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What a dog-rocket of biblical proportions!!

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  • Originally posted by talisman View Post
    Coast Guard could kick all of y'alls asses.
    True dat.
    Originally posted by MR EDD
    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


    • For those not in the know
      REMF = rear echelon mother fuckers

      My boss now is a former Marine Capt. young at 34 and has led Marines into combat numerous times and worked in PSD for a few years. The guy is switched on as it gets. He has working for him folks that are former SF and we just had this exact conversation earlier today. There is a massive difference between the tech we have who is 24 and a former Marine and the massively educated, skilled, schooled Special Forces retiree who we pay as a senior Manager. Can you guess which one gets the work done and takes direction without complaining? Sad thing is, the salary gap is $100k.
      Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


      • Originally posted by talisman View Post
        Coast Guard could kick all of y'alls asses in a race to the chow hall.
        no doubt.
        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


        • Originally posted by exlude View Post
          lol, okay.
          this isnt a macho thing. The fucking Army was falling out like they were hit with bullets. it was a pathetic site. When we stood up and introduced ourselves in class at MOS school, every single Army person said they joined for the college money. Every Marine said he joined to kill.

          Fucking ask anyone with half a brain who they want covering their ass in a firefight.....a platoon of Army folk or Marines.

          Just take a look at the PT tests for both and also the rifle qual. I had a lot of buddies while at Fort Lee, Virginia that were Army dogs and every damned one of them told me they were "going" to be a Marine but they -insert excuse". The Army makes excuses, the Marines make confirmed kills.
          May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
          Semper Fi


          • There are some very well trained and excellent Army dogs, but for the most part, they are a fucking joke and I would lmfao if they were the enemy because we would slaughter them and get back to chow and playing cards. The overwhelming force that we would bring to them would make the majority drop their rifles and start crying. Their is a reason the Marine Corps are called Devil Dogs. The Army has the better equipment because they have to. Their soldiers fucking suck, so make sure they get good shit to help them come back. Marines take old worn out gear and fucking kill everything they see.

            I am not alone in this thinking. Hell, read Chris Kyle's book and see who he constantly was kicking ass wasnt the Army.

            I have the utmost respect for Army Special Forces, but the regular pukes are a joke.
            May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
            Semper Fi


            • Eat....all that you can the Arrrrrrrrmy.
              May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
              Semper Fi


              • I can't get over PT gear in the chow hall. I get it if it were a fucking tent and you are in PT gear from filling sand bags all day. But I spent my first 2 years here in Camp Phoenix. Nice place, no sandbags and the chow hall was one of the best around. You would see the same troops day in day out eat all three meals in PT gear. Like they lost their ACUs or something.
                Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                • Originally posted by Jester View Post
                  this isnt a macho thing. The fucking Army was falling out like they were hit with bullets. it was a pathetic site. When we stood up and introduced ourselves in class at MOS school, every single Army person said they joined for the college money. Every Marine said he joined to kill.

                  Fucking ask anyone with half a brain who they want covering their ass in a firefight.....a platoon of Army folk or Marines.

                  Just take a look at the PT tests for both and also the rifle qual. I had a lot of buddies while at Fort Lee, Virginia that were Army dogs and every damned one of them told me they were "going" to be a Marine but they -insert excuse". The Army makes excuses, the Marines make confirmed kills.
                  I'm pretty sure the Marines eat the fat ones. During a run in Kuwait my team was doing a slow and "let's do a loop around back to the tent" 5 mile run and we got passed by someone in a pony tail and a pro mask. Boots, pants, brown T shirt moving like there was no tomorrow. She passed us and then 15 minutes later passed us on the way back. Chick Marine. She offered me a Coke when we got back to the chow hall but hell no. Even hot, chick Marines are scary creatures
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                    I can't get over PT gear in the chow hall. I get it if it were a fucking tent and you are in PT gear from filling sand bags all day. But I spent my first 2 years here in Camp Phoenix. Nice place, no sandbags and the chow hall was one of the best around. You would see the same troops day in day out eat all three meals in PT gear. Like they lost their ACUs or something.
                    This is one thing I never understood either. If I recall right, when I first went to OEF, the -military- never wore anything but BDUs (ACUs I guess they are called now). Shortly afterwards, I went into OIF and that's where I first saw it. It's a war zone for crying out loud.

