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Rep Steve Stockmand makes the left mad offering a free AR-15.

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  • Rep Steve Stockmand makes the left mad offering a free AR-15.

    Rep. Steve Stockman

    Want to win a FREE AR-15? Congressman Steve Stockman is giving one away! Sign up at Grab this gun before Obama does!
    If there was any question that Rep. Steve Stockman is using his Bushmaster rifle giveaway to tweak the gun control crowd, his entreaty to “Grab this gun before Obama does!” should settle the matter. Before you enter, though, be sure to read the fine print: there are apparently some laws on the books that regulate gun sales and transfers:

    DISCLAIMER: No purchase or donation necessary to win. Void where prohibited. Must be a U.S. resident at least 18 years of age to be eligible to win. Winner drawn randomly. Firearms prizes must be claimed through a licensed firearms dealer in accordance with federal, state and local law. Firearms prize winners must meet all legal requirements and will be subject to a dealer’s background check.

    I'm giving away a FREE Bushmaster AR-15! Sign up in just seconds at #tcot #teaparty #gop #tlot #rkba #nra #texasgop
    .@ReElectStockman Maybe you could just spit on the Newtown kids' graves instead. #newtown
    Same gun used to kill children/teachers in Newtown RT @ReElectStockman: I'm giving away a FREE Bushmaster AR-15! Sign up in just seconds
    @ReElectStockman You really are an unpleasant blowhard of a man, aren't you?Reprehensible of an elected official to encourage gun violence.
    When you have to mow down a room full of schoolkids, accept no substitute! RT ‏@ReElectStockman I'm giving away a FREE Bushmaster AR-15!
    @ReElectStockman What a ****.
    @ReElectStockman What unlucky parent is going to see their child themselves or their sibling with this instrument of death?
    No age restrictions for entering! "Daddeeeee, daddeeee. I wan win dat gun for my kinnergarten class."
    Did we mention you should read the fine print?

    .@ReElectStockman Give it to a 5-yr-old with a full, large clip and tell him to take it to school on test day. What could go wrong? #nra
    .@ReElectStockman #BloodOnYourHands a national disgrace.
    @ReElectStockman @felixsalmon Seriously, is this a parody account or is this guy for real????
    .@ReElectStockman Hopefully the person who wins it isn't also someone who wants to harm you. You should run bkgd checks on your entrants.
    How many anti-gun advocates will enter just to keep that killing machine out of the bad guys’ hands? We’ll have to wait and see, but in the meantime, the Democrats’ communications director is not amused.

    .@ReElectStockman thanks for your concern for the feelings of the parents of 20 dead children in CT. Just had to pick that gun, huh?
    "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey

  • #2
    Lmao. I love the comments. Nobody bothers to read the rules and why not give that gun away it is a very popular gun. It has nothing to do with those kids.


    • #3
      All those ass-holes that commented are a special kind of stupid. We all know if they wanted to use a gun to kill a whole bunch of people they'd just steal it.
      Originally posted by stevo
      Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



      • #4
        This country is so divided now that we will never again have a civil society. The nutjobs on the left are so far apart in their narrow minded logic that there is no reasoning with them. Just read the comments section of any political article and you quickly get overwhelmed with the skewed hate that they spill.


        • #5
          Why is it that all the libs use a single event to make a point? Is Newtown really the only place a crime was committed with an AR-15?

          Call me an asshole crackpot, but I honestly think the whole Newtown shooting was a hoax. And for the record, this guy is also an asshole crackpot for being an elected official and giving away an automatic rifle.
          When the government pays, the government controls.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
            Why is it that all the libs use a single event to make a point? Is Newtown really the only place a crime was committed with an AR-15?

            Call me an asshole crackpot, but I honestly think the whole Newtown shooting was a hoax. And for the record, this guy is also an asshole crackpot for being an elected official and giving away an automatic rifle.
            Where's the automatic rifle giveaway at?


            • #7
              Yeah my bad there, an AR-15 giveaway.
              When the government pays, the government controls.


              • #8
                Why does the type of rifle matter?
                "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
                  This country is so divided now that we will never again have a civil society. The nutjobs on the left are so far apart in their narrow minded logic that there is no reasoning with them. Just read the comments section of any political article and you quickly get overwhelmed with the skewed hate that they spill.
                  Don't put liberals and logic together. They run on emotion. There's no place for logic in a discussion with liberals.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
                    Yeah my bad there, an AR-15 giveaway.
                    a common mistake people make is thinking AR stands for automatic rifle but it actually stands for Armalite.
                    May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                    Semper Fi


                    • #11
                      Just reading the comments, makes me want to stay the fuck off the internet and find me 50 or so acres to live on the old fashioned way. First, it's not a fucking clip, it's a magazine... second, he's not giving away the rifle that actually shot the kids (I personally still have never seen anything pointing to a rifle being used and everything I saw or heard pointed to 4 hand guns but maybe I missed it), and third... it's not an assualt rifle or an automatic (Same thing), it's a AR-15. If you think that the AR-15 is the problem then YOU are the problem... crazy ass people who refuse to take responsibility for themselves and allow others to not take responsibility for their own actions are the problem.
                      Originally posted by stevo
                      Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bird_dog0347 View Post
                        Just reading the comments, makes me want to stay the fuck off the internet and find me 50 or so acres to live on the old fashioned way. First, it's not a fucking clip, it's a magazine... second, he's not giving away the rifle that actually shot the kids (I personally still have never seen anything pointing to a rifle being used and everything I saw or heard pointed to 4 hand guns but maybe I missed it), and third... it's not an assualt rifle or an automatic (Same thing), it's a AR-15. If you think that the AR-15 is the problem then YOU are the problem... crazy ass people who refuse to take responsibility for themselves and allow others to not take responsibility for their own actions are the problem.
                        But just look at it....anyone can tell by looking at an AR15 or AK47 personal assault weapon that it is EVIL and the only reason they are produced is so madmen can gun down innocent children and churchgoers...there is NOOOOO reason for ANYONE to need such massive killing power in their hands. Now I'm gonna go drink a few beers and then drive around in my 5500lb 4x4 truck so you can think about what I just told you.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bird_dog0347 View Post
                          it's not an assualt rifle or an automatic (Same thing)
                          If you're going to split hairs, do it right.
                          Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                          HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
                            This country is so divided now that we will never again have a civil society. The nutjobs on the left are so far apart in their narrow minded logic that there is no reasoning with them. Just read the comments section of any political article and you quickly get overwhelmed with the skewed hate that they spill.
                            Or you could just listen to conservative talk radio for about an hour and understand why the Lefties have rightfully assumed that the best defense in dealing with the right is a good offense.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lajntx View Post
                              Or you could just listen to conservative talk radio for about an hour and understand why the Lefties have rightfully assumed that the best defense in dealing with the right is a good offense.
                              You mean emotional BS with unconstitutional actions?
                              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

