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Chicago Firearms Confiscation Begins

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  • Chicago Firearms Confiscation Begins

    There’s a good reason that law abiding gun owners don’t want their names on a national gun registry — namely, registration leads to confiscation. Gun control advocates immediately spout that “no one wants to take your guns” and other assorted platitudes designed to comfort gun owners about the prospect of being treated like sex offenders. And yet, from the city of Chicago comes a story of exactly that: registered gun owners having their guns confiscated . . .

    In Illinois, gun owners are required to get a Firearms Owners ID card, or FOID. It’s good for 10 years, and then you need to renew it. But if you don’t renew your card, or if you do something that displeases the powers that be, your FOID is NULL and VOID. Which means you can’t own guns legally.

    Cook County police officers have become increasingly worried that when someone’s FOID card is revoked, their guns aren’t instantly confiscated. So they’re doing exactly what gun control advocates have said that registration would never result in — door to door confiscation.
    From the Sun Times:

    A new Cook County Sheriff’s team is crisscrossing the suburbs to seize guns from thousands of people whose Firearm Owner’s Identification Cards have been revoked.
    More than 3,000 people in Cook County have failed to surrender their revoked FOID cards to the state. Sheriff Tom Dart said he thinks many of them continue to possess firearms.

    The Chicago Police Department conducts regular missions to recover revoked FOID cards and seize guns from the holders, but there wasn’t a concerted effort to do that in Cook County’s suburbs, Dart said.

    “The system is broken,” the sheriff said. “The system revokes cards, but the guns are of no consequence. . . . Our strong hope is that we will eliminate tragedies.”
    We’ve said it before and we will say it again — registration only impacts the law abiding. Its raison d’etre is knowing where the firearms are when it’s time to go and get them. Criminals are exempt from the registration requirement due to the illegal nature of their activities, so keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys is a bogus claim when registration advocates try to make it. Registration only applies to the law abiding citizens. Period.

    But the real issue is that gun confiscation schemes like this one don’t actually make the public any safer. In fact, I’d make the argument that registration and door-to-door confiscation like this encourage mentally ill people to avoid getting the help they need.
    Imagine that you have a FOID card in Illinois. You also own guns and would like to keep them. One day, you come to the conclusion that you might benefit from some counseling. Now, would you be more or less likely to seek mental health treatment if you believed that doing so would result in the local police knocking on your door and taking your guns?

    I get the feeling that FOID cards actually make Cook County residents less safe. Then again, I posses a seemingly rare skill called “common sense.”
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    This isn't about safety. It's about power and consolidating power in the hands of scum.

    Even Gandhi said the cruelest thing the British ever did was to bar Indian citizens from their arms.

    It's never about safety or preventing senseless murders. If that's the case, they'd be investigating all off those homicides in the hood in Chicago and solving them! They are not. This is about generating revenue (FOIDs aren't free), and consolidating power in the hands of the idiots (gun confiscation by liberal retards).

    Before long every city will be some rancid mix of Chicago / Detroit if the liberals get their way.


    • #3
      Mine were all lost in a boating incident so no need for me to register any.


      • #4
        I bet all of those criminals will feel helpless after their firearms are taken away!!!1one
        Originally posted by Buzzo
        Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



        • #5
          Originally posted by TexasT View Post
          Mine were all lost in a boating incident so no need for me to register any.
          Of course, now, if you defend yourself with one of the lost guns, you will be prosecuted for multiple other crimes.

          My answer to them is, "No, you can only take my guns when I die trying to protect them. And FUCK ALL OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS TOO!".


          • #6
            Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
            Of course, now, if you defend yourself with one of the lost guns, you will be prosecuted for multiple other crimes.

            My answer to them is, "No, you can only take my guns when I die trying to protect them. And FUCK ALL OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS TOO!".
            Except that has yet to happen on American soil since the civil war, as far as I know.
            I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

            Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


            • #7
              Sheriff’s team working to seize guns from thousands in Illinois
              Published July 28, 2013

              An Illinois sheriff’s team is crisscrossing the Chicago suburbs in an effort to seize guns from thousands of people whose right to own a firearm has been revoked, the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

              According to the paper, more than 3,000 people in Cook County have failed to surrender their revoked Firearm Owners Identification Card, or FOID, which is required to legally buy guns or ammunition.

