Originally posted by Forever_frost
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Evidently, you CAN push someone too far
Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostThis isn't an answer. If he's a domestic terrorist, what are the officers who have injured more people than he has? Strictly from a definition standpoint because I want to make sure we're discussing this with a similar understanding of terms
Thought his take on firearms was interesting:
If you had a well regulated AWB, this would not happen. The time is now to reinstitute a ban that will save lives. Why does any sportsman need a 30 round magazine for hunting? Why does anyone need a suppressor? Why does anyone need a AR15 rifle? This is the same small arms weapons system utilized in eradicating Al Qaeda, Taliban, and every enemy combatant since the Vietnam war. Don't give me that crap that its not a select fire or full auto rifle like the DoD uses. That's bullshit because troops who carry the M-4/M-16 weapon system for combat ops outside the wire rarely utilize the select fire function when in contact with enemy combatants. The use of select fire probably isn't even 1% in combat. So in essence, the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle is the same as the M-4/M-16. These do not need to be purchased as easily as walking to your local Walmart or striking the enter key on your keyboard to "add to cart". All the firearms utilized in my activities are registered to me and were legally purchased at gun stores and private party transfers. All concealable weapons (pistols) were also legally register in my name at police stations or FFL's. Unfortunately, are you aware that I obtained class III weapons (suppressors) without a background check thru NICS or DROS completely LEGALLY several times? I was able to use a trust account that I created on quicken will maker and a $10 notary charge at a mailbox etc. to obtain them legally. Granted, I am not a felon, nor have a DV misdemeanor conviction or active TRO against me on a NCIC file. I can buy any firearm I want, but should I be able to purchase these class III weapons (SBR's, and suppressors) without a background check and just a $10 notary signature on a quicken will maker program? The answer is NO. I'm not even a resident of the state i purchased them in. Lock n Load just wanted money so they allow you to purchase class III weapons with just a notarized trust, military ID.
Shame on you, Lock n Load. NFA and ATF need new laws and policies that do not allow loopholes such as this. In the end, I hope that you will realize that the small arms I utilize should not be accessed with the ease that I obtained them. Who in there right mind needs a fucking silencer!!! who needs a freaking SBR AR15? No one. No more Virginia Tech, Columbine HS, Wisconsin temple, Aurora theatre, Portland malls, Tucson rally, Newtown Sandy Hook. Whether by executive order or thru a bi-partisan congress an assault weapons ban needs to be re-instituted. Period!!!
Mia Farrow said it best. "Gun control is no longer debatable, it's not a conversation, its a moral mandate."
LAPD to reopen Dorner's dismissal case.
Police Chief Charlie Beck said he was reopening the case against Christopher J. Dorner to prove the department’s transparency, given its history of racism and corruption.
Originally posted by NY TimesLOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Police Department will reopen its investigation into the 2007 episode that led to the firing of Christopher J. Dorner, the former police officer who is wanted in three killings, department officials said Saturday night.
Mr. Dorner pledged revenge against Los Angeles police officers in a manifesto he posted online, in which he also claimed that racism in the department had led to his dismissal. He is wanted in connection with the killing of a former police captain’s daughter and her fiancé last Sunday and the shooting death of a Riverside, Calif., police officer on Thursday morning.
“I am aware of the ghosts of the L.A.P.D.’s past and one of my biggest concerns is that they will be resurrected by Dorner’s allegations of racism within the department,” Chief Charlie Beck said in a written statement.
“Therefore, I feel we need to also publicly address Dorner’s allegations regarding his termination,” he said. “I do this not to appease a murderer. I do it to reassure the public that their Police Department is transparent and fair in all the things we do.”
The killings and Mr. Dorner’s online manifesto have reopened old wounds for some black residents here, even as they condemned the violence. For decades, the Los Angeles Police Department was known nationwide for racism and corruption. And memories are still fresh of the riots in 1992 that followed the beating of a black man, Rodney King, by white police officers. The beating was caught on videotape and broadcast around the country.
In explaining why he chose to reopen Mr. Dorner’s case, Chief Beck acknowledged his department’s difficult history.
“The Los Angeles Police Department has made tremendous strides in gaining the trust and confidence of the people we serve,” he said in his statement, and he conceded that “Dorner’s actions may cause a pause in our increasingly positive relationship with the community.”
