Originally posted by jdgregory84
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Jesus had no problem with "sinners." He ate with them. Had fun with them. The only people He spoke out against were the religious. lol
In my opinion, Jesus came to stomp out religion by breaking shame. Because the whole reason people create a religion or go to religion is because they feel shame (which says there's something wrong with me) and they need a way to get rid of that feeling.
There was no religion in the Garden--only relationship and freedom (no rules except one for safety's sake).
When you remove shame from the equation, people are naturally happy and they naturally find what their talents are and they do them. They're pleasant and loving and kind and compassionate. Why? Because that's our true nature that God gave us. I've seen Atheistic tribes in Brazil and in India who are the most loving people and they have no lying or stealing problems. They aren't dysfunctional. They have no shame. They're just happy with who they are. It's difficult to proselytize these people, because they don't feel a need for salvation. Good for them. In my opinion, I believe they're living out of their true nature, which is a child of God made in God's image of love, creativity and intelligence. And when they die, they'll know who God is and accept Jesus' sacrifice. And until then, they just aren't aware, but I think they walk with Him without knowing it. This happened to my uncle right before he died. He accepts Jesus, then realizes that God's been with him his whole life and that's why he was so happy. He was a very good man and did a lot of great things for others.
The founder and headmaster of Summerhill, A. S. Neill, who was an Atheist, put it beautifully when he responded to a preacher's comment. The preacher said, "What you have here is great, but you're all a bunch of heathens." A. S. Neill responded, "You Christians preach salvation in your pulpits every week. We live it." I agree...because there was no shame at that school.
These are just my opinions, though, and I could be wrong. Who knows? I go to a Christian church, but I don't even call myself a Christian anymore. I want nothing to do with religion. I think Jesus helped me to be able to live my life as a human being without any labels, because religion divides people and causes wars. If we all saw ourselves as just humans who have varying beliefs, things would be much more loving.