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no more abortions!

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
    LMAO! Social policies to help me?! No thanks. I live within my means and save for my own retirement. I don't need the shitty low dollar govmt bs assistance. It's bad enough they take from me already and give to people on food stamps who drive around in nice cars and buy booze and cigarettes from maxed out CC's. liberals are the reason this country is bankrupt because they believe the govmt should be in business, and wealthy people who are self made should give their hard earned money to broke dick assholes who leech off of other people. Thank you for proving my point.
    Shall I supply the platter for his keester?

    Saved and Texan by the Grace of God, Redneck by choice.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Lajntx View Post
      So if it was your wife, daughter, step daughter, cousin, etc who was raped and inpregnated-- say by a black man. Would that still be a "weak card" and she should still have the baby because the State of Texas said so?
      I'm saying the rape card is weak, especially for being pro-abortion after 20 weeks. "So, five months ago I was raped and think I'm pregnant now."

      If a girl is a raped, she should seek medical help ASAP. At that point, I believe that she'd probably go to a hospital and the proper steps would be taken. Not five or more months later.

      LOL at a black guy being the rapist. Like my first question would be "Well, what was the race of the man who raped you? White, well ok, let's wait it out."
      "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


      • #93
        Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
        I'm saying the rape card is weak, especially for being pro-abortion after 20 weeks. "So, five months ago I was raped and think I'm pregnant now."

        If a girl is a raped, she should seek medical help ASAP. At that point, I believe that she'd probably go to a hospital and the proper steps would be taken. Not five or more months later.

        LOL at a black guy being the rapist. Like my first question would be "Well, what was the race of the man who raped you? White, well ok, let's wait it out."
        The morning-after pill is given to rape victims during the rape kit. The 'rape card' is just a crutch.

        Originally posted by SSMAN
        ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


        • #94
          Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
          I'm saying the rape card is weak, especially for being pro-abortion after 20 weeks. "So, five months ago I was raped and think I'm pregnant now."

          If a girl is a raped, she should seek medical help ASAP. At that point, I believe that she'd probably go to a hospital and the proper steps would be taken. Not five or more months later.

          LOL at a black guy being the rapist. Like my first question would be "Well, what was the race of the man who raped you? White, well ok, let's wait it out."
          He might be a liberal, but he still has that deep-rooted east Texas racism. I love it...


          • #95
            Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
            He might be a liberal, but he still has that deep-rooted east Texas racism. I love it...
            I thought it was fucking hilarious.

            "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


            • #96
              Originally posted by racrguy View Post
              This had nothing to do with the safety of women, and everything with controlling what women do with their bodies. If anything, this just made abortions more dangerous for women because they'll be "back alley" abortions due to a lack of availability.
              Have to disagree with you here. Some of these facilities are down right scary. Some of these women have not got the cash to go somewhere that is clean and has the facilities to deal with complications. Those women are at risk.....serious risk. If there are complications, they really have no recourse for continued care in the instance of an accident. Try suing a shitty clinic....well, a proper facility will have liability insurance.

              As far as aborting after 20 weeks....that's fucked up anyway.

              I also like the idea of some clinics not closing and just giving the "abortion pill". doesn't require "outpatient surgery" and still let's the woman choose. you need to understand the public health issue as the reason behind this bill....and remove the blinders telling you that it's a Republican agenda. It's just good legislation using common sense.


              • #97
                Originally posted by stevo View Post
                The morning-after pill is given to rape victims during the rape kit. The 'rape card' is just a crutch.

                Bingo! The media and liberals don't seem to know this.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by aggie97 View Post
                  Bingo! The media and liberals don't seem to know this.
                  As usual, they know it, it just doesn't fit their agenda to talk about it..

                  On another note, did you guys see the list of stuff that was confiscated from protestors at the capitol ? urine,poop, tampoons...damn libs are nuts


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
                    As usual, they know it, it just doesn't fit their agenda to talk about it..

