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Army Slides Show Cuts to Readiness, Support, Reset

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  • Army Slides Show Cuts to Readiness, Support, Reset

    A set of Army briefing slides outlining the devastating effects of Sequestration has mysteriously surfaced and is circulating the Web just two days before senior leaders are scheduled to present them to the White House.

    “Effects of FY13 Fiscal Uncertainty on Army OMA Accounts” lays out the potential funding cuts to the service operations and maintenance efforts.

    The Pentagon is facing $5.3 billion in Sequestration cuts in March if Congress cannot find a way to prevent the mandatory spending reductions. All of the services will likely have to furlough hundreds of thousands of workers, cut back on contractor logistics support, freeze sustainment of thousands of vehicles and other equipment and gut training.

    The services are scheduled to present their plans to the White House on Friday. Here are the highlights of potential financial impacts of Sequestration and other shortfalls the Army is facing in the coming months:

    – Only deploying units in Afghanistan, Korea and the division ready brigade will be allowed to conduct readiness training. All other units will conduct collective small unit training in first part of fiscal 2014. That means 78 percent of non-deploying brigade combat teams will be ill-prepared for future contingency operations.

    – Interrupts timeline for pulling vehicles and equipment out of Afghanistan and delays reset of $20 billion in post war equipment needed for future operations.

    – No new depot maintenance orders issued beyond January. This could affect units in Alaska, Georgia, Hawaii, Colorado, Kentucky, Louisiana, New York and North Carolina and delay the repair and reset of 1,300 tactical vehicles, 14,000 radios and 17,000 weapons.

    – 250,000 Army civilians would be furloughed for up to 22 days.

    – 5,000 contract, temporary and term employees would be released.

    – 21 of the Army’s 26 major acquisition priorities could incur significant Nunn-McCurdy breaches, affecting 300 contractors and 1000 suppliers in 40 states.

    – $2.5 billion worth of contractor logistics support would be unfunded, impacting counter improvised explosive device operations, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and aviation operations.

    The slides also state that the Army “will not compromise” on $25 billion war spending. This includes $1.3 billion in “critical family programs.

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    The DOD spent over $700 billion in 2012. I don't think the sky will fall. Who knows if that $5B is actually coming out of a planned increase for '13. I wouldn't begin with our military, but it is going to happen sooner or later. Now lets make move to the next department.


    • #3
      You do realize that currently we have troops training running around yelling "bang" right?
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #4
        There undoubtedly needs to be cuts to defense. Anyone in the industry is going to lobby against it with scare tactics. The hard thing is cutting the spending in the right areas.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          You do realize that currently we have troops training running around yelling "bang" right?
          And that is because the money we put in defense is wasted on bullshit. It isn't because we don't allocate enough. Place the blame where it belongs, on the Pentagon.
          Originally posted by racrguy
          What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
          Originally posted by racrguy
          Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
            And that is because the money we put in defense is wasted on bullshit. It isn't because we don't allocate enough. Place the blame where it belongs, on the Pentagon.
            He also failed to mention they train in high end Bradley and LAV simulators, HEAT trainers, virtsim virtual reality immersion trainers, live fires at other times. But it only suits his argument to throw out the one lopsided claim.


            • #7
              I've done lots of "butta butta jam!" training haha. Even when the war was in full swing.

              Our stuff looks similar. The Navy sent out a message saying ALL training for units that weren't deployed or about to deploy would cease. No training for pilots and what not only operational missions.
              2004 Suzuki DL650
              1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                He also failed to mention they train in high end Bradley and LAV simulators, HEAT trainers, virtsim virtual reality immersion trainers, live fires at other times. But it only suits his argument to throw out the one lopsided claim.
                Actually, we didn't. We had our Bradleys out in the field where they tended to sit quite a bit. They also weren't given rounds because of costs. Virtuality reality immersion trainers? Yeah, not us. Not at Hood or Korea when I was there. Live fires? I think we did that once in 4 years. You want to talk about our 'high speed training?' MILES.

