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School gets busted for Burqas
Originally posted by racrguy View Posttry youtube and /youtube in the brackets.
Cool copy pasta bro. Have a thought of your own?
Never said I did not copy and paste it. But, yes I have many thoughts of my own.
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Originally posted by Woods Racing Transmission View Post[S][S]
Click the link to watch the makers of CSCOPE admit they ran this shit thru the Texas school system for over 6 years without any over site.
Maybe someone can embed it for me I tried that [S] tag link with no luck.
Originally posted by Woods Racing Transmission View Post1) Texas retired Science Author Janice VanCleave who originally exposed Cscope for what it is has no intention of copying and competing against Cscope contrary to accusations by the owners of Cscope the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC), and other state employees who have bought into the lie. Ms. VanCleave who attempted to tutor some children in her local school district discovered the children had no text books was denied Cscope lessons to help tutor. Finding this lack of transparency unacceptable she began researching who and what was behind Cscope. We filed a Public Information Request (PIR) asking for financials and lessons to be disclosed. TESCCC then filed in protest with the Attorney General that Ms. VanCleave had an interest in competing against them. BIG LIE!!!
2) Cscope lessons are not pro communist. The discovery of numerous Csocpe lessons that are pro communist is irrefutable Here are a few examples highlighting our findings. Communist Manifesto read by Texas Students, Students Climb Stair to Communism, Cscope views Communism a Success , New Communist Flag Drawn in Texas, Cscope’s ProCommunism
3) Cscope is not Pro Islamic as claims TESCCC. Islam Propaganda, Road to Mecca, Islam, Women and Sex, Texas Students in Burqas, Islam in Texas Schools, Cscope says Allah is God,
4) Cscope has always had a policy of being transparent. NOT AT ALL. They have even stooped so low as to have teachers sign a non disclosure statement that they would not release lessons or say anything negative about Cscope. The fact they Cscope has not allowed parents to view lessons is what led to the discovery of Cscope.
5) Teachers love it and need it…. it provides specificity and rigor. (I am so sick of this progressive word, rigor.) GOOD TEACHERS HATE CSCOPE. The following is from a teacher about her experience with Cscope.
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Click the link to watch the makers of CSCOPE admit they ran this shit thru the Texas school system for over 6 years without any over site.
Maybe someone can embed it for me I tried that [S] tag link with no luck.Last edited by Woods Racing Transmission; 03-01-2013, 10:35 AM.
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My daughter is over the chemistry/science department of a high school, and she says it's all the other teachers talk about. It doesn't affect her subjects so much, but she hears about it constantly.
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A few CSCOPE lies
1) Texas retired Science Author Janice VanCleave who originally exposed Cscope for what it is has no intention of copying and competing against Cscope contrary to accusations by the owners of Cscope the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC), and other state employees who have bought into the lie. Ms. VanCleave who attempted to tutor some children in her local school district discovered the children had no text books was denied Cscope lessons to help tutor. Finding this lack of transparency unacceptable she began researching who and what was behind Cscope. We filed a Public Information Request (PIR) asking for financials and lessons to be disclosed. TESCCC then filed in protest with the Attorney General that Ms. VanCleave had an interest in competing against them. BIG LIE!!!
2) Cscope lessons are not pro communist. The discovery of numerous Csocpe lessons that are pro communist is irrefutable Here are a few examples highlighting our findings. Communist Manifesto read by Texas Students, Students Climb Stair to Communism, Cscope views Communism a Success , New Communist Flag Drawn in Texas, Cscope’s ProCommunism
3) Cscope is not Pro Islamic as claims TESCCC. Islam Propaganda, Road to Mecca, Islam, Women and Sex, Texas Students in Burqas, Islam in Texas Schools, Cscope says Allah is God,
4) Cscope has always had a policy of being transparent. NOT AT ALL. They have even stooped so low as to have teachers sign a non disclosure statement that they would not release lessons or say anything negative about Cscope. The fact they Cscope has not allowed parents to view lessons is what led to the discovery of Cscope.
5) Teachers love it and need it…. it provides specificity and rigor. (I am so sick of this progressive word, rigor.) GOOD TEACHERS HATE CSCOPE. The following is from a teacher about her experience with Cscope.
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Originally posted by Kimmypie View PostYou guys are both right.
I think the SBoE sucks because they decide what legally has to be taught. These idiots aren't in education & generally have no background in education. they don't know anything about educational theories or about teaching kids in poverty. They think its one size fits all Highland Park in TX. It's laughable.
I also think that teachers should write the curriculum for their districts instead of buying it pre packaged. I used to write curriculum & assessments in my district and we wrote them so that even a first year teacher could teach the lessons. C-SCOPE is confusing as hell even for veteran teachers. Mostly my cohort & I ignore C-SCOPE & teach our own lessons. My principal doesn't care since we kick ass at what we do.
Either way, pre packaged or teacher written the TEKS legally have to be followed, so it really does point directly back to the SBoE.
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Originally posted by Kimmypie View PostSo, back to C-SCOPE. My district uses it. I mostly hate the pacing of the lessons. How the fuck am I supposed to teach Colonization & Geography in 2 weeks? That's some bullshit right there. But, I digress...
Who in here has access to C-SCOPE? If you are able to look at it you will see that everything that's in it is based on the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills). There's where the damn problem is. When people are placed on a committee to decide what the kids of a state learn, they really shouldn't be politically or religiously motivated. However they are. They are appointed by politicians & actually lobby to be on the committee. The lessons are ok for the most part, but some are squirrelly. That's the down fall of a purchased, pre written curriculum. Our curriculum was much stronger when it was written by teachers who actually teach the subject. Apparently, it's cheaper to pay for C-SCOPE than to pay us to rewrite the curriculum since the morons in Austin changed the TEKS in the last few years.
You are welcome to resume your arguing about religion now.
Kimmy I have some people working on getting me a password so I can view the curriculum. I have a few bootleg copies. I can tell you from my limited access to it the biggest problem is that what the students are given rarely matches up to what the teacher has. It is even worse when you get into an AP class.
For teacher like yourself that have years of experience and knowledge from writing curriculum CSCOPE has a limited effect. Now take a teacher that is fresh out of college and you have a big problem. They tend to use it lock stock and barrel, this is when you start seeing the system fall apart and the kids are getting the raw end of the deal.
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Originally posted by racrguy View PostTo an extent I do. The biggest difference being that America has changed its laws and Constitution when it realized what it was doing was wrong. Christians just decided to ignore what they've done or point the finger at the bigger badder kid in the room in attempts to shift the attention of scrutiny onto the other groups. Or they just pulled a Catholic church and actively impede investigations into its wrongdoings by investigators.
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Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostActually, you're not arguing if what they believe exists but rather that their religion doesn't. Study of Alchemy? Real. Actually getting results outside of a nuclear reactor? Not so much. Astrology? Same.
All of them exist. You can argue as to the basis of the religion but not that the religion exists
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People you may laugh right now, but Islamification is taking over the world like a plague.
You better act fast and kick them out or make them bite the curb.
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You guys are both right.
I think the SBoE sucks because they decide what legally has to be taught. These idiots aren't in education & generally have no background in education. they don't know anything about educational theories or about teaching kids in poverty. They think its one size fits all Highland Park in TX. It's laughable.
I also think that teachers should write the curriculum for their districts instead of buying it pre packaged. I used to write curriculum & assessments in my district and we wrote them so that even a first year teacher could teach the lessons. C-SCOPE is confusing as hell even for veteran teachers. Mostly my cohort & I ignore C-SCOPE & teach our own lessons. My principal doesn't care since we kick ass at what we do.
Either way, pre packaged or teacher written the TEKS legally have to be followed, so it really does point directly back to the SBoE.
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Originally posted by Maddhattter View PostI think she was putting the problem more on the state board of education, rather than the teachers. Especially considering that the SBoE is not comprised of teachers.
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I believe in god and I believe all religion should not be allowed in school. Isn't that what Sunday school and church is for?
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