                    Hell, I saw them running details picking up trash...etc. If in a war you have extra time, sleep or do something. Don't have troops doing stupid details.

                    I'm out of the debate (usually avoid them, cause I'm not changing my mind and vice versa).
                    Originally posted by MR EDD
                    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                    • Originally posted by Jester View Post
                      this isnt a macho thing. The fucking Army was falling out like they were hit with bullets. it was a pathetic site. When we stood up and introduced ourselves in class at MOS school, every single Army person said they joined for the college money. Every Marine said he joined to kill.

                      Fucking ask anyone with half a brain who they want covering their ass in a firefight.....a platoon of Army folk or Marines.

                      Just take a look at the PT tests for both and also the rifle qual. I had a lot of buddies while at Fort Lee, Virginia that were Army dogs and every damned one of them told me they were "going" to be a Marine but they -insert excuse". The Army makes excuses, the Marines make confirmed kills.
                      Maybe not macho, but it's nothing but bravado. No one is doubting that Marines, in delusions of grandeur, are legends in their own minds. You're (collective) claiming that most Soldiers wanted to be Marines first, all only joined for the college money, Marines only join to kill, and further bullshit completely out of line with reality but in lock step with Marine delusion.

                      I've fought along side Marines, I've helped Marine units, and for all your lore and hype, you fight just the fucking same as the rest of us. I'll take the cav scouts over the damned marines simply because they're not so egomaniacal as to constantly underestimate the enemy.


                      • Originally posted by Jester View Post
                        There are some very well trained and excellent Army dogs, but for the most part, they are a fucking joke and I would lmfao if they were the enemy because we would slaughter them and get back to chow and playing cards. The overwhelming force that we would bring to them would make the majority drop their rifles and start crying. Their is a reason the Marine Corps are called Devil Dogs. The Army has the better equipment because they have to. Their soldiers fucking suck, so make sure they get good shit to help them come back. Marines take old worn out gear and fucking kill everything they see.

                        I am not alone in this thinking. Hell, read Chris Kyle's book and see who he constantly was kicking ass wasnt the Army.

                        I have the utmost respect for Army Special Forces, but the regular pukes are a joke.
                        You contradict yourself in your own post. As I said, nothing but bravado.


                        • Originally posted by exlude View Post
                          Maybe not macho, but it's nothing but bravado. No one is doubting that Marines, in delusions of grandeur, are legends in their own minds. You're (collective) claiming that most Soldiers wanted to be Marines first, all only joined for the college money, Marines only join to kill, and further bullshit completely out of line with reality but in lock step with Marine delusion.

                          I've fought along side Marines, I've helped Marine units, and for all your lore and hype, you fight just the fucking same as the rest of us. I'll take the cav scouts over the damned marines simply because they're not so egomaniacal as to constantly underestimate the enemy.
                          Every single army dog in the class(about 30 men and women) literally said they joined for the college money. Every single one. And all 4 of us devil dogs in the class introduced ourselves and all said we joined to kill.

                          You want to talk delusional? comparing a Marine grunt to an Army soldier as being equal is delusional.

                          And in closing, it is hard to be humble when you are this damned good.
                          May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                          Semper Fi


                          • I'm willing to compare my training as an infantryman to a Marine. I will fuck shit up with a TOW ITAS or a Mk 19
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • Originally posted by Jester View Post
                              You want to talk delusional? comparing a Marine grunt to an Army soldier as being equal is delusional.
                              I didn't say they were equal. Soldiers tend to have a far more rational prospective and grasp on reality.