                    On another note, did you guys see the list of stuff that was confiscated from protestors at the capitol ? urine,poop, tampoons...damn libs are nuts
                    Also paint. I'm betting those are "professional" protestors for the most part. Your typical college student or mom and dad don't carry around turds and urine in bottles, nor chain themselves to the railing inside the capitol.


                    • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                      The ability to maintain bodily functions without relying on the bodily functions of another.
                      The likelihood of that fetus developing into an independent organism is fairly high. The fact that someone gets to decide whether to give someone a chance at life or not is pretty messed up. That's what really gets me.
                      Every single person that I have ever met that had an abortion performed had it done due to fear of responsibility.

                      The rape situation is not a pleasant one to think about. I do have a friend that was conceived this way, and that individual is very happy, along with their parent. They were nearly aborted, but the parent chose not to, and never regrets that. Though that isn't applicable to everyone, it's food for thought.

                      I believe in people having the right to making every decision in their life, but the whole "chance at living" thing kind of throws in a grey area for me.
                      Last edited by crapstang; 07-16-2013, 10:09 PM.
                      Originally posted by Buzzo
                      Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



                      • So this bill is supposed to reduce abortions after 20 weeks of birth. So most women know that they're pregnant within 8 weeks of birth. People go to hospitals all the time without insurance and get procedures done. Do you think it's gonna be any different?
                        "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                        • It seems rather disingenuous to focus on the 20 week limit as if anyone is acting like this is the major point of contention. Although there are many serious health conditions for mother and fetus that are only discovered near or after the 20th week of pregnancy.

                          The major point of dispute is the arbitrary distinction that clinics must meet the same standards as ambulatory clinics and the claim that it is to protect women. If this were truly an attempt at protecting women's health, or children's health, this wouldn't be limited to just abortion clinics. Hell, I work at Pediatric and Family Medicine clinic that doesn't have any obligation to be a n ambulatory clinic and they focus on pregnant women, babies, and small children.

                          It's also incredibly silly to claim that this is, somehow, going to prevent more Dr. Gosnells. He was already breaking the law, and on top of that the Department of State Health Services said that abortion clinics are inspected at least once a year, while ambulatory surgical centers are inspected every three to six years. If they are only inspected as often as all the other ambulatory clinics, this will give a greater opportunity to the Kermit Gosnells that may be hiding in Texas.

                          It also doesn't help when the experts state “Generally speaking, compared with the other facility types, I have not been aware of any particular concerns” associated with abortion clinics, and later added, “There’s no reason for me to believe that one is safer than the other.”
                          Scientists do not coddle ideas. They crash test them. They run them into a brick wall at 60 miles per hour and then examine the pieces.

                          If the idea is sound, the pieces will be that of the wall.


                          • A federal judge has ruled that new abortion restrictions passed by the Texas Legislature are unconstitutional and should not take effect as planned on Tuesday.

                            District Judge Lee Yeakel issued his decision Monday following a three-day trial over whether the state can restrict when, where and how women obtain abortions in Texas.

                            Lawyers for Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers argued that the regulations did not protect women and would shut down a third of the abortion clinics in Texas.

                            The Texas attorney general's office argued that the law protects women and the life of the fetus. State officials are expected to file an emergency appeal of Yeakel's order to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans.

                            The proposed restrictions were among the toughest in the nation.
                            Copyright 2013 Associated Press, All rights reserved.
                            This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
                            Scientists do not coddle ideas. They crash test them. They run them into a brick wall at 60 miles per hour and then examine the pieces.

                            If the idea is sound, the pieces will be that of the wall.


                            • Awesome.


                              • Like to see how it's "unconstitutional" for a clinic to be within 30 miles of a hospital. That's where, exactly, in the Constitution?

                                A federal judge on Monday blocked part of a recently signed Texas law that requires abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

                                District Judge Lee Yeakel wrote Monday that the provision violates the rights of abortion doctors to do what they think is best for their patients and would unreasonably restrict a woman's access to abortion clinics.

                                Another activist judge running on feelings. "What they think is best..."
                                "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey

