Originally posted by bcoop
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You were fucking right. Romney is the best they came up with. A lot of them won't own up to it, but they were vehemently anti-Romney until it became readily apparent that he was the best the GOP had to offer. After that a switch was flipped and they became very pro-Romney, with little to no acknowledgement of their previous stance on him.
I made a pretty length post not terribly long after the election that said something to the effect of what you said: if the GOP caves on a few social issues (abortion and gay marriage, namely, along with not talking about immigration any more because none of them are on the same page), they'll gain more votes and power than they'll know what to do with.
Alas, you can't compromise at all according to the board because, as was so eloquently explained to me yesterday, if you compromise then you put closet liberals in power and they're going to run the country into the ground. It's not true, but even if it was, wouldn't you take the extra power with that risk as opposed to beating your head against a brick wall while watching your grasp on power in the Capitol fade away because you want to be able to say that you didn't compromise?
Small changes would lead to HUGE gains for the GOP. But as represented by her followers in here, spreading paranoid rhetoric and fear mongering is more important than actually doing something. I'm convinced they'd rather lose and bitch about things than have the burden of winning and trying to do something worthwhile. It's the same exact thing that plagued the Democrats under Bush until they got energized by the Obama campaign. Now they want to win again, and it's showing.