Mr. Dorner, who joined the Police Department in 2005, was fired in 2008 for giving false statements, after he accused his training officer of kicking a suspect. He sued the department for wrongful termination, and lost at trial and again on appeal.
The decision to review Mr. Dorner’s termination marks a reversal from the tone Chief Beck struck just two days ago, when he was asked about Dorner’s allegations of racism at a news conference on Thursday.
“You’re talking about a homicide suspect who has committed atrocious crimes,” he said. “If you want to give any attribution to his ramblings on the Internet, go right ahead. But I do not.”
Asked about Mr. Dorner’s efforts to clear his name, Chief Beck said, point blank, “It’s not going to happen.”
Joe Domanick, at professor at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg Institute for Justice and Journalism, and author of “To Protect and To Serve,” a history Los Angeles Police Department, said that Chief’s Beck, and his predecessor as police chief, William Bratton, had gone a long way toward repairing relations with the black and Latino communities in Los Angeles.
But, he added, “old suspicions die hard.”
“The history of the L.A.P.D. with the African-American community has been so fraught with mistrust and abuse and hatred on both sides,” Mr. Domanick said. “Charlie Beck is a very savvy guy, who really understands community relations and community policing. Right now, it’s in his interest to quell these rumors.”
An episode on Thursday morning, in which two women delivering newspapers in Torrance, Calif., were shot by Los Angeles police officers who mistook their vehicle for Mr. Dorner’s pickup truck, made the need for Chief Beck to reach out to the community even great, Mr. Domanick said.
Police officials here also announced on Saturday the formation of a task force, which will bring together officers from Los Angeles, Irvine, and Riverside, as well as the F.B.I., the United States Marshal Service and other agencies, in the continuing hunt for Mr. Dorner.
Emma Hernandez, 71, who was struck by two bullets in her back, was released from the hospital Friday night, according to her lawyer. Her daughter, Margie Carranza, 47, also suffered an wound on her hand.
Their lawyer, Glen T. Jonas, said their pickup truck was hit with dozens of rounds, though he could not confirm exactly how many. Los Angeles police officers were investigating the shooting, officials said, and would not release details.
The manhunt for Mr. Dorner has already taken law enforcement officers from dozens of agencies from San Diego to Nevada to Riverside.
Border Patrol agents were searching cars crossing into Mexico, while officers headed back into the snowy woods Saturday morning to resume the search for Mr. Dorner.
Originally posted by SS Junk View PostHow do you know "he's shot fewer innocents than the police..."?
His targets are planned. Cops are opening fire on people who have no ties to anything, aren't driving anything close to the target truck and are using excessive force to show...that they don't use excessive force.
Do you have reports of him shooting any others that I am unaware of?I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool
Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostIt looks like the Chief is having to go back through the case publicly because of the actions of his officers. They of course, won't find wrong doing but you have to admire the CYA
Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostNot aware of anyone else without a badge he's shot at or shot.
Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostActually, he's shot fewer innocents than the police.
Originally posted by SS Junk View PostExactly, which is why you can't make statements like:
That is my point. You can't use that in an argument when you have no clue what kind of cop he was.I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool
Originally posted by Sgt Beavis View PostPlain and simple, the dude is a damn murderer. I do not see any real justification for his actions. He deserves no quarter from anyone on this board.
However, you can definitely sense frustration from many members of this board. I think the LAPD is finding few sympathizers in this drama. That lack of support is of their own doing.
Yes, he's a murderer. And no, he should receive no quarter. That said, he is striking out against the perceived injustice(s) in the only manner that he has available. Again, those people shouldn't have been killed, I do not support their loss of life. But, I understand why he did it, wish he had been able to find a more appropriate target. Maybe a mediator would have been able to more appropriately get his point across!
And oh the irony of a libtard being the one to do the unspeakable. Just as in so many of the other shootings, it was a lib that did it.
And fuck the crooked police and governmental agencies. It is these very people that have brought our society to such a crossroad as this. And that is the biggest shame here, that our 'protectors' have allowed themselves to be so absolutely corrupted that any of these conversations that are occurring with more and more regularity is the real tragedy.
Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostI'm using available information. Do you have conflicting information?