Honestly, if you're not going to require proof of citizenship (or even proof of identity) at the time of voting, then what does it even fucking matter?
You think this was an accident or unintentional on the part of Dems? Sounds like the Republicans need to be doing a little more of this themselves if they want to get their people elected. Coordinate it. Drop off as many people to as many polling places as they can, have them give as many identities as they can think of, vote as many times as they can until someone drags them out of the fucking booth. This tactic seems to be working well for the Dems.
You think this was an accident or unintentional on the part of Dems? Sounds like the Republicans need to be doing a little more of this themselves if they want to get their people elected. Coordinate it. Drop off as many people to as many polling places as they can, have them give as many identities as they can think of, vote as many times as they can until someone drags them out of the fucking booth. This tactic seems to be working well for the Dems.