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Police DID know about Holmes being homicidal...

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  • Police DID know about Holmes being homicidal...

    In a revelation that may have Colorado voters rethinking their state’s push on gun control, court documents revealed that the mass shooting in Aurora that killed 12 and injured 70 more could have been prevented by law enforcement. The psychiatrist for suspect, James Holmes, had warned campus police that Holmes was dangerous and homicidal a month before the shooting took place. Lynne Fenton even told the police that Holmes had begun to stalk and threaten her, and yet no action was apparently taken:

    A University of Colorado psychiatrist told campus police a month before the Aurora movie theater attack that James Holmes had homicidal thoughts and was a public danger, according to records unsealed Thursday.

    Lynne Fenton, a psychiatrist at the Denver campus, told police that Holmes had also “threatened and harassed her via email/text messages” in June 2012. He is standing trial for the July 20 shooting rampage that killed 12 and injured 70 during a midnight premiere of the latest Batman movie. …

    Soon after the shooting, university police said they had not had any contact with Holmes, a graduate student doing neuroscience research. But a search warrant affidavit released Thursday revealed that an officer had told investigators that Fenton had contacted her to report “his danger to the public due to homicidal statements he had made.”

    In releasing the arrest and search warrant affidavits and other documents, District Judge Carlos Samour, the new judge overseeing the case, ruled that neither the prosecution nor defense had convinced him that making the files public would cause harm or that keeping them sealed would prevent harm.
    The prosecution had tried to keep these records sealed, and it’s not difficult to see why. (They can be viewed at KUSA’s website, where they were posted last night.) The narrative from political and law-enforcement leaders in Colorado has been that this could have been anyone with a gun who just flipped out, and a society without gun control cannot hope to stop it. But Holmes didn’t just flip out shortly before the murder, and police had ample warning of the danger he presented.

    Police have testified to having no contact with Holmes before the shooting. Why exactly was that? The complaint/warning from Fenton should have prompted police to make sure Holmes wasn’t a threat to Fenton, at the very least. Had they performed that standard follow-up — and remember, this was a mental health professional telling the police that her patient was both homicidal and threatening her specifically — the police might well have had Holmes in custody long before the shooting.

    Instead, this information has remained under seal while Colorado politicians insisted that it was the guns that created the unforeseen danger of mass murder. The new release destroys that narrative, and poses another question. If police in Colorado can’t be bothered to follow up on information from a psychiatrist that her patient has become homicidal, dangerous to the community, and has threatened her specifically, why bother passing gun laws at all?
    HotAir is the leading conservative blog for breaking news and commentary covering the Biden administration, politics, media, culture, and current elections.
    "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey

  • #2
    Wouldn't have furthered the agenda.
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • #3
      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
      Wouldn't have furthered the agenda.

      I think you overestimate what can probably be explained as simple incompetence.


      • #4
        he had a phsychiatrist which explains what he did. a phd idiot also fed my bro the same candies and it didnt turn out well. the same dr still practices medicine and should be locked up IMO. i witnessed what happens when those meds backfire unfortunately i didnt understand it at that time. i actually kinda feel bad for some of these people who go left after taking those meds. alot of them dont even realize what has happened till a week later when they come back to reality. be aware of what you take the side effects are life changing


        • #5
          Originally posted by QIK46 View Post
          he had a phsychiatrist which explains what he did. a phd idiot also fed my bro the same candies and it didnt turn out well. the same dr still practices medicine and should be locked up IMO. i witnessed what happens when those meds backfire unfortunately i didnt understand it at that time. i actually kinda feel bad for some of these people who go left after taking those meds. alot of them dont even realize what has happened till a week later when they come back to reality. be aware of what you take the side effects are life changing
          This is right on the money.
          Whos your Daddy?