                Miles is pretty much a heavy, bulky laser tag system. We brought our own 9 volts, the systems often didn't work and you could stand on the other side of a bush while a tank fired it's 'main gun' at you and be perfectly safe. They're useless.

                In related news, the Navy said they're down to 1 carrier in the Gulf, Pentagon says thousands of weapons, vehicles and radios won't be worked on, rotations in and out of theaters are pretty much fucked up and they're now extending benefits to same sex partners.

                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                • #9
                  We had this happen under Clinton, went to the field for 4 weeks with our tanks but had no fuel so we sat for a month starting our tanks 2 times a day just to charge batteries. No money for fuel, blanks, or even batteries for our miles.

                  We did have basic simulators and were required to do certain hours per week in them but that was routine all 16 years I was in. The air conditioned simulators are a good tool for what they are (video game) Nothing beats getting out in the field and shooting, and moving against other soldiers


                  • #10
                    We've been running around yelling "bang-bang" for decades and it isn't because the poor old Pentagon couldn't afford to buy blanks. We can almost all agree the country has a spending problem and a significant portion of that problem is military spending. You and anyone else in the military know first hand the one thing they are great at is wasting money. There is plenty of fat to be trimmed and they better get used to it. This article is nothing more than scare piece intended to make people think the brown boogieman is going to come kill your babies if we cut a penny from the DOD budget.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jw33 View Post
                      We've been running around yelling "bang-bang" for decades and it isn't because the poor old Pentagon couldn't afford to buy blanks. We can almost all agree the country has a spending problem and a significant portion of that problem is military spending. You and anyone else in the military know first hand the one thing they are great at is wasting money. There is plenty of fat to be trimmed and they better get used to it. This article is nothing more than scare piece intended to make people think the brown boogieman is going to come kill your babies if we cut a penny from the DOD budget.
                      Exactly. And if people like frost would be honest about it, it would be easier to address the real problem. Instead they point to fabricated issues.

                      Frost I've been in all of the trainer I just mentioned at different bases around the US. There are a lot out there. What you're doing now (taking an extreme and highly limited samplers represent the reason for change) is no different than what libs are doing with gun control. Seriously sit back and think about it. You know theres ungodly amounts of waste.


                      • #12
                        You guys are right about spending problems, EVERY unit I was in would rat hole every cent in their budget until September. Then they would make sure every penny was spent before the end of the month. All kinds of stupid shit would be bought at this time. I was in one unit where in Sept. They ordered a gerber for every soldier. They did this because if there was surplus on October 1st then the units budget was cut by that amount for the next year.

                        That is just one example, I have seen a full bird Col. have to go explain why his unit sent 6 soldiers on a chartered 747 from Ft. Hood to NTC when he still had hundreds of soldiers that needed to fly out there. Yes there is ridiculous spending that should be controlled. But to cut money for training is honestly treasonous. Waste Fraud and Abuse should be punished harshly, it is criminal. But you can not expect our military to not train either.


                        • #13
                          Part of the problem with this country is everyone wants their favorite program to stay funded.

                          I say bullshit, cut it all.
                          Originally posted by racrguy
                          What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                          Originally posted by racrguy
                          Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                          • #14
                            You're right DS and I'm not saying crazy shit doesn't happen. I'm saying that this is how we trained and what happened to us. That's 1st Cav at Ft. Hood with the infantry guys. It's also how the 506th trained at Camp Greaves in Korea.

                            Before one dime is cut from defense, according to the constitution, you must cut everything else that isn't enumerated. I'm not saying there is nothing to cut, I'm saying that taking 1/2 a trillion from defense while expecting to maintain readiness while refusing to take money anywhere else is seriously dangerous.
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • #15
                              I agree with everyone in this thread on one level or another. My question is what other budget cuts are happening?

                              I've always contended that we're all going to hurt in one way or another if we want to stand a chance at getting out of deficit. However, Dems (I was Clinton Army) always seem to want to focus on defense spending and tend to gloss over all the other crap.
                              Originally posted by MR EDD
                              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.

