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Minnesota Police Chief Turns to Public for Ammo Handouts (VIDEO)

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  • Minnesota Police Chief Turns to Public for Ammo Handouts (VIDEO)

    Everybody’s having a hard time finding ammunition. Even people who work at ammunition manufacturing facilities are having a hard time finding ammunition. For months now, people have been buying all the ammo they can find in response to gun control proposals and laws passed and pending.

    The effects of this have fallen at the feet of many law enforcement agencies, who are having an extra-difficult time finding both target and training ammunition as well as self-defense ammo.

    It has gotten to the point where police departments are cutting back on training and rationing their existing ammunition.

    When Proctor, Minn. chief of police Walt Wobig found out that his department wouldn’t be able to lay hands on ammunition for six to eight months, he put out a call for help, and the people answered.

    I was really surprised, let’s just put it that way,” said Wobig to

    “I go, ‘Do you have 40–caliber qualification rounds?’ And [the supplier said], ‘Well, no. It’s going to take six to eight months,” Wobig continued. ”The citizens were like, ‘If you need something, we got plenty here.’”

    “I had several other calls from other citizens that said, ‘Hey, if you need more ammunition we have plenty,’” said Wobig, “I know that if I need ammunition I have citizens out there that will gladly come forward.”

    The Chief considers the ammo a “loan” and will replace what the department uses when they eventually get ammo through standard channels.

    And while there’s no mystery as to why the public is stockpiling ammo, that does touch on another subject, why is the Department of Homeland Security stockpiling ammo?

    To-date, the DHS has not supplied an official reason for their massive multi-billion-round ammunition purchases, which will be spread out over the next five years.

    “With more than 100,000 armed law enforcement personnel in DHS, significant quantities of ammunition are used to support law enforcement operations, quarterly qualifications, and training, to include advanced firearms training exercises,” said agency spokesman Peter Boogaard to Congress.

    Some have suggested that the DHS was building up a cache to share with local law enforcement should the need arise, although that doesn’t appear to be the case in Proctor; “support” must have another meaning.

    The DHS is currently under investigation by the Government Accountability Office for their ammo purchases. The GAO launched their investigation following the DHS testimony to Congress, which they found unconvincing.

    Still, it must be reassuring to the people of Proctor that their neighbors are happy to help out like this. Not every community would be willing to do the same.

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