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Hall Votes to Prevent Default Without Raising Debt Ceiling

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  • Hall Votes to Prevent Default Without Raising Debt Ceiling

    Hall Votes to Prevent Default Without Raising Debt Ceiling

    May 9, 2013
    WASHINGTON, DC . . .Today, Rep. Ralph Hall (TX-04) voted with a House majority to pass H.R. 807, The Full Faith and Credit Act, by a vote of 221-207. The bill ensures that, in the event the debt limit is reached, a default on the debt would be prevented without raising the debt ceiling.

    “Today’s bill gives Americans the assurance that the threat of defaulting on the national debt is removed and that Social Security beneficiaries will receive payments in full and on time,” said Hall. “While Congress and the President work to pass appropriations bills in the next few months, House Republicans remain committed to reining in the government’s serious spending problem.”

    Hall continued, “Over the past three years, the President and Democrat-controlled Senate have only agreed to reduce spending when they were forced to negotiate. During the 2011 debt limit negotiations, the threat of default was hung over the head of Americans. This bill ensures a default is prevented without raising the debt limit and provides the opportunity for a serious discussion between Republicans and the Administration about how to get the deficit under control.

    “I remain committed to reining in the government’s out-of-control spending, reducing the debt, and balancing the budget, and I will continue to support legislation that promotes these goals.”

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2


    • #3
      Ralph Hall the stalwart Democrate whom will "Stand up against Republicans in Washington to prevent black people......... Oh wait! It`s not 1968 anymore.

      Ralph Hall the "True Conservative" will work with President Reagan to help cut taxes and stop those sleazy Ruskies.... Oh Wait! Its not 1985 anymore

      Ralph Hall from Rockwall is a True Vote for Conservative Values to help stop & impeach President Clinton.... Oh wait... That didnt work either.

      Ralph Hall from Rockwall needs your help in 2002 because he promises to stay on the job and offer his experience in this time of war.... Oh wait. He didnt stop running after the war like he promised

      Ralph Hall the true Texas Conservative Republican from Texas will go to Washington and help stop Obama`s Socialist Agenda. Here`s a token with the free penney as usual for your vote.

      I wonder if he`ll have the same amount of luck as he always has had? LOL


      • #4
        Originally posted by Lajntx View Post
        Ralph Hall the stalwart Democrate whom will "Stand up against Republicans in Washington to prevent black people......... Oh wait! It`s not 1968 anymore.

        Ralph Hall the "True Conservative" will work with President Reagan to help cut taxes and stop those sleazy Ruskies.... Oh Wait! Its not 1985 anymore

        Ralph Hall from Rockwall is a True Vote for Conservative Values to help stop & impeach President Clinton.... Oh wait... That didnt work either.

        Ralph Hall from Rockwall needs your help in 2002 because he promises to stay on the job and offer his experience in this time of war.... Oh wait. He didnt stop running after the war like he promised

        Ralph Hall the true Texas Conservative Republican from Texas will go to Washington and help stop Obama`s Socialist Agenda. Here`s a token with the free penney as usual for your vote.

        I wonder if he`ll have the same amount of luck as he always has had? LOL
        Wars over?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Craizie View Post
          Wars over?
          There never was a declared "War" per se, It was just a political ploy from an old school flip flop career politician facing defeat in a general election making a statement knowing nobody would hold him too it. Plus the State GOP gerymandered his district even further so there would be no Republicans over 50 in significant numbers that knew how much he "hated" them back in the day, few if any "Obama Supporters", and LOTs of people under 50 that like to protest Obama every Saturday morning on the court house lawn.

          Glad He`s not my Congressman anymore. I`ll take Lunatic Louie over him anyday of the week.

