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Had to find some whities.....

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  • Had to find some whities.....

    Originally posted by news and tuff
    MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The FBI believes authorities disrupted a terrorism attack that was being planned in a small western Minnesota city when they arrested a man after converging on a mobile home that contained Molotov cocktails, suspected pipe bombs and firearms, the agency said Monday. they had bottles of booze and rags = molotov cocktail, suspected pipe bombs? really you can't say one way or the other? my guess is it gets down graded to a garage or stuff that every other guy owns. Firearms? how about ONE

    Buford Rogers, 24, of Montevideo, was arrested Friday and charged with one count of being a felon in possession of a firearm. He remained in federal custody Monday and it was not clear if he had an attorney.

    "The FBI believed there was a terror attack in its planning stages, and we believe there would have been a localized terror attack, and that's why law enforcement moved quickly to execute the search warrant on Friday to arrest Mr. Rogers," FBI spokesman Kyle Loven said Monday. moved quickly to put a white face on terror again....what were these genius masterminds planning to do exactly? when did criminals become master terror plotters?

    Rogers appeared in court Monday wearing a construction company T-shirt, jeans and work boots. He answered "yes sir" and "no sir" to questions from U.S. Magistrate Judge Tony Leung.

    Leung ordered Rogers held pending a detention hearing Wednesday, citing "serious concerns" raised in the criminal complaint.

    Loven declined to elaborate about the location of the alleged target, other than to say it was believed to be in Montevideo, a city of about 5,000 people about 130 miles west of Minneapolis. He also declined to say whether Rogers was believed to be acting alone or as part of a group, or if other arrests were expected. means you don't know what his plans were or if the guy had "plans". looks like you found a couple hillbillies in the trailer park that someone didn't like and knew they didn't like the government. short of funds as you know them to be, they will be sitting next to a public defender and a slam dunk case of.....molotov cocktails lol

    "This is a very active investigation," he said. He added that at this point, authorities are "looking at this from a domestic terrorism standpoint." try simple criminals and white not me pictures of their lair. I doubt they had plans for anything other than "hold ma beer and watch this"

    Loven said the pending investigation prohibits him from getting into details about Rogers' possible political or religious views, but he said the FBI is confident in calling this a "terror" situation. simple cover for "we are short on details cause they don't exist"

    "We had information which indicated that Mr. Rogers was involved in a plot to conduct terror activities in and around the Montevideo area," he said.

    In a news release Monday, the FBI said it believed "the lives of several local residents were potentially saved" by the search and arrest, and said "several guns and explosive devices were discovered." The agency said the alleged terror plot was discovered through analysis of intelligence gathered by local, state and federal authorities.

    "Cooperation between the FBI and its federal, state, and local partners enabled law enforcement to prevent a potential tragedy in Montevideo," Christopher Warrener, the special agent in charge of the FBI office in Minneapolis, said in the release.

    According to a federal affidavit obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, FBI agents from the domestic terrorism squad searched the property at the mobile home park in Montevideo and discovered the Molotov cocktails, suspected pipe bombs and firearms. The affidavit said Buford was there at the time of the search, and one firearm recovered from Buford's residence was a Romanian AKM assault rifle.

    In an interview with authorities, Rogers admitted firing the weapon on two separate occasions at a gun range in Granite Falls, the affidavit said. Rogers has a past conviction for felony burglary and is not allowed to have a firearm.

    Rogers is expected to make his initial appearance in federal court Monday.

    Rogers' 2011 felony burglary conviction stems from an incident in Lac qui Parle County. He also has a 2009 misdemeanor conviction for dangerous handling of a weapon in Hennepin County, as well as other criminal violations, according to online court records.

    Dustin Rathbun, who lives next door to Rogers' home, said he saw Friday's raid and arrest. He said he didn't know the family well because he didn't see them outside much.

    Rathbun said the only thing that stood out was he and other neighbors noticed a few months ago the family was flying an upside-down flag from the side of their mobile home. He said the owners of the park asked them to take it down.
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.

  • #2
    Man, makes me wonder what they would do to me with what I have just laying around the house!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Denny View Post
      Man, makes me wonder what they would do to me with what I have just laying around the house!
      Dude trust me. I wanted to post that with one of my fake accounts. lol
      Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


      • #4
        I meant to post about this same bullshit last night but I was too tired.

        When I saw the story, they were quoting a facebook posting he made YEARS ago, where he was mentioning the 'New World Order' that America was becoming, and how we should fight to the bitter end to protect our original America way of life.

        Basically, the very thing we have been saying is coming true, the 0bama regime is starting to move on dissidents of his newly-forming police state.

        Originally posted by SSMAN
        ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


        • #5
          Time to go clean up my facebook.


          • #6
            Originally posted by DallasSleeper View Post
            Time to go clean up my facebook.
            or better put.....time to go delete my everything

            I read a book many moons ago by Col Dave Grossman called On Killing. It was a vast book that even covered this exact very thing; about how the government will single you out and demonize you in the media first thing. Look at all the holes in that article that just spew "well we were a little off in our initial reporting, seems he just loved to drink hence the booze and that gun never even worked to begin with" Meanwhile, damage is done and they will burn him down for something and give him a taste of that hate of the government he already has.
            Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


            • #7
              It'll be interesting to see what becomes of this. If what the article states is the only evidence they have, they're gonna come up pretty short in a court where the judge has some common sense - no guarantees there.

              I'm hoping there's more to the story for them to arrest this dude than just one gun, some liquor and some rags.


              • #8
                Originally posted by DallasSleeper View Post
                Time to go clean up my facebook.

                LOL Why?

                Do you really think they do not have it copied all ready?

                Aside from that.....Why?

                Stand up for what you believe in, or run and hide. I'm not deleting shit.

