You join to fight for what is right, to fight for what is good for OUR nation, to fight for OUR protection. I fail to see how this fits.
Afghanistan - simple, they wouldn't give up AQ so we toppled them
Iraq - we were told to fuck off, good for our nation, we backed up a valid threat to them
Syria - what interest does AMERICA have there? the rebels ARE AQ and the same mentality of who we are exterminating in AFG. now we are gonna shoulder up to them. Fuck that. If anything we should be helping Assad get rid of his vermin, the muslim brotherhood that is causing this strife.
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Oh and all the meanwhile we will broadcast our intentions across the globe on tv so Assad has plenty opportunity to prepare.
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Originally posted by naynay View Postso, now what?
This really is the definition of being between a rock and a hard place. Get this asshole out of office already.
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Man, military people are mad:
Current/past service member's thoughts on this? IMO, you signed up, you were not conscripted. You do not have the luxury of deciding what battles you get to fight if you enlist.
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Originally posted by stevo View PostHe isn't an idiot, but he has many opinions that are WAY too far out there.
I am not saying anyone who disagrees with RP is dumb, because I don't LIKE everything he says but I do agree with most of it.
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