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Lesson Learned - keep your voice down.

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  • #76
    Originally posted by stevo View Post
    Make up your mind.

    Once again, you are the one that said just fill in the name and have a judge sign it. The blood draw warrants have the SFSTs listed. That is about it. You still type out the PC for the traffic stop, what you observed when you made contact, what you smelled, etc.

    And you answers my question, you really are that dense.
    2007 Chevy TBSS


    • #77
      You see nothing wrong with cops kicking in a door where there's no imminent threat and tasing a homeowner in his own home Jamison? You want answers? Answer that one.
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #78
        Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
        You see nothing wrong with cops kicking in a door where there's no imminent threat and tasing a homeowner in his own home Jamison? You want answers? Answer that one.
        Not being a smart ass, but did I miss an actual article or something that has more information about what happened? I saw that someone mentioned an anonymous 911 call. Without knowing what information the officers were provided prior to arriving on scene I cannot answer your question. If the call was the next door neighbors are arguing. I can't see them forcing entry. If the call said the couple next door are beating the hell out of their child then sure, it could be justified. Too many variables to throw a blanket yes or no.

        Of course the video starts well after the officers have arrived. So who knows what happened before the camera started rolling.

        If they didn't want the cops inside the house, the couple should have exited the house and talked outside. I know, Police State, martial law, etc.

        We deal with multiple domestics every day. Even if the couple tells me everything is ok I still want to separate them and speak with them one on one. Often the story changes when the female actually gets a chance to talk.

        You asked what I would do if a Trooper came to my house saying he was investigating a domestic. Honestly, I have nothing to hide. Come on in. Nothing broken inside the house. Nothing obviously out of the place. My wife? Sure, hold on a sec. He does his investigation and he's on his way.

        Now for all the jack booted thug haters I would recommend this course of action: I would walk out my front door, have my wife exit and shut the door behind me. Exigency is nonexistent at that point. After a brief investigation he would be on his way.
        2007 Chevy TBSS


        • #79
          Even if someone made a 911 call, it's someone making an anonymous tip that anyone can make. Remember last year SWAT'ting? Anonymous tip does not mean I have to talk to a cop or permit him to enter my home. It does not nullify my rights nor empower you.

          "if they don't want the cops inside the house, the couple should have exited the house?" Really? Under what constitutional obligation do they have to do so? Mind if I go digging through your squad car and personal vehicle? I mean if you have nothing to hide, you have no issue right?
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #80
            Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
            Even if someone made a 911 call, it's someone making an anonymous tip that anyone can make. Remember last year SWAT'ting? Anonymous tip does not mean I have to talk to a cop or permit him to enter my home. It does not nullify my rights nor empower you.

            "if they don't want the cops inside the house, the couple should have exited the house?" Really? Under what constitutional obligation do they have to do so? Mind if I go digging through your squad car and personal vehicle? I mean if you have nothing to hide, you have no issue right?
            How did the couple leaving their house to speak with the officers outside violate anyone's rights?

            I'm not saying exit your house and let the cops have a free for all inside. Thought that was pretty apparent when I said "close the door behind me".

            It really blows my mind how a handful of people on here have such a disdain for law enforcement in general. When I was 16 the local deputy pointed his revolver at my head on a questionable traffic stop (county road, no red and blues, just his takedowns). I would think that is a pretty negative experience in most people's opinion. At the request of an outside party I filed a formal complaint. But I knew the guy was a jackass. I didn't live the rest of my life thinking every cop was out to get me. I started my LEO career much later than most. I had several contacts with law enforcement before wearing the badge myself. I earned the tickets I received. I didn't talk shit about the officer for writing me.
            2007 Chevy TBSS


            • #81
              That would be right against self incrimination and privacy so, 4th and 5th amendments.

              You're telling me to leave my house to talk to cops that have intentions on arresting me if they think I say something wrong. Tell me what obligation I have to speak to officers who come to my house and want to chat.

              No disdain for law enforcement just disdain for cops using their power to infringe on rights. If a cop does a good job, serves the public trust and honors the constitution then I give him props. When you have 3 cops kicking in a door because a man doesn't want to come out and talk to you and you don't have a warrant AND you tase him in his house? I have an issue. You don't because you have that badge and authority and other cops aren't going to treat you like they do the population.
              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


              • #82
                Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                That would be right against self incrimination and privacy so, 4th and 5th amendments.

                You're telling me to leave my house to talk to cops that have intentions on arresting me if they think I say something wrong. Tell me what obligation I have to speak to officers who come to my house and want to chat.

                No disdain for law enforcement just disdain for cops using their power to infringe on rights. If a cop does a good job, serves the public trust and honors the constitution then I give him props. When you have 3 cops kicking in a door because a man doesn't want to come out and talk to you and you don't have a warrant AND you tase him in his house? I have an issue. You don't because you have that badge and authority and other cops aren't going to treat you like they do the population.
                4th Amendment? What is being searched or seized? 5th Amendment? The scenario is a bogus 911 call right? So if there is no actual crime that took place I'm not really sure how you would incriminate yourself.
                2007 Chevy TBSS


                • #83
                  Can't say if there was a crime committed, not enough information. I'm saying he has no obligation to talk to them at all, much less leave his home and engage them in a conversation. He also has no constitutional obligation to open his door to them without a warrant as he obviously felt he did nothing wrong and there was no crime the police could see being committed.

                  Unless you can point out why they felt the need to kick in his door and assault a homeowner in his home. Example: I'm drunk in my house. Cops want to come by and talk to me. I'm perfectly legal to be drunk in my house. I step foot outside? Drunk in public. I'm naked in my house, no problem. Step foot outside? I think there's 3 or 4 things you can be charged with.

                  I can come up with a lot of things that me doing inside my home is legal but not for me to do it outside. Why should I come outside when a cop wants to talk to me? Why should I talk to any cop that wants to chat? What obligation do I have to do so?
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by JamisonFRC View Post
                    Once again, you are the one that said just fill in the name and have a judge sign it

                    Originally posted by JamisonFRC View Post
                    "Hey judge! I realize its 0330 hours but I kinda need in this house. No, for real. I promise I'm good to get inside. Cool?"

                    That's all it takes to get a search warrant. Seriously. LOL! You guys kill me. We all have judges on speed dial with pre-formatted warrants for every situation that might arise.

                    On a good day when the stars align and the universe is in perfect harmony I would say two hours is a good time frame to type a warrant, locate a judge and get it signed.

                    Sure there are warrants that are fill in the blank (blood draw) but to get a warrant for a house takes much longer.
                    Originally posted by SSMAN
                    ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.

