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School gets busted for Burqas

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    Click the link to watch the makers of CSCOPE admit they ran this shit thru the Texas school system for over 6 years without any over site.

    Maybe someone can embed it for me I tried that [S] tag link with no luck.
    Last edited by Woods Racing Transmission; 03-01-2013, 10:35 AM.


    • Originally posted by Woods Racing Transmission View Post

      Click the link to watch the makers of CSCOPE admit they ran this shit thru the Texas school system for over 6 years without any over site.

      Maybe someone can embed it for me I tried that [S] tag link with no luck.
      try youtube and /youtube in the brackets.

      Originally posted by Woods Racing Transmission View Post
      1) Texas retired Science Author Janice VanCleave who originally exposed Cscope for what it is has no intention of copying and competing against Cscope contrary to accusations by the owners of Cscope the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC), and other state employees who have bought into the lie. Ms. VanCleave who attempted to tutor some children in her local school district discovered the children had no text books was denied Cscope lessons to help tutor. Finding this lack of transparency unacceptable she began researching who and what was behind Cscope. We filed a Public Information Request (PIR) asking for financials and lessons to be disclosed. TESCCC then filed in protest with the Attorney General that Ms. VanCleave had an interest in competing against them. BIG LIE!!!

      2) Cscope lessons are not pro communist. The discovery of numerous Csocpe lessons that are pro communist is irrefutable Here are a few examples highlighting our findings. Communist Manifesto read by Texas Students, Students Climb Stair to Communism, Cscope views Communism a Success , New Communist Flag Drawn in Texas, Cscope’s ProCommunism

      3) Cscope is not Pro Islamic as claims TESCCC. Islam Propaganda, Road to Mecca, Islam, Women and Sex, Texas Students in Burqas, Islam in Texas Schools, Cscope says Allah is God,

      4) Cscope has always had a policy of being transparent. NOT AT ALL. They have even stooped so low as to have teachers sign a non disclosure statement that they would not release lessons or say anything negative about Cscope. The fact they Cscope has not allowed parents to view lessons is what led to the discovery of Cscope.

      5) Teachers love it and need it…. it provides specificity and rigor. (I am so sick of this progressive word, rigor.) GOOD TEACHERS HATE CSCOPE. The following is from a teacher about her experience with Cscope.
      Cool copy pasta bro. Have a thought of your own?

      ? ? 1) ?Texas retired ?Science Author Janice VanCleave who originally exposed Cscope for what it is has no intention of copying and competing against Cscope contrary to accusations by the…


      • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
        try youtube and /youtube in the brackets.

        Cool copy pasta bro. Have a thought of your own?
        No dice on the brackets.

        Never said I did not copy and paste it. But, yes I have many thoughts of my own.


        • Comment

          • Thanks, DallasSleeper


            • Originally posted by Woods Racing Transmission View Post
              No dice on the brackets.

              Never said I did not copy and paste it. But, yes I have many thoughts of my own.
              When you copy and paste someone else's work without citation and pass it off as your own, that's called plagiarism. You didn't say it wasn't your own work, and you didn't post the link where you got it from, so how would someone find out that it wasn't your work aside from googling the statements made in the post? Quit being lazy. If you can't be bothered to be honest about the sources of your material, what else did you just steal from someone else?


              • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                When you copy and paste someone else's work without citation and pass it off as your own, that's called plagiarism. You didn't say it wasn't your own work, and you didn't post the link where you got it from, so how would someone find out that it wasn't your work aside from googling the statements made in the post? Quit being lazy. If you can't be bothered to be honest about the sources of your material, what else did you just steal from someone else?
                Lucky for me I have anal fags like yo to call me out on it. Thanks!

                Now if you would like to discus the topic at hand fine, otherwise buzz off.


                • Originally posted by Woods Racing Transmission View Post
                  Lucky for me I have anal fags like yo to call me out on it. Thanks!

                  Now if you would like to discus the topic at hand fine, otherwise buzz off.
                  YOU can't even discuss the topic at hand. You're like a middle man of information. Why do you need to be here when I can get it straight from the source?


                  • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                    When you copy and paste someone else's work without citation and pass it off as your own, that's called plagiarism. You didn't say it wasn't your own work, and you didn't post the link where you got it from, so how would someone find out that it wasn't your work aside from googling the statements made in the post? Quit being lazy. If you can't be bothered to be honest about the sources of your material, what else did you just steal from someone else?
                    Give it a break, dude. This is a fuckin internet forum with casual conversion. Not a college essay. When you are sitting around in your circle jerk, talking to your pot smokin' buddies about gay porn, do you use citations a references?

                    I'm just kidding about the circle jerk stuff. Don't blow a gasket.


                    • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                      YOU can't even discuss the topic at hand. You're like a middle man of information. Why do you need to be here when I can get it straight from the source?
                      Same reason you put that gay ass video in you sig. so people will see it. Why do we even have this forum you know as well as I do all this shit is on the web somewhere in multiple forms.
                      BTW I was at that damn hearing so no I'm not the middle man on that one. Is it my video? No. At one point was I holding the camera? Yes.


                      • Originally posted by Woods Racing Transmission View Post
                        Same reason you put that gay ass video in you sig. so people will see it.
                        Why do we even have this forum you know as well as I do all this shit is on the web somewhere in multiple forms.
                        The difference being, even Frost cites his sources. He just doesn't copy paste and leave it at that. Had you posted a source, you wouldn't have fucked up.
                        BTW I was at that damn hearing so no I'm not the middle man on that one. Is it my video? No. At one point was I holding the camera? Yes.
                        Also irrelevant.


                        • Originally posted by racrguy View Post

                          The difference being, even Frost cites his sources. He just doesn't copy paste and leave it at that. Had you posted a source, you wouldn't have fucked up.

                          Also irrelevant.
                          Your irrelevant to the conversation and have proven it many times.


                          Thanks for playing.


                          • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                            YOU can't even discuss the topic at hand. You're like a middle man of information. Why do you need to be here when I can get it straight from the source?


                            • Originally posted by Woods Racing Transmission View Post
                              Your irrelevant to the conversation and have proven it many times.


                              Thanks for playing.
                              Originally posted by Woods Racing Transmission View Post
                              You are great at this game! Dolt.


                              • Originally posted by YALE View Post
                                No, dude. Alchemy isn't real, and getting elements to change in a particle accelerator, or nuclear reactor isn't alchemy. Astrology is also complete horseshit. The idea that the astrological sign I was born under is what determines my fate is idiotic, and I'm not going to wait for the perfect timing of the stars to make major decisions, either.
                                I said the study of it is real. As in, people study it. People also study astrology. I put no credence into it, but the study is real, there are people who live their lives in pursuit of it. You can't argue that the 'religion' as it were is not real. Just if there is anything behind it
                                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

