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Second appeals court invalidates Obama's NLRB recess appointments

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  • Second appeals court invalidates Obama's NLRB recess appointments

    A second appeals court has joined the D.C. Circuit in ruling that President Barack Obama’s recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board were unconstitutional, concluding that some board actions taken in the wake of those appointments were also invalid.

    The issue has far-reaching implications for both the NLRB and other boards, including Obama’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which has been a frequent target of conservatives and whose director was a recess appointment.

    The 2-1 decision Thursday from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (posted here) found that the presidential recess appointment power is limited to breaks between sessions of Congress, not breaks within sessions or other adjournments during which the Senate might meet in pro forma sessions. The reasoning mirrors that in a ruling of the D.C. Circuit Court in January.

    (Also on POLITICO: Obama tries to stop the bleeding)

    The 3rd Circuit case centered on decisions the NLRB made on the authority of three members including Craig Becker, who was appointed by the president on March 27, 2010, while the Senate was adjourned for two weeks.

    The case was brought by a New Jersey nursing and rehabilitation center whose nurses were allowed to form a union by one such NLRB decision. The facility, New Vista, contended that the board’s decision was invalid because it did not have enough members active when the decision was issued because the naming of Becker to the board was not a valid recess appointment.

    The NLRB must have three members participate in a decision for it to be valid, and the court found that because Becker was not appointed during a break between sessions of Congress, he was not a valid member of the board and thus invalidated the NLRB’s orders.

    The opinion, written by Judge D. Brooks Smith, said the recess clause of the Constitution should be read not just to give the president executive power, but also to preserve the “advice and consent” role of the Senate.

    In his dissent, Judge Joseph. A Greenaway Jr. said the majority’s reading of the clause was needlessly narrow and ignored the Founding Fathers' intent to give the president the ability to act when the Senate is not available to “advise and consent.”

    The administration late last month petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn the D.C. Circuit Court’s ruling on the issue.

    The decision comes the same day that the Senate Help Subcommittee held a hearing on five nominations to the NLRB. Sen. Tom Harkin said they nominations would be moved next Wednesday.

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    Obama and his puppet master Soros are big headed , big money FAILBOTS
    you look at all the shit they've tried since he hit office. Much of it they overplayed their hand in , their bluff got called and they got bitch slapped back into reality.
    I'm not saying there isn't damage done, but I don't personally think much lasting damage is as bad as some would say.
    I fully expect the conservative backlash will do lasting damage to the democrat party.
    The tides are turning , and fast with all the recent scandals.
    Let's just hope this is the end of it, because like they say ' a man is most dangerous when he's down'
    he may be down , but he ain't out yet. The proof though is in his own party turning against him. It may be in little ways right now, but it's getting the steam is building...


    • #3
      Originally posted by futant View Post
      the conservative backlash will do lasting damage to the democrat party.
      The tides are turning , and fast with all the recent scandals.
      Let's just hope this is the end of it, because like they say ' a man is most dangerous when he's down'
      he may be down , but he ain't out yet. The proof though is in his own party turning against him. It may be in little ways right now, but it's getting the steam is building...
      The real problem with your analysis is there is more Democrats than Republicans that will be going to the polls ( nationally ) as each day passes.

      His own party might be turning against him if you believe what you see on Fox News. This is simply going to be another distraction that keeps the Republicans pre-occupied tring to find something to attach " -gate" to the end of it. Meanwhile, the next elections will be here and you`ll have one party trying to win simply by running against Nancy Pelosi since their record will consist of nothing more that trying to repeal the ACA 57 times, passing no jobs legislation, not resolving the sequester, etc.

      My prediction is though even being caught with his hands in the cookie jar of not keeping his subordinates in line ( as well as accountable ), that the Democrats will come out of this in the end better off politically than they would have been if left on their own because the other party is more consumed with hate rather than doing their "jobs" of governing


      • #4
        Explain to me Congress' authority to do anything about jobs other than setting a tax rate using the Constitution. Consumed with hate? Pretty sure I've heard more hate from libs. "Ryan wants to throw granny off the cliff!" "Republicans want to kill grandma!" "Get in their face", I can go on. Better yet, would you like a video of Dems saying very violent things like "There will be blood in the streets?"
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #5
          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          Explain to me Congress' authority to do anything about jobs other than setting a tax rate using the Constitution. Consumed with hate? Pretty sure I've heard more hate from libs. "Ryan wants to throw granny off the cliff!" "Republicans want to kill grandma!" "Get in their face", I can go on. Better yet, would you like a video of Dems saying very violent things like "There will be blood in the streets?"
          I'm skeptical of the manner in which this phrase is presented, I'd like to see some context.


          • #6
            Originally posted by racrguy View Post
            I'm skeptical of the manner in which this phrase is presented, I'd like to see some context.
            At™ we help you excel personal finance, boost income, invest wisely, travel smart, reach financial freedom faster, and enjoy life on a budget.

            On Tuesday, Rep. Douglas Geiss, a Democrat from Taylor, issued an ominous warning in a debate before a vote on Michigan's right to work bill.

            "We are about to undue 100 years of [labor progress]. There will be blood on the streets," he said.

            "We will relive the Battle of the Overpass," he said, according to a tweet by the Michigan Democratic Party, referencing a 1937 incident where labor organizers clashed with security guards working for Ford Motor Company.

            “I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going. Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary,” Rep. Mike Capuano (D-Ma.) told a crowd in Boston on Tuesday rallying in solidarity for Wisconsin union members.

            At™ we help you excel personal finance, boost income, invest wisely, travel smart, reach financial freedom faster, and enjoy life on a budget.

            Democratic Assemblyman Gordon Hintz screamed "You are f*****g dead" after the Wisconsin Assembly voted to pass Governor Scott Walker's budget repair bill Friday

            At™ we help you excel personal finance, boost income, invest wisely, travel smart, reach financial freedom faster, and enjoy life on a budget.
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #7
              /facepalm. Way to go, Bill.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post

                On Tuesday, Rep. Douglas Geiss, a Democrat from Taylor, issued an ominous warning in a debate before a vote on Michigan's right to work bill.

                "We are about to undue 100 years of [labor progress]. There will be blood on the streets," he said.

                "We will relive the Battle of the Overpass," he said, according to a tweet by the Michigan Democratic Party, referencing a 1937 incident where labor organizers clashed with security guards working for Ford Motor Company.

                “I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going. Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary,” Rep. Mike Capuano (D-Ma.) told a crowd in Boston on Tuesday rallying in solidarity for Wisconsin union members.

                At™ we help you excel personal finance, boost income, invest wisely, travel smart, reach financial freedom faster, and enjoy life on a budget.

                Democratic Assemblyman Gordon Hintz screamed "You are f*****g dead" after the Wisconsin Assembly voted to pass Governor Scott Walker's budget repair bill Friday

                What was that argument on here several months ago to the effect about anything quoted about what a state rep saying has no bearing on how the Republican Party ( overall ) should thought of? ( Racist issues if I remember right )

                If you really really want to use instances from the state level, then there is tons & tons of information out there to be used about the thuggery that goes in in the GOP.

                Just Saying


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lajntx View Post
                  What was that argument on here several months ago to the effect about anything quoted about what a state rep saying has no bearing on how the Republican Party ( overall ) should thought of? ( Racist issues if I remember right )

                  If you really really want to use instances from the state level, then there is tons & tons of information out there to be used about the thuggery that goes in in the GOP.

                  Just Saying
                  Democrats are the most racist people in the world. Have you ever picked up a History book? Go back and research old civil rights and look at who did what, you flaming liberal fuck rag.

