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Col West is done playing

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  • Col West is done playing

    Former U.S. Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) threw down big time Wednesday, saying campus “left wing groups” have been harassing his wife Angela, a trustee at Florida Atlantic University.

    In online messages, West—who was a highly decorated Army combat vet—seemed ready to declare war on those who’ve been attempting to intimidate his wife by “stalking” her, showing up at her office uninvited, and sending letters to her company.

    West’s advice: End it.

    “This is not a threat, it is a promise that if Angela calls and tells me of one more incident, you will face me, the side of me you do not want to see.”
    Here’s West’s full Facebook post on the matter, which has received more than 25,000 “likes” and counting since it went live around noon today:

    West laid down the law on Twitter as well:

    In response, a student filed a complaint with FAU police against West, claiming his online warnings made her feel “in danger.” Stephanie Rosendorf of the Florida College Democrats wrote the complaint, according to Raw Story. In it she stated:

    As students, we deserve to feel safe exercising our First Amendment rights to peacefully assemble and express our grievances with the University. These days you never know if a threat on social media is to be taken lightly, and in this case it certainly should not be. Allen West is making me feel in danger at school.

    In an email exchange, Rosendorf also told Raw Story that she fears some of West’s followers might react violently:

    As a student at FAU and a member of the community, I felt shocked and threatened to see Allen West’s comments. We as students should be able to exercise our First Amendment right to peacefully assemble without fear of violent retaliation from Allen West or any of his like-minded followers. I urge the University to take extra steps to ensure that Allen West is not allowed on or near our campus.
    Students have been protesting the board over a $6 million stadium-naming deal with private prison operator GEO Group. Angela Graham-West offered her view of the issue to New Times Broward Palm Beach:

    What is it called when you make someone feel afraid for their life? It’s called assault. Attempting to assault somebody through intimidation. After that happened, [discussions] were off the table. Stalking, intimidation, all that — it takes logical arguments off the table.
    If reactions to West’s defense of his better half are any indication, those who’ve been doing the alleged dirty work won’t get a seat at theirs any time soon:
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    Don't start a problem and there won't be a problem. I can't stand asshats that are shocked at a reaction to what they said or have done. I hope the fuckers have nightmares lol.


    • #3
      Pretty good contrast on two different ideologies. Leftist pussy contacts the school because they can't "express" their views. Tea Party guy will handle it himself. Says a lot.


      • #4
        West probably should have filed reports for harassment prior to making that statement. However, I don't blame him at all. I'd do the same, or worse. But I'm not in his high profile position, so I wouldn't get the publicized scrutiny that he is receiving.

        And LOL @ the pussy ass democrats. You poke a fucking bear, you're bound to get attacked.
        Originally posted by BradM
        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
        Originally posted by Leah
        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


        • #5
          That's the way the left nutjobs work. They harass someone under the "free speech" banner. Then they claim harassment and mental anguish when someone fire's back. I'm sure they will try to get West's wife kicked out of school and get West in trouble under the new violence against women act.

          I am so fed up with the leftist nutjobs. I guess I have finally come full circle. I was never a left/democrat (just left center), but was labelled as one on here because of some of my beliefs. Now, I can't stand those people and the way they are trying to destroy what is left of our society.

