Originally posted by slow06
Supreme Court ruling states only after the fetus is viable, capable of sustained survival outside the woman's body with or without artificial aid, may the states ban abortion altogether. Abortions necessary to preserve the woman's life or health must still be allowed, however, even after fetal viability.
Up until the fetus has viablility, as defined above, the fetus is co-opting the biological processes of the mother. The mother has no more legal, and in my opinion moral, obligation to provide those biological services than you have if you can provide a kidney or donate blood to someone who will die without it.
To put it simply... The fetus/baby has no right to the mother's body or biological processes.
Once the baby has reached a point in which is is viable, as seems to have been the situation in the Gosnell case, then I'd wholly agree with Forever Frost that it has become murder.