              Sheriff Tom Dart said he thinks many of the 3,000 continue to possess firearms.

              "The system is broken."

              - Sheriff Tom Dart

              The Chicago Police Department regularly conducts missions to recover revoked FOID cards and take guns from the owners, but there wasn’t a big push to do the same thing in the suburbs until now, Dart reportedly told the paper.

              “The system is broken,” the sheriff said. “The system revokes cards, but the guns are of no consequence. . . . Our strong hope is that we will eliminate tragedies.”

              FOID cards are meant to protect the public from gun owners who suffer from mental illness; felonies and protection orders also are grounds for the state to revoke the holders’ FOID cards. It’s illegal to buy guns or ammunition without one, the Sun-Times reports.

              In one case, the team recovered more than 35 firearms, including four AR-15 assault rifles, from a suicidal man whose card was revoked. Many times, the team gets the FOID card, but not the gun.

              The State Police alert the sheriff’s gun team every week to about 10 to 20 new FOID revocations in Cook County. The investigators then conduct a basic probe into the gun purchasing histories of the people they intend to contact. Then they knock on their doors.

              Read more:

              Sheriff’s team working to seize guns from thousands in Illinois
              Published July 28, 2013

              An Illinois sheriff’s team is crisscrossing the Chicago suburbs in an effort to seize guns from thousands of people whose right to own a firearm has been revoked, the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

              According to the paper, more than 3,000 people in Cook County have failed to surrender their revoked Firearm Owners Identification Card, or FOID, which is required to legally buy guns or ammunition.

              Sheriff Tom Dart said he thinks many of the 3,000 continue to possess firearms.

              "The system is broken."

              - Sheriff Tom Dart

              The Chicago Police Department regularly conducts missions to recover revoked FOID cards and take guns from the owners, but there wasn’t a big push to do the same thing in the suburbs until now, Dart reportedly told the paper.

              “The system is broken,” the sheriff said. “The system revokes cards, but the guns are of no consequence. . . . Our strong hope is that we will eliminate tragedies.”

              FOID cards are meant to protect the public from gun owners who suffer from mental illness; felonies and protection orders also are grounds for the state to revoke the holders’ FOID cards. It’s illegal to buy guns or ammunition without one, the Sun-Times reports.

              In one case, the team recovered more than 35 firearms, including four AR-15 assault rifles, from a suicidal man whose card was revoked. Many times, the team gets the FOID card, but not the gun.

              The State Police alert the sheriff’s gun team every week to about 10 to 20 new FOID revocations in Cook County. The investigators then conduct a basic probe into the gun purchasing histories of the people they intend to contact. Then they knock on their doors.

              Read more:

              Lots of boating accidents i see! haha, but really this is different guys, this is actually happening.


              • #8
                Originally posted by zachary View Post
                Lots of boating accidents i see! haha, but really this is different guys, this is actually happening.

                But a woman in Calumet Park, whose son’s FOID card was revoked because of a drug case, told the officers he wasn’t home and he didn’t have a gun because she threw it into the lake. “I explained to her that’s not the way to do things,” Sandoval said, adding that he found her story questionable.
                "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


                • #9
                  It is actually kind of sad to me that rebellion these days is making up a story at the front door versus not letting them get to the front door.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
                    Except that has yet to happen on American soil since the civil war, as far as I know.

                    Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                    • #11
                      Ruby Ridge completely slipped my mind. Gun confiscation doesn't usually make me think of Waco simply because it didn't seem to be as much about gun confiscation as it seemed to be about the feds wanting to straight up murder the fuck out of a bunch of families for fun. Still, thanks for reminding me as these are two examples that should NEVER slip our minds. It is pretty sad, though, that fewer people choose to take a stand and fight when the time comes for them.

                      There have got to be others I am forgetting about.
                      I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                      Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                      • #12
                        SO legal question here. In California where the Feds raid the marijuana sales places and take it all because it is still a federal offense and that overpowers state law. Can you state federal law in this case and say it overpowers the local "foid"