          • #6
            exactly right about the meds and what they do.
            You are not yourself on those fucking things. Makes you homicidal or suicidal or both.
            Im just glad i went with door #2!
            May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
            Semper Fi


            • #7
              Yep, Depakote is a bad bad thing. It turned me into a monster until I got off of it despite my shrink's protests
              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


              • #8
                Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                Yep, Depakote is a bad bad thing. It turned me into a monster until I got off of it despite my shrink's protests
                on a different note, I think your signature is missing an H.
                May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                Semper Fi


                • #9
                  I don't have it turned on so I have no idea. Bah it's okay.
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                    Yep, Depakote is a bad bad thing. It turned me into a monster until I got off of it despite my shrink's protests
                    Yep. Me too.

                    I was once prescribed carbamazepine(Tegretol) for my anger issues. That was a truly fucked up experience. The Dr. told me my anger flare ups were consistent with a seizure, so this is the best plan.

                    The rage that happened after that shit was in my system for a couple months and I was cornered by a group of stupid motherfuckers being stupid motherfuckers was pretty fucked up.

                    That fucking Tegretol made me feel like my brain would switch on and off at random times. It was literally, like a switch that would leave the lights on for seconds, minutes, hell maybe even hours while my brain just fizzled. I would see people talking to me, I could hear tones, but the words weren't making sense. I would bet that if I had my right mind, I wouldn't have gotten cornered in the first place.

                    Oh well, 11 years now without anger management meds and I can keep my cool a helluva lot better than I ever could.


                    • #11
                      while this shit is horrible it is fascinating to read about


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Snatch Napkin View Post
                        Yep. Me too.

                        I was once prescribed carbamazepine(Tegretol) for my anger issues. That was a truly fucked up experience. The Dr. told me my anger flare ups were consistent with a seizure, so this is the best plan.

                        The rage that happened after that shit was in my system for a couple months and I was cornered by a group of stupid motherfuckers being stupid motherfuckers was pretty fucked up.

                        That fucking Tegretol made me feel like my brain would switch on and off at random times. It was literally, like a switch that would leave the lights on for seconds, minutes, hell maybe even hours while my brain just fizzled. I would see people talking to me, I could hear tones, but the words weren't making sense. I would bet that if I had my right mind, I wouldn't have gotten cornered in the first place.

                        Oh well, 11 years now without anger management meds and I can keep my cool a helluva lot better than I ever could.
                        I was on a hair fuse the whole time I was on it. I purposely picked lopsided fights just so I could mess people up and I did. A lot. When I drove someone through a wall into the duplex next door, after I calmed down, I decided to get off of it cold turkey. The Army told me if I cut it out and all the others completely, it'd kill me. At that point, I didn't care, I was tired of being angry. The depression sucked but I'm nowhere near as angry. I burned through 5 shrinks at the VA before I got this one who listens to what I say, understands my education in psychology and talks to me as an equal. I question medications, she informs me, gives options and my lithium keeps me on a fairly even keel. I can't go into crowds or deal with people but I don't see walls bleed anymore and don't have the rage issues as often.
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • #13
                          They cunt head shrinker I was seeing kept stacking on that shit after I would tell her I was suicidal. The main damned side effect was suicide ideation. I almost killed myself with a fucking keyhole saw.....ya know, those jagged teeth sheetrock saws? yeah....i was gonna basically remove a fuckin hand with that thing and thank you Jesus that the 1% of my brain still functioning properly said "dont fuckin do will really really hurt." When I finally got out of my old life, my parents got me off all of the pill bullshit and with their help and the help of the beautiful woman I married, all of the sudden I was back to my happy go lucky self!
                          May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                          Semper Fi


                          • #14
                            Sounds very familiar Jester
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                              Yep, Depakote is a bad bad thing. It turned me into a monster until I got off of it despite my shrink's protests
                              A neurologist had me taking 1500mg/day of Depakote for migraines. They worked for the migraines, but I just felt really "blah" the whole time I was taking it. No energy at all. No anger either, so that's good.
                              "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."

