They keep talking about his truck that he burned had a broken axle, this is the first I heard that. If true then that clears up a lot of things in my mind.
Not saying that it wasn't broken by the tow...but I remember reading several years ago on another board about MASSIVE problems with the rear axles on Nissan Titans that Nissan refused to acknowledge...possibly even a class-action lawsuit about the issues.....Maybe Dorner's axle broke at a very inconvenient time for him...he should have bought an AMERICAN truck
I never understood why he would leave his truck and torch it unless he wanted them looking in that area. If it broke down on him then that makes a little sense. I honestly figured it was bait to keep them fixated and that he was actually still in LA waiting for things to die down so he could hit them again.
I was telling coworkers i bet at a minimum he's pulled the gas lines for the appliances in the house.. but im sure the swat group is working on killing gas/electricity/etc to the house.. they'll toss him a bag phone and if that doesn't work they'll just level the place.